
美 [sɔŋ]英 [sɒŋ]
  • n.歌;歌曲;歌唱;声乐
  • 网络宋;颂;歌声


Sing song,write song,hear song,play song,compose song
favorite song,popular song,same song,good song,hit song



1.[c]歌;歌曲a short piece of music with words that you sing

2.[u](统称)歌曲;歌唱;声乐songs in general; music for singing

3.[u][c](鸟的)鸣啭,啼啭the musical sounds that birds make


七年级英语单词表 ... talk show 访谈节目 song 歌;歌曲 go for a walk 去散步 ...

Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 焦 jiao song 李 li ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... son n. 儿子 song n. 歌唱;歌曲 soon ad. 不久,很快,一会儿 ...

枣庄学院吧_百度贴吧 ... love 自作自受丶 10:50 song 2006 song 颂2006 10:41 ...


蝉鸣声可分为歌声(song)、及叫声(call)。歌声包括呼唤歌声(calling song)及求爱歌声(courtship song),呼唤歌声为音量大可传 …


第82届奥斯卡金像奖_百度百科 ... 最佳音效剪辑 SOUND EDITING 最佳歌曲 SONG 最佳配乐 SCORE ...

The term mashup is commonly used to describe the technique of producing a new song by mixing together two or more existing songs. 术语混搭(mashup)通常用于描述通过将两首或多首现有歌曲混合在一起来谱写一首新歌的技术。
Stories about grievances have been told since the beginning of mankind. Like K D Lang's celebrated song Trail of Broken Hearts. 自从有了人类,就有了抱怨的故事,就像KDLang的著名歌曲“心碎的痕迹”表达的那样。
The music was the simplest monotone of an old Chinese song but it carried with itself a sense of nostalgia which really comforted me a lot. 音乐是最简单的单调的旧中文歌曲,但它本身带有一种怀旧的真正安慰我很多东西。
Besides "All Things Change, " I think this song captures what I was trying to say emotionally and sonically with the album. 除了“一切都变了”这样的感觉外,我觉得这首歌也能代表我对于这张专辑的想法。
As you walk in the wind's whistling claws , Listen past the howling of the wolf's jaws . My song Comes to you. 当你在呼啸刺骨的寒风中跋涉,请越过孤狼喉中的嚎叫倾。
Then I'd like to give you some contending works, who knows, one of these tunes might be the Olympic theme song for 2008. 下面我来给你们介绍一些参选作品,没准儿其中哪一首就会成为2008年奥运主题曲呢。
There is a song, the song named " grateful heart" : the heart of Thanksgiving, thank you, with my life, let me brave to be myself. 有一首歌,它的歌名叫《感恩的心》:感恩的心,感谢有你,伴我一生,让我有勇气做我自己。
All the tickets have been sold for the singer's performance in Paris this week-the public clearly believes that this will be her swan song. 这位歌唱家本星期在巴黎演唱的全部门票都销售一空——显然,公众认为这将是她最后一次告别演出。
The ragged guitar riff still dominates, only now the song has a backbeat that's nearly identical to that of Amnesiac's "I Might Be Wrong. " 粗糙的吉他Riff仍然支配着整曲,只是现在,歌曲拥有了一个基调强节奏,这就和专辑《Amnesiac》的“IMightBeWrong”中的几乎一样。
the choice should be easy to understand the same song, beautiful melody. 选择的歌同应通俗易懂,曲调优美。
and the bells from the little red church down by the river seemed to be the music of it, as the song of birds is the music of spring. 从山下河畔那座红砖小教堂传出的钟声,像是和平的主题音乐,正如啁啾的鸟语是春天的音乐一样。
Like, all of a sudden, everything I've wanted to say, express, or just let out for the past several months has just recently become a song. 就像是突然之间,我所想说的,我所想表达的,或者只是过去的这几个月的经历,最近都在我的笔下变成了一首又一首的歌。
All I knew was that he is a three-star general and a new propaganda song came out about him. 我所知道的所有就是他是一位三星将军,还有就是为他新创作了一首宣传歌曲。
In the Song Dynasty confucianist group, it is no doubt that Zhuxi is the person who has more knowledge about Buddhist general knowledge. 在宋代儒士群体中,朱熹无疑是最具有佛教知识的一位。
Her Narnia movie song is beautiful, but none of the experts predicted her to sneak in for the Song category. 她的纳尼亚电影主题曲太好听了!但居然没有一个砖家预测到她会得到主题曲的提名。
Jing elder brother, listen to your song 'absence' think your voice gives me a good sense of tranquility! 靖哥哥、听着你的歌‘缺席’觉得你的声音带给我一种好宁静的感觉!
This song is a fun one to run to. It's nice hearing someone singing, "I love the way you move" to you as you're running. 这首歌曲是很有趣的。当你在跑步时听到某个人对你唱“我喜欢你这样移动”是非常不错的。
Mining industry was one of the important pillar industries in Song County, He nan Province. 采矿业是河南省嵩县的重要支柱产业之一。
I decided to sing an old song that she used to sing to me when I was little. 我唱以前的老歌给她听,小时候她也唱同样的歌给我听。
Southern Song Dynasty in Chinese history scholar might be able to grasp the mainstream discourse of the right to the last of an era. 南宋可能是中国历史上文人掌握社会主流话语权的最后一个时代。
As she rowed backwards and forwards she sang softly to herself. The woman listening hardly, and thought she had never known so sweet a song. 她来来回回划船时轻轻地哼着歌儿,女人竖着耳朵听着,她觉得从来没听过这么一首甜美的歌。
"You must be ignoring me. I've been trying to sing the same song for the last twenty minutes. " “你肯定在无视我的存在。在过去的二十分钟里我一直在试着唱同一首歌。”
nano-(T. "homage" ). Often used in the beginning of a song to pay homage to a buddha, deity, or teacher. 南无。(顶礼)常用在歌曲之首句以表对佛陀、本尊或上师的尊敬。
Putin said the joint song competition among SCO members could be called "Intervision" to rival the annual Eurovision Song Contest. 普金还提到,这个歌曲大赛可以取名为“Intervision”,类似于一年一度的“欧洲歌曲大赛Eurovision”。
Mr. Song said he spent Tuesday morning helping to evacuate the scattered remaining residents in soon-to-be-flooded areas of Beichuan county. 宋明说,他周二上午帮助疏散了留在北川县泄洪区的零散居民。
He was on TV in 1949 when a new song that he created a bizarre action, young people trying to copy, and in the streets dancing competition. 他于1949年在电视上唱新歌时,自己创作了一种希奇古怪的动作,青年们竞相模仿,并在街头进行跳舞比赛。
But , a girl with her now. She help the old woman wash clothes, sang song for her and went for a walk with her. 但是现在有个女孩来陪她了,她帮老人洗衣服,为老人唱歌,带老人出去散步。
I knew it was you The moment we met There was a buzz in the air A song in the wind A hum in my heart. 我知道那就是你,我们相遇的瞬间,空中嗡嗡的响声,风中飞扬的歌声,心中激动的共鸣。
At night, we prepared her a special dinner, we sang the Birthday Song to her, enjoyed the delicious food. We had a good time yesterday. 晚上,你们还为她准备了一顿特别的晚餐,你们唱生日歌,享受美食,过得很开心。
In the state of Song there was a farmer, he had a large area of young rice shoots in his fields, he felt they were not growing fast enough. 从前在宋国有一个农夫,他在田里种了一大片秧苗,他觉得这些小苗长得太慢了。