
美 [tæb]英 [tæb]
  • n.标签;签条;突耳;凸舌
  • v.说(某人)适合于(某工作或角色);把(某人)视为…;使用制表键
  • abbr.(=Technical Assistance Board (of the United Nations))(联合国)技术援助委员会
  • 网络制表符;标签页;在选项上向前移动

复数:tabs 过去式:tabbed 现在分词:tabbing



n. v.

1.标签;签条;突耳;凸舌a small piece of paper, cloth, metal, etc. that sticks out from the edge of sth, and that is used to give information about it, or to hold it, fasten it, etc.

2.(待付的)账单,账款;(尤指)餐饮账单;费用a bill for goods you receive but pay for later, especially for food or drinks in a restaurant or bar; the price or cost of sth

3.(informal)药片,药丸(指毒品)a small solid piece of an illegal drug


keep (close) tabs on sb/sth

监视;密切注视to watch sb/sth carefully in order to know what is happening so that you can control a particular situation


制表符转空格:将文档中选中区域或整个文档中的制表符Tab)转换成空格。图文框:集合了一系关于图文框的操作,包括插 …


标签方式编辑——与Firefox相似,用户能够在自己的标签tab)中,整齐地显示针对不同故事或任务的编辑器。拆分(Split) …


生活点滴 - jufeng248 - 网易博客 ... 内容: content 标签页: tab 文章列表: list ...


实用电脑快捷键大全 ... 在选项卡上向后移动 CTRL+ SHIFT+ TAB 在选项上向前移动 TAB 在选项卡上向前移动 CTRL+ TAB ...


网络游戏_互动百科 ... 7、TCG= 养成类游戏; 8、TAB= 桌面游戏; 9、MSC= 音乐游戏; ...


页签模组就是把多个不同的模组以页签(tab)的显示方式同时显示在一个区域,可以使网页结构更加紧凑,让页面在有限的空间 …


双击页面的选项卡tab)可以实现最大化页面/普通页面的切换;打开Flash Builder启动页(Start Page)的方法:菜单栏的Hel…

In this case, make it a tab ( zmi_views menu) which will be called "Preview" . 此处我们使用一个标签(zmi_viewsmenu),并将其命名为Preview(预览)。
Once you have done this, you should be able to see an RI tab in the lower portion of your Eclipse Ruby perspective. 完成此操作后,您应当能够在EclipseRuby透视图的下半部分中看到RI选项卡。
Whether you're ready to create the perfect resume, a compelling presentation, or informative spreadsheet, start on the Templates tab. 无论您准备创建完美的简历、引人入胜的演示文稿还是信息丰富的电子表格,都可以从模板选项卡上开始。
The General tab, as shown in Figure 4, lets you specify the name, description, type, and priority for your activity. 如图4所示,General选项卡让您指定活动的名称,描述,类型和属性。
On the General tab, view the Global Catalog check box to see if it is selected. 在“常规”选项卡上,查看“全局编录”复选框是否选中。
The tab list for Firefox Mobile is implemented as a simple HTML page with a bit of JavaScript that loads in the data. 移动版Firefox的标签列表是一个简单的HTML页面,用JavaScript加载数据。
To select and delete the entire table, hover the mouse cursor over the table until you see a Table tab at the bottom-left of the table. 为了选择并删除整个的表格,您可以将鼠标停留在表格上面,直到您看到表格左下部的Table项为止。
It (appearances) is in the programme and me and Jay have got a little tab on it because I think I'm a couple ahead of him. 这(出场次数)正在提高,我还有斯皮林都挺关注的,因为我知道我的比他稍微多点。
The chief economist would assign the research projects, and in just a few months people began to tab me as a guy who knew all the data. 首席经济师会指定研究项目,没过几个月,大家就开始把我当成“数据通”了。
Those in the financial market have had a sumptuous feast and the administration is now asking the taxpayer to pick up a part of the tab. 金融市场中的那些机构已经享用了一场奢华的盛宴,而政府现在正要求纳税人来负担一部分费用。
It's a flush mount instead of a mid-mount so we need to attach the slide rail to the front-most tab on the side of the machine. 这是机器与机架的齐平式安装,不是中间式安装,所以我们得把滑动轨道固定在机器侧面前端的固定片上。
Consumers interviewed found the new tab easy to hold and lift and the end easier and quicker to open. 消费者采访发现新的选项卡易守,升降机和最终简化和加快开放。
If you want to see an inventory of your breakpoints, click the Breakpoints tab in the Debug window at the bottom. 如果想查看断点的列表,可以单击Debug窗口底部的Breakpoints选项卡。
The General Information tab shows how much time the statement spent in the application, network, or data server. GeneralInformation选项卡显示语句在应用程序、网络或数据服务器中所用的时间。
Through the first half of this decade, America bought far more than it produced, running up a massive tab with its trading counterparts. 在本世纪的头5年,美国购买的东西远远超过它生产的东西,从而产生了庞大的贸易逆差。
The Dependencies tab makes it possible for you to determine which projects in the active solution must be built first. 通过“依赖项”选项卡可以确定活动解决方案中必须首先生成的项目。
The General tab of the Properties view will open at the bottom of the screen, as shown in Figure 4 below. Properties视图的General选项卡会在屏幕底部打开,如图4所示。
To see a list of the top 20 Chinese brands and how much they*re worth, click on the slideshow tab above. 了解中国20强品牌榜单及其品牌价值,请点击上面的幻灯片标签。
The traditional LILO boot prompt was a very terse text prompt similar to what you see if you press the Tab key. 传统LILO引导提示符是一个非常简略的文本提示,类似于按Tab键所看到的内容。
You can check how the join concatenates the values by looking at the example at the bottom of the Details tab. 您可以通过查看Details选项卡底部的示例,检查该联接转换是如何连接那些值的。
As you open your portfolio, there should be a table of contents on the right side, and each section ought to have a corresponding tab. 当你打开公文包的时候,在右边应该有一个目录,每一部分也都应该有一个相应的标签。
Before clicking the run button, check the synchronization tab and note the name of any table objects ending with "_MEASURES" . 单击运行按钮之前,检查同步表并注意以“_MEASURES”结束的表对象的名称。
If you want to see which tasks are assigned to which profiles, use the view available from the Work Package tab. 如果您想看到哪个任务分配给哪个概要文件,那么使用WorkPackage选项卡中的视图。
As you tab through the site, you'll notice that each major page has its own set of relevant links running down the left navigation bar. 当您浏览网站时,您会发现每个主要页面都有它自己的一组相关链接,这些链接位于左边的导航栏中。
Click the General tab, and then look in the Device status box to see if it mentions any problems with the device. 单击“常规”选项卡,然后查看“设备状态”框,看它是否指出设备的任何问题。
Move an element a level down in the hierarchy: Select the element to become the child element and click Tab. 将一个元素在层级中向下移动一级:选择将成为子元素的元素并单击Tab。
On the bottom half of that tab is where the preferred rooms and resources are configured. 在该附签的下半部可配置首选房间和资源。
Next, click the Protocol Data tab and select Browser near the bottom of the workspace, as shown in Figure 20. 下一步,点击ProtocolData键并选择工作区底部附近的Browser,如图20所示。
Notice that this tab includes four fields: Available Values, Initial value, Expression, and save to, as shown in Figure 15. 注意该选项卡包含四个字段:AvailableValues、Initialvalue、Expression和saveto,如图15所示。
Switch back to the Preview view, using the tab at the bottom of the window, to see the report as shown in Figure 15. 使用窗口底部的选项卡切换回到Preview视图,查看如图15所示的报告。