close to you

  • 网络靠近你;近在咫尺;近在咫尺的爱恋

close to youclose to you

close to you


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Zero: Snake, the lake is just over that cliff. Eva should be able to climb it if you help her. Keep her close to you. 湖就在断崖的上边,你帮忙的话Eva应该能爬上去。让她保持在你身边。
Someone close to you is waiting for you to call. 嘿,某人在等着你给她打电话呢。
the heart open, let the hearts of all children in all of dance in youth , the sun, so that love was never very close to you! 把心打开,让所有人的心儿全都舞动在青春中,阳光下,让爱意永萦着你!
So Dear Ones do not be too concerned if those souls close to you appear to be content where they stand at present. 所以亲爱的一们不要太在意如果那些你们身边的灵魂们似乎满足于他们目前所处的状态。
I kneel beside you and lean close to you and take hold of your hand and kiss your tender lips for the very last time. 我现在就跪在你身边,轻轻靠近你,握住你的双手,最后一次吻你。
I don't know why you feel my heartbeat suddenly become very quickly, you feel man seems to be gradually close to you. 不知为何你觉得自己的心跳突然变得很快,你觉得男人似是在逐渐接近你。
Next time someone stands so close to you that they're fogging up your eyeglasses, try one of these evasive maneuvers. 下次当有人说话时离你非常近以致于贴在你的眼睛上,可以尝试下下面的逃避方式。
I might be far from home, but I've always felt close to you and Mom. 我也许离家很远,但是我一直都觉得离您和妈妈很近。
Chinese restaurants. I found a number of Chinese restaurants. . . 21of them are fairly close to you. 搜索中国餐馆。找到中国餐馆的相关结果,其中距离您较近的有21家
But I tell you that there are colors of punctuation points, maybe you will be close to you may be confused that I mystify. 然而我告诉你这种标点还有色彩之分,也许你会接近迷茫也许你会以为我在故弄玄虚。
M: There's still time, captain. They want so much to be close to you. 玛:上校,日子还长着呢。他们都非常想跟你亲近。
Always hold love close to you. When you make a commitment, cherish it for the rest of your life. 永远有一颗爱心。如果你许下一个承诺,那用你的余生去珍爱它吧。
Maria: There's still time, Captain. They want so much to be close to you. 玛丽亚:上校,来日方长。他们非常想跟你亲近。
Perfume: The perfume is romantic, when he slowly close to you, the charming atmosphere that allows you to whether or not it exciting? 香水:香水是浪漫的开始,当他慢慢接近你时,那种迷人的气息是否让你心动呢?
Brigitta could tell you about him, if you'd let her get close to you. She notices everything. Brigitta可以告诉你他的事,如果你愿意亲近她。她洞悉一切。
There's still time, captain. They want so much to be close to you. 仍然有时间,舰长,他们很想接近你。
Friends and family will always provide a shoulder for you to cry on and with them being close to you, you can deal with the death bravely. 朋友和家人总会助你一臂之力,分担你肩上的责任。他们是你亲近的人,会帮助你勇敢地面对心爱人的死亡。
Wherever you find your motivation quote, keep it close to you, and let it inspire you to greatness! 无论你的励志名言源自哪里,记得要放在身边,随时激励自己,走出不凡的人生。
In the world, there would be so a person silently watching you, loving you, but never to be close to you. 世界上,真的会有那么一个人默默关注着你,疼爱着你,却永远不再靠近你。
Don't allow the animal to become too close to you. (He won't let his dogs or cat sleep with him. ) And don't take their behavior personally. (他不让他的狗或猫和他一起睡。)不要从人的角度解读动物的行为。
Why do stars fall down from the sky every time you walk by? Just like me, they long to be close to you. 为何每次当你走过总有繁星倏然坠落只因它们和我心意相同所以不想把你错过。
If he loves you, no one can stop him from getting close to you. If he is indifferent, his leaving is a must. 如果他爱你,没人能妨碍他靠近;如果他忘情,也无力去阻止他离去。
I lean close to you and take hold of your hand and kiss your tender lips for the very last time. 我轻轻靠近你,握住你的双手,最后一次吻你。
Whether they're your unfinished emotional issues or those of someone close to you, revisiting personal history is to be expected. 可能是以下这些问题:你未完成的情绪问题,你亲近的某人,重历个人历史。
Thinking about how much those close to you love you will provide a confidence boost. 想想身边那么多爱你的人,你就会有动力变得更自信。
But first swing it a little and don't hold it too close to you because I don't want you to get hurt. 先轻轻荡一点,别拿得太近了,我可不希望它伤到你。
If they are close to you, you could suggest ways in which you can remember them; putting together a box of memories or making a DVD of them. 如果他们亲近你,你可以和他们讨论一下你会用什么方式纪念他们--和他们一起制作记忆盒或者为他们制作DVD。
If he did not want to be too close to you. 如果他不愿意与你太亲近。
As you draw a circle of those who are close to you to begin with and around you, what do you perceive? 当你画出一个你跟周围亲近人的圈子时,你所觉察到的是什么?
And some financial disputes with someone close to you could really end up putting a damper on things for you today. 和一些财务纠纷与人接近你真的可以最终把阻尼器的事情你今天。