
美 [tʃer]英 [tʃeə(r)]
  • n.椅子;(主持会议或委员会的)主席席位;委员长职位
  • v.担任(会议、讨论等的)主席;主持(会议、讨论等)
  • 网络餐椅;讲座;主持人

复数:chairs 现在分词:chairing 过去式:chaired

wooden chair


n. v.

1.[c]椅子a piece of furniture for one person to sit on, with a back, a seat and four legs

2.[sing](主持会议或委员会的)主席席位;委员长职位;(会议或委员会的)主席;委员长the position of being in charge of a meeting or committee; the person who holds this position

3.[c](大学的)系主任the position of being in charge of a department in a university


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... sofa n. 沙发 chair n. 椅子 drawer n. 抽屉 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... chain n. 链,链条,项圈 chair n. 椅子;主席 chairman n. 主席;议长,会长 ...


【免费下载】考研英语词汇大全 - 豆丁网 ... panel n. 工作小组 chair v. 主持 recommendation n. 推荐,建议 ...


首页-欧洲生活馆-- 淘宝网 ... Cradle 摇篮 Chair 餐椅 Baby Bed 婴儿床 ...


在这一理念的基础上,德国大学在学部 之下设立讲座chair)和研究所( institute)作为基层的学科组织,并 推行习明纳尔(…


近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室(厦门大学) ... Presenter 报告人 Chair 主持人 Time 时间 ...


在欧洲古代,座椅(chair)是地位和权力的象征。文艺复兴之后,座椅才开始慢慢变成人人可以使用的普通生活用品,人人都喜欢 …

Drivers of modern cars and the front seat occupant are electric adjustable seat, and also known as the electric chair. 现代轿车的驾驶者座椅和前部乘员座椅多是电动可调的,又称电动座椅。
I took a seat on the chair by the fire and filled up a few minutes of silence by trying to make friends with the mother dog. 我在炉边的椅子上坐下,试着同那条母狗交交朋友,以此来消磨这沉默的几分钟。
Leaning back in her chair, she closed her eyes, trying to hold back the tears. 她靠在椅子上,闭上眼睛,试图抑制住眼中的泪水。
but I merely motioned for him to turn the latch. And Lestat, clutching his bathrobe to his throat, rose from the chair. 此刻,李斯特从椅子上蹬的站起来,双手紧紧的抓着浴袍顶着喉咙。
Brooks stands on a chair, poised at the bars of a window, cradling Jake in his hands. 布鲁克斯站在一把椅子上,在窗口的栅栏前踌躇,手里搂着杰克。
She was sitting in a chair in the office. Her head was bowed and when she raised it to look at me, she could barely smile without pain. 她坐在办公室里的椅子上,弓着头,而当她抬头看我的时候,显得很痛苦,笑得很勉强。
I retired to the back porch with my two brothers and brother-in-law, and sat down in a rocking chair with a sigh. 我和我的两个兄弟和连襟一起到后长廊去,坐在摇椅里闲谈。
Holmes leaned back in his chair, placed his finger-tips together, and closed his eyes, with an air of resignation. Dr. 福尔摩斯靠在椅背上,两手指尖对顶,闭上了眼睛,显出一副洗耳恭听的神情。
Set up a jar and have the kids sit on their knees on the chair and toss coins over the back of the chair trying to get them in the jar. 放一个罐子,让孩子们跪在椅子上,试着从椅背上将硬币抛进罐子里。
Instead, work at a steady pace, allowing for breaks and opportunities to get out of your office chair. 相反,你只需以一个很稳定的速度去工作,允许自己有休息和出去透透气的机会。
One day, an old man went for a walk in a park in Washington, and when he was tried, he sat down in a chair. 一天,一个老人在华盛顿的一个公园里散步,当他累了,他在一张长椅上坐下。
Worry, it has been said, is often like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do, but it doesn't necessarily get you anywhere. 有人说,忧虑常常像一把摇椅:它使你有事做,但不一定使你得到任何结果。
His chair was not just a place for him at the table; it was a place in which he was situated against the yard and trees. 他的椅子不仅仅是一个他在桌前坐的地方,它也是一个让他位于以院子和树木为背景的位置。
The chairs are set up in two rows back to back (one chair less than the number of players). 椅子被设置在两行备份来备份(一把椅子比球员数量较少)。
She glanced quickly around the crowded room and plumped down on the only available chair. 她向挤满了人的房间扫了一眼,一屁股坐在那张唯一的空椅子上。
Brown He is really browned off, sitting in his chair, he was in a brown study, he did not hear what I said. 他厌倦透了。他呆呆地出神,竟然没听见我的话。
That paper which would come up to the Chair for its consideration would take into account the various views that had been expressed. 这份提交主席审议的文件应当考虑到所表达的不同意见。
In an afternoon of fifteen years ago, I went into the garden in chair and it had prepared everything that a man in deep sorrow may need. 十五年前的一个下午,我摇着轮椅进入园中,它为一个失魂落魄的人把一切都准备好了。
Well, thanks, Ralph, but I thought I'd try and chair the meeting by the book at least for a while. 那真是谢谢了,鲁尔夫。但是我想我至少按规矩要主持一会儿会议,即使时间很短。
If you plan to exercise in the morning, set everything out on a chair where you'll be able to see it as soon as you wake up. 如果你计划早上运动,将运动所需物品提前放在你一醒来就能看到的椅子上。
He felt quite happy as he put the chair in its place. But as the watchman's feet died away, he thought of the long night in front of him. 放好椅子时,他还觉得挺高兴的,但是随着守夜人脚步声的渐渐消逝,他想到了将要面对的漫漫长夜。
"Sit down in that chair, my good girl, " said the Duke, "until I glance over the paper. " “在那张椅子上坐下,好姑娘,”公爵说,“让我把这些材料看一下。”
Jonas helped him to his chair at the side of the bed. Then he quickly removed his tunic and lay face down. 乔纳斯帮他坐到床旁边的椅子上。然后快速的脱下他的制服并脸朝下趴在床上。
Katherine Hachinski, who had been knocked off her chair by the blast of heat exploding from the neighboring tower, was one of those. 凯瑟琳哈金斯基,谁被淘汰了她的椅子爆炸热爆炸从邻近大楼是其中之一。
A thousand tons of wet snow had slithered down the window-panes, and I had to climb onto a chair to see the long grey landscape. 上千吨湿湿雪滑下窗棂,我不得不爬上张椅子才能看到外面灰色的风景。
It seemed almost as if it had grown larger, for it appeared quite to fill the chair. 路灯彷佛比以前长得更大了,因为它几乎把整个椅子都塞满了。
I sat down in a chair and pretended to read a book, but out of the corner of my eye I kept watching Petey. 我在一把椅子上坐了下来,假装读书,暗暗地瞟着皮蒂。
The yellow chair is an antique one I covered in one of my own designs, great for sitting in with a cup of tea and a magazine. 黄色的沙发是旧货,我包上了自己设计的布料,很适合在上面喝茶看杂志。
Like the Remote application that turns your iPhone into a stereo remote so you don't have to leave the comfy confines of your easy chair. 例如遥感应用程序,用你的iPhone能够进入到远处的立体声播放器,这样你就不必离开你那舒适的安乐椅。
Then he claims to have sat down on a chair in the bank and waited for the police to arrive. 随后他坐在银行的凳子上等待警察到来。