
  • 网络对象管理组织(Object Management Group);我的天啊(oh my god)



对象管理组织(Object Management Group)

对象管理组织OMG)的网站上阅读 UML 规范,其中包括完整的 UML 元模型。 同样在 OMG 网站上可以找到 XMI 规范, …

我的天啊(oh my god)

玩美服游戏的常用英文缩略语 ... np 没问题 omg 我的天啊 pc 询问价格 ...

Naomi: (OMG). Hey Judie! I know it's been a while, I think the last time we met was at last summer's Fashion week in Paris? 嗨,朱迪,真的有好久没有见到你了,上次见面还是去年夏天的巴黎时装周吧!
Omg, The queen looked so happy and energetic, Paul McCartney is not the least bit boring and is so current and cool! 天哪,女王看起来又开心又有活力,保罗·麦卡特尼一点都不无聊,又酷又时尚!
OMG! Today is such a beautiful day! I can't wait to get out there! There are so many things to do! So many places to see! 今天太棒了,有很多事情想做,有很多地方想看看,我等不及要出门了。
With all that out of the way, you should understand that an OMG IDL char is an 8-bit quantity that can represent a character in two ways. 解决了所有问题后,您应该知道OMGIDLchar是一个8位变量,可以用两种方法表示一个字符。
An older omg intimidconsumedd the little children when he took their lunch money. 一个年龄大一点的男孩威胁那些小孩子,并且抢走了他们的午饭钱。
The challenge for the OMG IDL developers was to create a set of array types that would easily map to the language implementations. OMGIDL开发者面临的挑战是创建一组数组类型,它可以轻易地被映射到实现语言中。
For this very reason, the OMG said it will initiate branding services in the form of a test suite set administered by the Open Group. 正是由于这个原因,OMG说,它将开始以由该开放团体管理的一组测试为形式的品牌服务。
OMG give me a break! Why do I always have to see ppl comparing Mumbai with Shanghai? 天哪,省省吧,为什么我总是看到有人把孟买和上海相提并论啊!
Say, "OMG, stop undressing me with your eyes. " 告诉她“天哪,不要用你的眼神透视我”
The OMG does not require a reference implementation for a specification to be adopted. OMG没有要求规范的参考实现被采纳。
This may or may not be true with OMG IDL depending upon the language mapping for your implementation language. 对于OMGIDL,也许是这样,也许不是,这取决于其所映射到的实现语言。
When he commented on his complete and total defeat, I just said; "I didn't know Facebook would tell you that. OMG! LOL! " 当他在评论他的完败时我只是大声的笑着说“我不知道Facebook会把那个告诉你。我的天哪”。
The creation of an XML schema compatible with OMG XMI specification can be a tedious and error-prone task. 建立一个与OMGXMI规范相兼容的XML格式是一个冗长并且容易导致错误的任务。
The OMG SOA SIG counted up to " 18 SOA Governance definitions by industry analysts, members of the media and users" . OMGSOASIG吸收了来自行业分析家,媒体成员和用户的18条SOA治理的定义。
omg, I hope our eight minutes during the closing ceremony is not a foretaste of the tackiness to come in four years time. 饿滴神,我希望闭幕式这8分钟不是预示著四年之后我们要展示出来的东西。
Guys, look what he wrote to me! Omg look at what he said now! 嗨,看他给我写了什么!我的天哪,看他说了什么!
IIOP by OMG was the first step towards an open standard to define and implement inter-communications between distributed applications. 在走向定义和实现分布式应用程序间互相通信的开放标准方面,OMG的IIOP是第一步。
Conclusion: Being with less complications, stapled hemorrhoidectomy omg deserves to be widely used. 结论:痔切闭术术后反应少,值得进一步研究和推广。
However, leveraging EMF capabilities significantly eases generation of an error-free XML schema complying with OMG XMI specification. 然而,EMF性能的采用,使得建立一个遵从OMGXMI规范的、无错的XML图式变得非常简便。
Its evolution is managed through a standards process governed by the Object Management Group (OMG). 通过取决于目标管理组织(ObjectManagementGroup,OMG)的标准流程来管理它的发展。
The contents of an entire OMG IDL file, along with any files brought in through preprocessor directives, form a naming scope. 整个OMGIDL内容和通过预处理器伪指令传入的所有文件共同组成了命名作用域。
Throughout the paper, we assume a general familiarity with the OMG's MDA approach, and a background in modeling using the UML. 在整篇文章中,我们假定您熟悉OMG的MDA方法,并设想了一个利用UML建模的背景。
With MDA, the OMG is continuing its quest to support integration and interoperability across heterogeneity at all levels. 利用MDA,OMG继续寻求异构系统间所有层次上的集成和互操作性。
So excited about the premiere of OMG on TLC- today! ! ! Lemme know what you think! 今天OMG就要在TLC首播了,好兴奋!!!让我知道你的想法!
The latest Gossip Girl episode was as full of drama and OMG moments as back when the show started in 2007. 最新的《绯闻女孩》还是像2007年开播时一样充满戏剧化的剧情和惊人的时刻。
Today, with organizations like the Object Management Group (OMG), we are seeing a different model. 当今,由于像对象管理组织(OMG)这样的组织机构,我们看到了一个不同的模型。
The portability of your code depends on the library structures you create as well as those of the OMG. 你的代码的可移植性不仅取决于OMG的库结构,而且也取决于你自己所生成的库结构。
It is expected that the Task Force will discuss the final proposals and their adoption at the next OMG Technical Meeting in March 2009. 可以预计,TaskForce将在2009年三月的下一届OMG技术大会上讨论最终方案以及它们的采纳结果。
A non-normative set of requirement types are proposed in the appendix of the OMG SysML specification. 在OMGSysML规范的附录中提出了一种非标准的需求类型。
Being busy with the final exam is the best and most convincing reason for myself for refusing typing some letters to my blog. OMG. 这几天忙于考试的复习--这是我给自己找到的最令人信服的不去写一篇日志的理由。