
美 [swɪŋ]英 [swɪŋ]
  • n.摆动;挥动;转动;强劲节奏
  • v.摇摆;纵身跃向;荡向;悬吊到
  • adj.摇摆乐的;悬挂的;(门等)可绕轴心旋转的;(在选举中)举足轻重的
  • 网络秋千;荡秋千;摇摆舞

第三人称单数:swings 现在分词:swinging 过去式:swung

swing leg,swing election,swing vote


v. n.

摆动hang and move

1.[i][t](使)摆动,摇摆,摇荡to move backwards or forwards or from side to side while hanging from a fixed point; to make sth do this

2.[i][t]纵身跃向;荡向;悬吊到to move from one place to another by holding sth that is fixed and pulling yourself along, up, etc.

弧线运动move in curve

3.[i][t](使)弧线运动,转弯,转动to move or make sth move with a wide curved movement

迅速转向turn quickly

4.[i][t](使)突然转向,突然转身to turn or change direction suddenly; to make sth do this

试图击中try to hit

5.[i][t](挥动某物)朝…打去to try to hit sb/sth

改变意见╱情绪change opinion/mood

6.[i][t](使)改变(意见、情绪等)to change or make sb/sth change from one opinion, mood, etc. to another

做;获得do/get sth

7.[t](informal)(有时略微不正当地)获得,搞到,办成to succeed in getting or achieving sth, sometimes in a slightly dishonest way


swing the balance

swing both ways

双性恋;既喜欢异性也喜欢同性to be bisexual (= sexually attracted to both men and women)

swing for the fences

全力一搏;迎难而上to really try to achieve sth great, even when it is not reasonable to expect to be so successful

swing into action

立即行动起来;马上大干起来to start doing sth quickly and with a lot of energy

swing the lead

装病偷懒to pretend to be ill/sick when in fact you are not, especially to avoid work


摇摆SWING):它的显著特点是连续不断的八分附点音符,采用4/4节拍,较为轻巧、柔和,产生一种摇曳的节奏效果。  迪 …


体育项目的英语怎么说 ... 跳板 spring-board 秋千 swing 石弓,弩 crossbow ...


摇摆乐(Swing)时期,他为弗莱切·韩德森( Fletcher Henderson )的大乐队作曲,赢得了声誉,1928年他与韩德森的乐队一起 …


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... swimming pool n. 游泳池 swing vt. 挥舞,摆动 Swiss a. 瑞士人的 ...


英语单词音标(小学) ... fight 打架 swing 荡;荡秋千 take pictures 照相 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Swell 增音器 Swing 摆幅,摇摆舞 Swishing 飕飕声 ...


口译词汇大全 - 英语专业 考研论坛 ... 灰色收入 gray income 挥棒 swing 挥棒不中 fan ...

As you swing it around behind you, pass it to your left hand and bring it back around to the front. 当你摆动它到身后的时候,把它传到左手上,再转到身前。
Enough to nearly cover her in-laws barn, submerge her son's swing set and block the view from her first floor windows. 足够盖住她亲家的谷仓,盖住她儿子的摇椅,挡住他第一楼窗口看出去的景观。
no matter what to pay home, start to fight. Get into the swing of it, a pressing matter of the moment is to attack, to pay licensing road! 不管哪个付家,开局要争取上手。上手以后,当务之急是调主对,为攻付牌清路!
Swing ingredients in a shaker with cracked ice, strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and garnish with a slice of lemon. 将液体注入混合器,加碎冰块摇匀,注入冷却过的鸡尾酒酒杯,用一片柠檬装饰。
The pro says he gave the president tips on his golf stance and his swing, both of which were conspiring against him. 这位职业球手说,他给了总统一些关于高尔夫站姿和挥杆动作的建议,奥巴马这两方面都有问题。
However, SEZ development now seems to be back in full swing, notwithstanding some recent tweaking of the guidelines to mollify critics. 不过现在看来似乎经济特区建设已经全面启动了,尽管最近也有些调整措施出台来平息苛责。
She jumped off the swing and turned to run back to Missy to tell her what she had just figured out. She stopped. 她跳下秋千并跑向美希去告诉她自己的发现。可是她停住了。
Has Hyundai stepped up to the plate and hit a solid, or is it a swing and a miss? 现代加紧了对钢板和击中了坚实的,或者是一个回旋和怀念?
Normally at this time of year spring planting would be in full swing, but the drought has made farming impossible in parts of the province. 通常在每年的这个时节,春耕正如火如荼,但是这场旱灾却使省内部分地区的农业生产无法正常进行。
Though wind power has its opponents, too, its environmental virtues might be enough to swing things in its favour if it were also reliable. 尽管对于风力发电也有反对者,但是如果风能可靠的话,那么其清洁环保的特点足以赢得广泛的支持。
The ideological gate was beginning to swing open: Comrades knew what they had believed in did not work, and were looking for something new. 那时,国内的意识大门逐渐打开:同志们知道他们历来相信的不管用,要找新的去处。
Bauhinia is Like. Bud, like a grain of rice, the sharp detail round. Soon, we will be able to see it Ilex Yan-hong, a passion in full swing. 紫荆正含苞。花苞像米粒一样,尖尖细细,团团簇簇。过不了多久,我们就能看到它满树嫣红、如火如荼的激情了。
But my overriding fear was that the pendulum would swing to the other extreme if I skipped a night. 但我更怕的是,假若逃过了今晚,欲望的钟摆就会摆向另一个极端。
Costume is often one of the most enjoyable parts of swing dancing. 服装往往是一个最愉快的部分摇摆跳舞。
By adjusting the shock absorber damping can be the fuel tank and hydraulic oil between the ball to limit body of the swing. 减震器可通过调节减震油缸和液压球之间的油量来限制车身的摆动。
Deep place remembered at me, there is a very small swing, be I remind of it of time, an often the sunlight heart. 在我记忆的深处,有架小小的秋千,当我想起它的时候,一屡阳光赵心田。
She lay flat on her back and put the large chisel in her mouth. She nodded at the first volunteer to swing the sledgehammer at the chisel. 她仰面平躺下来,把大凿子放进嘴里,朝第一位自愿者点了点头,示意他用大锤去砸凿子。
He stops in mid-swing, takes off his golf cap, closes his eyes, and bows down in prayer. 他的手刚摆到一半,立刻停下来,脱下他的高尔夫球帽,闭上眼睛,深深的鞠躬并默默祈祷。
He wasn't ready to commit to any additional time at this point with everything going on -- trying to work on his swing and other things. 他没有准备好在这时候投入任何额外的时间用发生的每件事情--试着工作于他的挥杆以及其他事情。
The United States in 1953, is in a time of transformation, women's liberation movement in full swing. 1953年的美国,时代正处于转变之中,妇女解放运动进行得如火如荼。
He did not want to swing, but he continued to sit there because he had no other place to go. 他不想挥杆,但他继续坐在那里,因为他没有其他地方可去。
But at this moment, lost in the moment, they are ambiguous, in my mind float, as if time swing, just swing to rush and ethereal. 可是在这一刻,在迷失的一瞬,它们却模糊不清了,在我的脑海里飘飘荡荡,仿佛时间的秋千,只是荡来匆忙和飘渺。
Though he was a rigid disciplinarian with a heavy swing to his boot, all but one of his children adored him. 虽然他是一个刻板的循规蹈矩的人,并且具有很大的摇摆性,但除了他的一个孩子外,其余的都敬重他。
Perhaps the hero would swing his sword and reduce the villian to baloney slices, only to have him reappear as if magically rejoined. 也许英雄会摆动他的剑和减少小人,以baloney片,只有有他出现,犹如神奇的返回。
Feel how the muscles that pulled the stick back naturally release and your hit swing muscles get ready to go. 感受肌肉是如何将球杆自然的拉向后,而击球向前摆动的肌肉又是如何作好准备随时发动的。
Fantine alone refused to swing. "I don't like to have people put on airs like that, " muttered Favourite, with a good deal of acrimony. 只有芳汀一个人不肯打秋千。“我不喜欢有人装这种腔。”宠儿气愤愤地说。
You got to get a running start. Then you grab the rope and swing out and up as high as you can, and then you let go and fall to the water. 你得先助跑,然后抓住绳子,向外荡出去,荡得越高越好,然后放手,纵身跳进水潭里。
Miss the beginning of childhood, when our carefree swing, and each time seems to fly Dangqi swing very far far away. 开始怀念童年,那时的我们无忧无虑的荡秋千,每一次荡起都好像可以飞到很远很远的地方。
Cup your wrist a little as this will help get the weight off of your thumb at the bottom of the swing and help you keep your wrist firm. 稍微托起你的手腕,因为当摇摆去到最低时,这能帮助重量从你的拇指移开和帮助你保持手腕的稳固。
Her feet are also tied to something on the other side, which makes it impossible for her to swing her legs down. 她的脚也绑的东西在另一边,这使得她无法摆动她的腿了。