climate change

  • n.气候变化
  • 网络气候变迁;气候改变;气候变暖

climate changeclimate change

climate change


1.气候变化changes in the earth's weather, including changes in temperature, wind patterns and rainfall , especially the increase in the temperature of the earth's atmosphere that is caused by the increase of particular gases, especially carbon dioxide


中国气候变化网 ... 气溶胶( Aerosols) 气候变化Climate change) 气候系统( Climate System) ...


大多数气候变迁climate change)研究都著重於工业时代石化燃料所造成的暖化效应,但最新的研究强调全球­的暖化(global …


气候改变Climate change):因为冰河时期结束而气候变温,所以适应唔到。智人入侵(Replacement model):智人从非洲 …


  气候变暖(climate change):Recent decades we have witnessed an obvious rise in the global average temperature, which rece…


全球气候变化Climate change)是指在全球范围内,气候平均状态统计学意义上的巨大改变或者持续较长一段时间(典型的 …


气候变化的原因与影响 天气变化Climate change)   天气变化是指天气均匀形态统计学意义上的宏大改动或许持续较长一段工 …


有人可能认为气候转变(CLIMATE CHANGE)或地球暖化等事情是将来的事……似乎未「杀」到埋身……暂时不理似的;所以仍 …


中外对话 | chinadialogue - china and the... ... 城市 Cities 气候变化与能源 CLimate Change 自然保护 Conservation ...

Ban was surprised by the state of the local glaciers and said the effects of the climate change were clear and he was worried about this. Ban对当地冰河的状况感到惊讶并且说气候变化的影响是显著的他对此感到担忧。
Sometimes, they use the same location for generations to deposit their urine, making it a perfect test bed for research on climate change. 它们往往祖祖辈辈都在同一个地方排泄尿液,这些地方从而成为研究气候变化的理想实验台。
whether it was the cause of climate change or the fact of climate change, the size of the deficit or the culprits to blame for the deficit. 所有事情都是可以拿来讨论的,无论是引起气候变化的原因还是气候变化这个现实,赤字的金额数量或者造成赤字的原因。
He said Mr. Berlusconi agreed with him on the way forward both in respect of Africa and climate change. 内布莱尔说,在非洲和世界气候变化的前景问题上,贝卢斯科尼同意他的观点。
To be sure, this remains an ambitious objective, but we have yet to see a national response to climate change proportional to the risks. 毫无疑问,这依然是一项雄心勃勃的目标,但是我们需要看到联邦政府针对气候变化所采取的措施足以消除如此重大的风险。
And on climate change, at a minimum, China came out of Copenhagen looking like something of a bully. 而在气候变化问题上,经历了哥本哈根气候大会后,中国至少看起来像个小恶霸。
Climate change cannot be solved in one country but has got to be solved by the world working together. 气候变化无法由一个国家来解决,而是需要全世界同心协力彼此合作。
Despite their plan's gaps, Mr Rudd and Penny Wong, his climate-change minister, seem to have got the politics right, for now. 尽管陆克文和他的气候变化部长PennyWong的计划之间存在差距,但是到现在他们在政治方向是对的。
In other public opinion polls over the years, climate change has ranked near the bottom of the list of pressing problems. 其它历经多年的民意调查显示,气候变化已几乎被列在紧迫议题的最后一位。
He said the issue of climate change would be a priority for France. 意思是说萨尔科齐表示,气候变化的问题是他要优先考虑的事情。
A person's right to believe in anthropogenic climate change, and not be hounded out of his job because of it, is now enshrined in law. 公民有权利信仰认为气候变化所造成的影响并不能因为追逐它而不工作,此项法案已经在法律中明文昭示。
Without global targets and standards, all this may not be enough to head off climate change. 没有全球化的目标和标准,以上所有这些对于阻止气候变化来说可能都是不够的。
The chief U. S. climate negotiator this week said the United States remains committed to the U. N. Framework Convention on Climate Change. 美国气候首席谈判代表本周谈到,美国仍然承诺遵守联合国《气候变化框架公约》。
"When the ESA was passed, it was not contemplated it would be a tool to address the issue of climate change, " he said. “《濒危物种法》获得批准时,就不应指望它是一种可以解决全球气候变化问题的工具。”他说。
And yet, all this progress is under threat. From economic crisis. Rising joblessness and inequality. Climate change. 但是,这一切进展都面临着威胁。威胁来自经济危机,来自失业率上升和不平等,来自气候变化。
Climate change was chosen for the beta, given the urgency of the issue and the need for the Bank to be transparent about its work. 之所以选择了气候变化的内容作测试版,是因为这个问题具有紧迫性而且世行对自身开展的工作需要具备透明度。
I have a feeling that climate change may be an issue as severe as a war. It may be necessary to put democracy on hold for a while. 我觉得气候变化犹如战争般严酷,在这个问题上民主必须被暂时搁置。
Like the President, Secretary Chu has demonstrated a deep commitment to tackling the interlinked problems of energy and climate change. 与总统一样,朱部长已显示出深刻的承诺,解决能源和气候变化相互关联的问题。
The Bank would be more capable of achieving this than the Committee on Climate Change being set up in Parliament. 英国央行比国会设立的气候变化委员会更有能力完成这个伟大使命。
Inevitably those who resist tackling climate change point to the global nature of emissions as a reason not to act. 不可避免的是,那些反对阻止气候变化的人会把碳排放的全球性当为无所作为的理由。
While here, I said that the prospect of climate change presented both a great challenge and a great opportunity. 访问期间,我指出:气候变化既是一个严峻挑战,也是一个巨大机会。
China is ready to strengthen dialogue and cooperation with all the East Asian countries on climate change. 中方愿与东亚各国就气候变化问题加强对话合作。
He could try to save the planet from climate change - but Al Gore seems to have cornered that market. 他可以尝试拯救地球于气候变化——但阿尔-戈尔(AlGore)似乎已经占据这个市场。
Among the biggest achievements was the approval of a European Union plan to negotiate a future legal deal to combat climate change. 此次大会最大的成果包括通过了欧盟一个计划,该计划要为对付未来气候变化而谈判,达成一个法律协议。
I am not trying to suggest that we should forget about climate change. It looks likely to put our children in a difficult situation. 我不是要说应该把气候变化抛在脑后,因为气候问题似乎很可能让我们的子孙处于不利境地。
Much of our political discourse, including the debate about climate-change policies, focuses around the question of "what's in it for me? " 许多政治性的演讲,包括气候改变政策的争论,人们都会关注问题“我在里面会获得什么?”
A Brazilian environmental group is offering him a yearly cash payment to leave his forest standing to help combat climate change. 巴西一个环保组织提出每年付给他一笔现金,让他留下那片雨林,以帮助应对气候变化。
Climate change is the climate factor for several decades or longer period of time the long-term results of any systemic changes. 气候变化是气候要素在连续几十年或者更长的时间的长期统计结果的任何系统性变化。
Shinzo Abe, Japan's prime minister, has decided to make climate change one of the centre pieces of his tenure. 日本首相安倍晋三已决定将应对气候变化作为其任期内的中心议题之一。
It is too early to tell if the recent decade marks the beginning of a longer term trend in plant growth related to long-term climate change. 目前还很难断定,近十年来因长期气候变化所导致的植物生长趋势是否会一直持续下去。