
美 [klʌb]英 [klʌb]
  • n.俱乐部;会;社团;夜总会
  • adj.俱乐部的;客饭性质的
  • v.用棍棒(或类似棍棒之物)打;泡夜总会
  • 网络梅花;会所;球杆

复数:clubs 现在分词:clubbing 过去式:clubbed

join club,form club,start club,run club
private club,exclusive club


n. v.

活动;体育运动for activity/sport

1.[cspv]俱乐部;社团;会a group of people who meet together regularly, for a particular activity, sport, etc.

2.[c](俱乐部使用的)建筑设施,活动室the building or rooms that a particular club uses

3.[cspv]职业运动俱乐部a professional sports organization that includes the players, managers, owners and members


4.[c](尤指年轻人听音乐、跳舞等的)俱乐部,夜总会a place where people, especially young people, go and listen to music, dance, etc.


5.[cspv](尤指英国)男性俱乐部(especially in Britain) an organization and a place where people, usually men only, can meet together socially or stay

销售书╱激光唱片selling books/CDs

6.[c](以优惠价出售图书、激光唱片等给成员的)读者俱乐部,听众俱乐部,…会an organization that sells books, CDs, etc. cheaply to its members

纸牌游戏in card games

8.[c]梅花one of the four sets of cards (called suits ) in a pack/deck of cards. The clubs have a black design shaped like three black leaves on a short stem .

9.[c]梅花牌one card from the suit called clubs


be in the club

怀孕;肚子大了to be pregnant


俱乐部所谓俱乐部Club),就是由企业经营者出面组织,会员在自愿、互助、互惠的基础上自主参加,并有相应的权利和义 …


梅花Club)代表幸福 (又因为梅花是三叶草,也象征着幸运)此处却讽刺幸福背后的荒诞,伯爵夫人也是以此挽留青春,希 …




普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... clown 小丑 club 棍棒 clumsy 笨拙的 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... many adj. 大量的 club n. 社团;俱乐部 more pron. 更多的;更大的 ...


英语四级词汇(整理版,16页,可直接打印) - 豆丁网 ... cloudy a. 多云的;云一般的 club n. 俱乐部,夜总会 clue n. 线索,暗 …


高尔夫 - 搜搜百科 ... Closed stance 闭合式击球姿势 Club 球杆 Club face 杆面:杆头击球面 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... cloud 云;阴影;一大群 club 俱乐部,社;球棒;警棍 clue 线索,提示 ...

The aim of my club is bring something interesting for the children, and enhances (improve) their positivity. 俱乐部的目的是为了带给孩子一些乐趣,提高她们的积极性。
"We have to be clear about this, the club must make a decision on who to keep, " concluded Martino. “这一点已经很明确了,俱乐部必须做出决定谁将留下,”马蒂诺总结道。
He loves the club and has a little bit of history of watching the club on television when he was younger. 他非常中意这家俱乐部,他在很小的时候就在电视上看到过利物浦踢球。
I told him to stop and said that if he didn't I was going to beat the hell out of him with the golf club. 我叫他住手,说如果不住手,我就要用这根高尔夫球棒打得他满地找牙。
And now, after just over two decades with his first and only club, Tony Adams is about to begin the last season of his career. 那么在刚刚同他的第一个也是最后一个俱乐部度过两个十年的时光后,托尼·亚当斯正准备开始他职业生涯中的最后一个赛季。
Once I got to the Colony Club and parked, I was unsure if I was in the right parking area. 终于,我到了殖民地俱乐部并停了车,但是我不确定我是否停在正确的位置。
And the Argentina captain likened it to his own move, when he left the club last summer for Barcelona under a cloud of controversy. 阿根廷队长将此与自己的离开相提并论,去年夏天他离开球队前往巴塞罗那时也饱受质疑。
Rent out the patio area at a local restaurant or country club, bring some tunes, and jazz-up the setting with a few decorations. 在一个当地的饭店或者乡村俱乐部,租个露台,带上几首曲子,并用一些饰品使整个环境活泼起来。
Arsenal star Alexander Hleb has visited former club Stuttgart and said the German side are capable of beating Bayern Munich at the weekend. 阿森纳球星赫莱布拜访了老东家斯图加特,他说这支德国球队有能力在周末击败拜仁。
Despite scientific critics of the Club of Rome's methods, the public was ready to believe the dire forecast. 尽管有对罗马俱乐部研究方法的科学批评,但是公众仍然准备相信这个可怕的预言。
Johnson took time of his holiday and was in Merseyside today morning and is believed to have secured a move to the Anfield club. 约翰逊今天上午借假期之虞现身默西塞德,相信离他加盟这家安菲尔德俱乐部的日子不远了。
The club is in a bit of a predicament, but you couldn't ask for a more humble gentleman to deal with that. 利物浦是陷入了一点困境,但是你不能要求一个谦逊的绅士做得更多了。
FERNANDO TORRES has decided to quit Liverpool after running out of patience with the club's inability to produce a winning team. 托雷斯在迟迟不见利物浦成为一只所向披靡的球队之后,终于耗尽了耐心决定退出利物浦。
Sunderland's a massive club. Going out on loan is all part of my football education. I want to improve, make the next step. 桑德兰是一家大球队。租借在外是足球教育的一部分。我想进步,进入下一阶段。
It is down to me to find an agreement with a club where he goes and afterwards it is only his responsibility whether he plays or not. 这取决于我与一家俱乐部达成一份协议,他唯一考虑的是无论去哪里,只要能打上比赛就行。
"I feel ready to make it to the next level in a great club, " Hazard told L'Equipe. “我感觉我已经准备好去为另一个级别联赛中的豪门球队效力了。”哈扎德告诉队报。
When questioned, he became rather testy and shouted something about not wanting to be in any club that was prepared to have him as a member. 我们问他的时候,他暴躁地喊着,说任何想吸纳他的俱乐部他都不想参加。
The Portuguese tactician has never been out of the spotlight at Stamford Bridge since arriving at the club in the summer of 2004. 这个葡萄牙战术家自从2004年夏天来到这个俱乐部就从来没有离开过斯坦福桥的聚光灯。
I know a couple of lads who have been here and they say it's a wonderful club and I thought this was the place for me to come. 我知道几个家伙也到了桑德兰,这是个不错的球队。我想来这里是个不错的选择。
Paul told them that the key Sarah got from his father was to a private cigar club in Chicago. 保罗告诉他们,萨拉从她爸爸那里得到的那把钥匙是通往芝加哥一家私人雪茄俱乐部的。
One incident that hurt the most was one night when I was out with my friends at a club and a group of guys spotted us from across the club. 一个事件伤害最大的一个晚上,当我跟朋友们在俱乐部和一群家伙发现我们来自不同俱乐部。
Fed-up with being loaned out by his parent club, Baronio rapped: "I began the season with Lazio, but the coach did not give me a look-in. " 厌倦了被自己的母队租借出去,巴罗尼奥斥责到:“我在拉齐奥开始了赛季,但是教练不给我表现的机会。”
Beckham has always said he would not play for another English club after leaving Manchester United in 2003 to join Real Madrid. 在2003年从曼联转会到皇家马德里之后,贝克汉姆一直表示他不会再为另一家英格兰俱乐部效力。
Former Brazil star Rai believes Lucas Leiva is beginning to blossom into a key player for both club and country. 前巴西球星拉易相信卢卡斯将会在俱乐部和国家队开始绽放光芒…
After that he would have to stay for another year, unless it was in the club's interest to let him go. 从那天以后,他就要在俱乐部多呆上一年,除非俱乐部有意让他走。
During the four years we were in the same club, Joseph never let me off without an analysis of my voice. 在四年间,我们在同一个俱乐部,约瑟夫从来没有让我不注意我的声音变化。
He is capable of intense concentration, and has finished off eight upperclassmen in a row during one of his club practices. 他可以精神高度集中,曾在一次俱乐部练习中击败八位高年级选手。
Don't worry, we were told, even a golf club has one of those -- it's just a name. 别担心,我们知道,即使是一个高尔夫球俱乐部也可能拥有这样的名字,所以不要太在意,这仅仅是一个名字而已。
Albert Riera is ready to stay at Liverpool now Rafa Benitez has left the club. 在拉法离开之后,里埃拉准备继续留在利物浦。
I promised to go to a club with her last Tuesday, and I really forgot all about it. We were to have played a duet together. 我答应本周二同她去俱乐部,可我真的把这件事全忘了。我们原打算一起二重唱的。