
美 [swɑn]英 [swɒn]
  • v.悠游;悠然闲逛
  • n.天鹅
  • 网络斯旺;Structured Wireless-Aware Network;天鹅牌

复数:swans 现在分词:swanning 过去式:swanned



n. v.


月份与星期的英文_百度文库 ... cormorant 鸬鹚 swan 天鹅 cob 雄天鹅 ...


代表人物:美国的经济学家、MIT的罗伯 特·索洛(Robert M. Solow)以及英国的 经济学家斯旺Swan)。 40 新古典增长理

Structured Wireless-Aware Network

...B/SU支持自带软件,构成使用Radiocity Structured Wireless-Aware Network (SWAN)构架,完整连接端到端的有线到无线链 …


 向来热心公益年的天鹅牌Swan)慈善基金,率先响应,成为温情满人间的首要赞助单位。 此外,义利贸易有限公司也响应, …


《Friends》词汇表B ... wit n. 智力, 才智, 智慧 swan n. 天鹅, 杰出的诗人、歌手, 天鹅座 shaping 修整(的) ...


中正大学,白天鹅(Swan)by palapapapa 72 views 6:37 写在风中的信 (云门 in CCU)by palapapapa 488 views 2:14 Malayan Ni…


天鹅牌往复型空压机(Swan) ... 高效率冷却风扇,有效降低压缩温度。 强力铸造曲轴及气缸,强度高,耐磨性特佳。

While working his way across the U. S. he met Swan Walker in Chicago, who became his wife and life long assistant. 在他往返于美国工作期间,在芝加哥他认识了SwanWalker,后来成了他的妻子和终身助理。
When he got to a lake, an idea hit him that he should stop to clean the swan in the lake, so cautiously he bathed the swan in the water. 走到一个湖边,他突然觉得,应该停下来把天鹅洗一下。于是,他小心翼翼地用湖水给天鹅洗澡。
Mr Swan said he would continue with the carbon tax despite the global turmoil because it would be good for Australia in the long term. 斯旺说,尽管全球经济动乱,他也将继续推行碳税,因为长远来说,这对澳洲是有益的。
As the swans surrounded the frozen goose, she feared that the poor goose might be pecked out by those great swan bills. 像天鹅包围了冷冻的鹅,她害怕那个可怜的鹅可能被狂野那些伟大的天鹅的帐单。
The work may be a swan with his neck pointed down and his wings raised up for the initial flap of the wings for lift off. 整件作品就好像是一只天鹅,曲著脖子在奋力地拍动著翅膀,不畏艰辛,准备展翅长空。
The story of the swan's last song found a place in the works of other writers, including the early English writers Chaucer and Shakespeare. 关于天鹅最后的歌声的故事,在其他作家的作品占有一席之地。这些作家包括早期英国作家乔叟和莎士比亚。
Their walls are sure to be covered with all their favorite heroes and heroines, the Cullen Clan, Bella Swan, and of course hunky Jacob. 他们的墙壁也一定会被所有他们最喜爱的男女英雄人物所铺盖。例如:卡伦家族,贝拉天鹅,当然还有HUNKY雅各布。
Bella Swan has always been a little bit different, never caring about fitting in with the trendy girls at her Phoenix high school. 美丽天鹅一直是一个有点不同,从来没有关心拟合与时髦的女孩在她的太阳高中。
And the bidders who type "SWAN" at the beginning of their message to me, only those would be considered. 及投标人谁键入“天鹅”的消息在开始时对我,只有那些将被考虑。
Small-shirts a hit to their body, they blink of an eye one by one into a swan, flew up into the sky and disappeared in the distance. 小衬衫一碰到他们的身体,眨眼之间他们就一个个地变成了天鹅,飞上天空,消失在远方。
Proud of this dazzling gift of Nature, she considered herself intended for a Swan, rather than for that which she was. 她对大自然给予她的这份光彩炫目的礼物大为骄傲,以为自己终会成为一只天鹅,而不再是现在这般模样。
All the tickets have been sold out for the singer's solo concert. The public clearly believe that this will be her swan song. 那位歌手的个人演唱会的门票已经全部卖完。公众非常清楚,这是它的告别演出。
Before getting up to leave, he slips the allen wrench under Sucre's pillow and places an origami swan on his bunk. 在出发前,Michael将那柄六角扳手放在了Sucre的枕头下,并在他的床铺上放了只纸鹤。
All the tickets have been sold for the singer's performance in Paris this week-the public clearly believes that this will be her swan song. 这位歌唱家本星期在巴黎演唱的全部门票都销售一空——显然,公众认为这将是她最后一次告别演出。
I'll love you just like a swan cherish its feather . I seem to be expended all my fortune to change with you at the dawn. 我会像天鹅爱惜自己的羽毛一般爱你,我似乎用尽了自己所有的运气,才换来和你在一起的契机。
Swan Lake is about a young woman turned into a half-swan, half-human creature by an evil magician. 《天鹅湖》描述了一位年轻女子被一个邪恶魔法师变成半人半天鹅的生物。
INTRODUCTION : This work is form Greek Myths. "Jeffs" who had transformed into a swan stole the beautiful queen Leda and made love with her. 作品简介:作品取自古希腊神话。“杰夫斯”神变成天鹅后偷走了美丽的勒达皇后并与其交欢。
Among the, he at last learned happily that "it doesn't matter if you are born in a duck-yard, as long as you come from a swan's egg. " 从他们中他愉快地学到了“只要你是天鹅下的蛋,无论你是否在鸭圈中出生都没有关系。”
Natalie Portman took the best-actress award for her performance as a perfectionist ballerina in Darren Aronofsky's 'Black Swan. ' 娜塔利·波特曼凭借她在达伦•阿罗诺夫斯基导演的《黑天鹅》中作为一个完美主义芭蕾舞演员的表演获得最佳女主角奖。
Lord! If I am destined not to be a swan, please give me a heart content with prosiness, and let me be a happy duck. 主啊!如果我注定不能成为天鹅,请赐我一颗安于平凡的心,让我做一只快乐的鸭子。
A group of swan geese, in their usual formation, fly in the dark welkin to the south to which they said goodbye such a long time ago. 在灰暗的天宇之上,一群人字形的大雁,要飞去久别的南方。
The epitome of grace and beauty, the swan is one of the last animals we'd imagine to be anything other than elegant. 作为美丽和优雅的缩影,天鹅应该算是最后的让人们只能想象得到雅洁的动物了!
Oddly, however, the company refused to identify the ship or its nationality, giving it instead the code-name "The Black Swan. " 但是奇怪的是,该公司拒绝透露其国籍的船舶或,而是给它的代号为“黑天鹅。”
Wayne Swan, the federal treasurer, made it clear in a speech on Friday that this was not the case. 澳大利亚财长韦恩•斯旺(WayneSwan)上周五在一次讲话中明确表示,情况并非如此。
In the end, when he became a swan, they became envious of him, and would have never dreamed he was an ugly duckling before. 最后,当他变成一只天鹅,他们就嫉妒他,从来没有想过他以前曾经是一个丑小鸭。
To be irrevocably in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously heightened reality for Bella Swan. 对于贝拉来说,无可救药地爱上一个吸血鬼,既是充满甜蜜的幻想,又是深不可测的梦魇,危险的现实正步步逼近。
You can call this your "Swan Song" . What was the word earlier, your culmination you might say. 你可以把这称作“绝笔”。早一些的词叫顶点,你可能会这样叫。
In a word, an ugly duckling has become a white swan, as if it had been a dream! 在词,一个丑小鸭变成一只白色天鹅,好象它梦想!
"There's no doubt there will be a dramatic impact on growth in the December quarter from what has occurred around the globe, " Swan said. 他说:“毫无疑问,全球局势必将给12月这个季度的增长带来重大影响。”
We swan, our dancers between heaven and earth, our universe is the stage and background of any of our free-flying and free swimming. 我们天鹅,我们这天地间的舞者,天地万物是我们的舞台和背景,任我们自由翱翔与自在悠游。