
美 [sɪt]英 [sɪt]
  • v.坐;蹲;开庭;担任
  • 网络坐下;静电感应晶体管(static induction transistor);就座

过去式:sat 过去式:sate 现在分词:sitting 第三人称单数:sits

sit quietly,sit upright,sit comfortably
sit side,sit fence,sit test



在椅子等上面on chair, etc.

1.[i]坐to rest your weight on your bottom with your back vertical, for example on/in a chair

2.[t]~ sb + adv./prep.使坐;使就座to put sb in a sitting position

事物of things

3.[i]处在;坐落在;被放在to be in a particular place

担任职务have official position

4.[i](在…中)任职;任(…的)代表;担任to have an official position as sth or as a member of sth

议会等of parliament, etc.

5.[i]开会;开庭to meet in order to do official business


6.[t][i]参加考试;应试to do an exam

狗of dog

8.[i]蹲;坐to sit on its bottom with its front legs straight

初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... America 美国人(的) 176 sit 177 down 向下 ...


不规则动词_百度百科 ... shine 发光 sit 坐下 have 有 ...

静电感应晶体管(static induction transistor)

例如静电感应晶体管(SIT) [1] ,基于 CMOS 工艺的基区存储成像器(BASIC) [2] ,基区穿通型光电晶体管 [3][4] ,利用SiGe BiC…


3个字母的英语单词_百度知道 ... sir n. 先生,[S-,用于姓名前](……)爵士 sit v. (使)坐,(使)就座 six num. 六,六个 ...


未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... single 单个 sit v. 位于,安装 site 位置 ...

特殊搜查班(Special Investigation Team)

...犯人都不受伤的情况下,和平解决案件的特殊组织,俗称SIT(special investigation team)。


大学英语精读单词表(预备一) - 豆丁网 ... stand v. 站立;座落,位于 sit v. (使)坐,(使)就坐 country n. 国家;农村,乡间 ...

Kim then called her boyfriend and made him come over to sit up and watch TV with her since she couldn't sleep after that. 然后金就给她的男朋友打电话,叫他来和自己一起看电视,因为她已经无法入睡了。
Sit down with these statements and figure out exactly how much you owe in total on each one and how much interest you're being charged. 坐下来精确地算出你欠每个人的债务总额及利息。
My song will sit in the pupils of your eyes, and will carry your sight into the heart of things. 我的歌将伫立在你瞳孔里,把你的视线植入万物心中。
And yet you are back in politics, and you're even making headlines again. Why don't you finally sit back and relax? 你依然要重投政治,甚至重新成为头条.为什麽你临老不好好享受人生?
The captain opened his eyes and tried to sit up. 'Where's Black Dog? ' he asked. 老船长睁开眼,试着坐起来。“黑狗在哪?”他问。
Zhong, his wife and daughter sit down to a typical dinner of steamed fish, two types of greens, mushrooms, pork, rice and sliced apples. 钟和他的妻子及女儿坐下来,享用着一顿典型的晚餐:蒸鱼、两样蔬菜、蘑菇、猪肉、米饭和切成小片的苹果。
When an employee comes into your office and needs to talk to you, ask her to sit down. 当一位雇员进入你的办公室要和你谈话时,让她坐下。
The two passengers want to sit together. I'm wondering if it would be possible for you to exchange your seat with his. 这两位旅客想坐在一起,我想知道您是否愿意和他换一下座位。语境:替乘客协调座位时。
After a while they started to laugh and came up to me and said I could sit when I wanted to , and I said I knew. 过了一会她们笑起来,走过来跟我说可以想坐就坐的,我说我知道。
And I knew Mr. Dobrynin very well, and I said, "I'm going to sit beside Mrs. Gorbachev tonight. What shall I talk to her about? " 我和多布日林先生很熟,所以我对他说,“今晚我会坐在戈尔巴乔夫夫人旁边。我该和她谈些什么话题呢?”
The sheriff told Mark to sit down and went outside for a minute to whisper something to his deputy. 警长让马克坐下,然后走出去和副警长耳语了一番。
The most effective thing Jamal's school did was to make kids sit next to students they didn't know during lunch period for a week. 假毛儿的学校做的效果最好的事情,就是在一整个星期的午饭时间让孩子们坐在陌生的孩子中间。
If you are at a desk all day, it is good to sit on one of these balls for an hour or so, as it puts your spine into the correct curve. 如果在桌子前坐了一整天,像这样在球上坐一小时左右,使脊柱得到正常弯曲,是非常有好处的。
He would sometimes show up hours late for a state banquet honoring an African head of state, then sit in a far corner before bolting away. 在庆祝他当选非盟主席的国宴上,他迟到了数个小时,坐在遥远的角落里,不久就默默退场。
For some time he continued to sit in silence. Then he looked up, lifted those hands calmly, judiciously, and nodded his head. 他静静地又坐了一会儿,然后抬起头来,安详地、有见地地举起了双手,点了点头。
Take the first step by asking your child to sit with you for a few minutes and then openly and clearly declare your unconditional love. 第一步你叫你的孩子和你坐一小会儿,然后直接明了地告诉他们你对他们无条件的爱。
The dog objected, "What? All day long to sit by the door? No way! I give you back the other 10 years of my life! " So God agreed. 狗反对:“什么?整天坐在门口?绝对不行!我退给你10年寿命!”于是上帝同意了。
Step One: Prepare your man. Seat him in a sturdy chair and lay down the rules. He needs to sit and stay still. 第一步:让你的男人准备好。让他坐在一把结实的椅子中并说明规则。他需要坐下保持不动。
Now, Mrs. Morgan, " said the director to one young married woman who was to take the part of Pearl , " you sit here. 喂,莫根太太,“导演又对演珍珠的那个少妇说,”你坐在这里。
I still fall into that trap every once in a while and I have to force myself to sit down and pound out a few pages of a short story. 我偶尔还是会掉入这样的陷阱,而这时我就会强迫自己坐下来,敲出一篇几页纸的短篇故事。
Oh, how sad for her to be here all alone. Shall we ask her to sit with us? 那位独自坐在那的小姐多可怜啊,我们不如叫她过来一起用餐?
He DID not hesitate to ask her to sit beside him. 他果断地要她坐在他旁边。
Declined men will then move on to the next girl, or if he totally fails, sit on his own. 被拒绝的男生会走向下一个女生,如果没有人选择,他就只能独自坐在一边了。
Don't sit at a table. Find a stool or lean by the bar. Your body language should be able to portray that you're open for a conversation. 不要坐在桌子边上。找一凳子坐下或者靠在吧台上。你的肢体语言应该要能够表眀你期待一次谈话。
When you sit at a keyboard and enter a command, you conceive its action in terms of the display you see before the next prompt. 当您坐在键盘前并输入一个命令时,您将它的操作认为是在下一个提示符之前所看到的相关显示。
One day , he asked some friend to dinner . When all of his friend got to his house, he asked them to sit around the dinner table . 一天他邀请一些朋友去他家吃晚饭,所有朋友都到了,他请朋友们围坐在餐桌旁。
"I'm fine. " My voice sounded strange. I tried to sit up, and realized he was holding me against the side of his body in an iron grasp. “我没事。”我的声音听起来怪怪的。我想要坐起来,然后发觉他紧紧地抓着我,把我护在身下。
Dobby: Offend Dobby! Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir, but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard, like an equal. . . 多比:冒犯多比!多比听说过你的伟大,先生,但是从来没有一个魔法师让多比坐下来,把我当成是平等的一样……
If the child can have a tub bath , sit him in tepid water up to midnight . 如果小儿能用盆浴,可让他坐在温水中使水泡至大腿的一半。
She waited and waited. Before she could sit down in the hospital she stood up to run to the school. 她左等右等等不会来,回到医院还没坐稳就又跑到学校。