lack of

  • v.缺乏
  • 网络缺少;不足;不够

lack oflack of

lack of


英语—医学 ... known as[ 被称为] · lack of[ 缺乏] · lag behind[ 落后] · ...


缺少安全感 英语怎么说?_百度知道 ... maxitang - 大魔导师 十二级 12-11 12:56 lack of:vt 缺乏,缺少 sense of security 安全感 ...


考博英语词汇 ... knock out 敲出;击倒;击昏;使失效;匆匆做好; lack of 不够;不足;没有 laugh off 一笑置之;把...当儿戏 ...


考博英语词汇 ... knock out 敲出;击倒;击昏;使失效;匆匆做好; lack of 不够;不足;没有 laugh off 一笑置之;把...当儿戏 ...


2009届高考英... ... C。 a needle and thread 针和线一起构成短语,用单数。 B。 lack of 欠缺,不足。 A。 pleasant 形容词作 …


He is... ... be lacking in sth=lack sth 表示在某方面不足 lack of 没有,缺乏;不足,不够 for lack of 因缺乏…;因缺少…;因没 …


He is... ... be lacking in sth=lack sth 表示在某方面不足 lack of 没有,缺乏;不足,不够 for lack of 因缺乏…;因缺少…;因没 …


... shyness/ coyness;coward ness 胆小鬼 12. for want/lack of 因为缺乏 16. disorder/ mess/trouble/chaos 无秩序,混乱 18. ...

Overall, I think there was a real lack of understanding of basic economic principles among the Occupiers. 总的来说,我觉得华尔街占领者们缺乏基本的经济常识。
Lack of it causes half a million children to go blind every year; half of them die within a year as their other organs fail. 维A的缺乏每年导致近50万儿童失明,其中一半的儿童因其他身体器官衰竭而死亡。
One drawback that might be less obvious is the lack of standardization that this encourages. 另一个不太明显的缺点是这种做法不利于标准化。
Its Food For Skin report highlights a lack of any robust studies backing up the popular advice that water makes the complexion glow. 该基金会的《为皮肤准备的食物》报告强调指出,水使皮肤发光的流行建议缺乏任何可靠的研究支持。
Lack of money handicapped him in his shuttle business rubbisexualshly. 资金缺乏严重影响了他的企业发展。区别。
A lack of zinc and iron can result in memory lapses, poor concentration, and of course other ailments throughout the body. 锌和铁的缺乏将导致健忘,注意力不集中,以及身体其它部分的疾病。
However, due to our lack of a genuine sense of the bankruptcy restructuring system, only the implementation of Huarong Asset clean-up. 但由于我国缺乏真正意义上的破产重整制度,华融只能执行资产清理的角色。
One of the most surprising of these changes was the lack of support for ActiveSync mailbox policies. 最惊人的这些变更是不支援动态同步信箱原则。
Days after the open eye to see things is often inaccurate, which is due to the lack of Zhen Qi in the body. 天眼打开后,看到的东西往往不一定是清晰的,这是由于体内缺乏真气。
considering the question of risk the court was handicapped by a lack of scientific evidence. 在考虑风险问题上,法院因缺乏科学依据而举步维艰。
She said that this lack of delicious soup pot is mainly due to the lack of an atmosphere. 她说,这锅汤不够鲜美的主要原因是缺少一种情调。
Vitamin C namely ascorbic acid was one of the most important nutrients needed for human, and the lack of it may lead to scorbutus. 维生素C又叫抗坏血酸,是人类营养中所需要的最重要的维生素之一,缺乏维生素C会产生坏血病。
A chronic lack of sleep may cause far more serious problems than a tendency to nod off the next day, researchers warn. 科学家警告说,长期睡眠不足可导致的问题也许会比白天老打瞌睡更严重。
The lack of two or more successive sizes can create segregation problems with the concrete mix. 缺乏两个或两个以上的连续大小可以建立隔离的问题,与混凝土配合比。
The lack of such participation is one of several factors that have made widespread adoption of outcomes measurement slow to materialize. 由于缺乏这种参与是其中一个因素,取得了广泛采用的测量结果缓慢实现。
For all his lack of dignity in such matters he did not know how to begin. 尽管他在这种事上并不怕失了面子,他还是不知道如何开口。
You set your own boundaries, so don't even think about trying to blame others for your lack of productivity. 你要设置你自己的界限,以至于不会在效率低责备别人。
But in the aftermath of the movement, there still seems to be some lack of trust between your party and the SPA. 但是人民运动之后,在你们和七党联盟之间似乎仍然缺少些信任。
and of a lack of long-term credit as banks shy away from the loans likely to have the most volatile values. 由于银行回避贷款这种最不稳定的资产而导致的长期信贷匮乏。
These children do not grow up in intact families, lack of parental love and care, the formation of a variety of family and social problems. 这些孩子在不完整的家庭中长大,缺乏父母的关爱,形成了各种各样的家庭与社会问题。
Mother Nature may be the cause of their misery, but a woeful lack of government planning seems to have exacerbated it. 大自然也许是让他们遭遇不幸的起因,但是政府不堪一击的防灾计划则让局面更加恶化。
He made up for his lack of personal charm by an almost deranged relentlessness. 这种几乎疯狂的执着弥补了他个人魅力的缺乏。
At the time I was drunk on lack of sleep and unable to make a coherent reply to that - hence the reason I'm writing this article. 当时我失眠又醉酒,没法给出个像样的答案,这也是我为什么会写这篇文章的理由。
Many put the relative lack of success of Japan's intervention efforts down to the fact that it was a unilateral effort. 日本的干预行动成效有限,许多人认为原因在于这是一次单边行动。
One of the main reasons is the lack of a more convenient and versatile tool for the prediction. 其主要原因之一是缺乏一种较为方便和通用的预测工具。
Is often lost, is learned to decadent, is no lack of fitness goals, warn you, don't fall, you have no right! ! ! ! ! 是不是经常迷茫,是不是学会了颓废,是不是缺少目标无所适事,警告你,别堕落,你没资格!
It was not so much the many blows he received as the lack of fighting spirit that led to his losing the game. 与其说是他受到的打击太多,还不如说他没有求胜欲才导致他输掉了比赛。
Qi believes there has been a lack of a real supervision system under the current stock market and an immature credit system. 祁斌认为,在市场经济体制不完善、社会信用体系不完整的大背景下,我国资本市场尚未形成真正的资本约束机制。
However, facing the constantly developing social living, justice is often in the situation of trial when being lack of law. 然而,在不断发展变化的社会生活面前,司法常常会面临“无法可依”的局面。
Another practical weakness, which is often promoted as an advantage, is the framework's lack of a standard notation. 另一个实用方面的缺点,通常被认为是优点,是框架缺少标准的符号。