
美 [sɪˈvɪr]英 [sɪˈvɪə(r)]
  • adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的
  • 网络剧烈的;严格的;重度

比较级:severer 最高级:severest

severe injury,severe infection,severe pain,severe damage,severe recession


非常不好very bad

1.极为恶劣的;十分严重的extremely bad or serious


2.~ (on/with sb)严厉的;重的punishing sb in an extreme way when they break a particular set of rules

不和善not kind

3.严厉的;苛刻的not kind or sympathetic and showing disapproval of sb/sth

非常困难very difficult

4.艰难的;艰巨的;难度很大的extremely difficult and requiring a lot of skill or ability


5.过于简朴的extremely plain and lacking any decoration


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... resume v. (中断后)重新开始 380. severe a. 严重的 381. sexual a. 性的 382. ...


英语词根6 - Leo.Zhu - 博客园 ... settee n 长靠椅(人安定休息的地方) severe a 严肃的;严厉的 insightful a 有洞察力的 ...


人教版高中英语必修5单词_百度文库 ... n. neighborhood 附近;邻近 n. severe 严重的;剧烈的;严厉的 adj. clue 线索;提示 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... several a. 几个,数个 severe a. 严格的;严厉的 severely ad. 严厉地,严格地 ...


疫苗名称及医用词汇中英文对照 猪 圈 ... 中度 Moderate 重度 Severe 卡介苗( Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine) ...


“史上最难就业年”来临?(1)- 双语新闻 - 21英语网 ... recession 不景气 severe 严峻的 dub 授予称号 ...

Punishment from police is often more severe and will prevent future bullying better that school punishment will. 警方给与的惩罚通常更重,会比学校的处罚更好地防止未来的欺负行为。
If the guest is in a severe condition, do not remove the guest at all, administer emergency treatment if possible, and arrange an ambulance. 如果伤者处于较危险的情况,不要移动,如果可能则安排紧急情况处理办法,同时安排救护车。
A little bird dropped from the sky into a farm as it's chilled to the bone due to the severe cold weather on its migratory way to the South. 一只小鸟正飞往南方过冬的途中。天气太冷了,小鸟冻僵了,从天上掉下来,跌在一大片农田里。
Would yo think me impertinent if I were to put your theories to a more severe test? 如果我用一个较复杂的试验检验你的理论,你不会觉得我无礼吧?
Temperatures plunged towards 10C across most parts of China. In face of such a severe winter weather, we need to be prepared. 中国大部地区气温一下降到了只有10度,面临这样的严酷的气候,我们得做好准备。
Gentle as breeze as she was, Miss Fu once impressed me with her severe attitude. 就是这样一位春风般和蔼的老师,有一次竟很严厉。
So far, animal tests indicate that such a vaccine could prevent severe disease, although you might get a mild case. 到现在为止,动物测试显示这样一种疫苗能抵抗预防这些病毒。尽管你会感染一些轻微的流感。
Severe stress typically sends the body into a state of shock, flooding it with various hormones and metabolites. 严重的压力常使身体处于休克状态,体内充斥着各种激素和代谢物。
The pain of angina is usually not as severe as the intense precordial crushing sensation associated with acute myocardial infraction . 心绞痛性疼痛,通常不如急性心肌梗塞时心前区挤压感觉那样剧烈。
Some further credit tightening would tip us over into a more severe recession, but it is too early to tell. 他说,进一步紧缩信贷有可能将美国推入更严重的衰退,但现在作此判断还为时尚早。
at the time of admission of an acute asthmatic will invariably show a state of severe water retention with high urinary specific gravity . 此时检查急性气喘病患者的尿比重,将发现他们都处于水潴留与尿比重高的状态。
And a severe plunge in asset prices, even if it makes no sense in terms of fundamentals, tends to deplete that capital. 资产价格的跳水,即使对基本理论没有影响,但会导致资本衰竭。
I grow up day by day, but do not know why, the mother warm smile is no longer common, often severe instead on faces. 我一天天地在长大,但不知道为什么,母亲那亲切的笑容已不再多见,取而代之地常常是严厉的面孔。
He wears a suit and tie and a shirt with sleeves that cover his arms. Some people who do not know him well think he is too firm and severe. 他穿着西装打着领带,有些人并不知道他为人很好,他们都认为他太固执,严厉。
For children who suffer from severe acute malnutrition, most can be treated successfully with ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTF). 对于患有严重急性营养不良的儿童,大多数可以通过治疗性即食食品得到有效治疗。
Sentences do not hang together and irrelevant words intrude-sometimes to the point of jargon, in severe cases. 句与句之间缺乏衔接,常常插入无关词语,甚至有些严重病例类似说梦话。
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and its analogs have been used as bone anabolic agents for the treatment of severe osteoporosis in clinic. 甲状旁腺激素(PTH)目前已作为一种促骨合成药物,用于骨质疏松症的临床治疗。
Apparently, there was such a severe famine, that the king of Lydia decided that they had to do something crazy. People were suffering. 显然,历史上曾经有过这么一次严重的饥荒Lydia国王决定做一些他们不得不做的疯狂的事情当时人民在遭受痛苦,互相争斗形式非常危机。
Chicago Federal Reserve president Charles Evans on Friday said the United States was "tentatively" emerging from a severe recession. 芝加哥联邦储备银行总裁埃文斯周五指出,美国“暂时走出严重衰退”。
Antonia's figure, with its throat settled in the collar of her cape, slender, tall, severe, looked impatient and remote amongst the bustle. 安东妮亚的脖子舒适地藏在她的披肩的衣领里,身材纤巧,颀长,面容严肃,在杂沓的人群中显得又急躁又冷漠。
George said that after the severe damage the Aldrich Ames case had done to the CIA, he would have to resign if I commuted Pollards sentence. 乔治说,奥尔德里奇·埃姆斯一案已经对中情局造成重创,如果给波拉德减刑的话,他肯定辞职。
Yes. But very strict with me . He was quite strict in every movement during the training , sometimes it seemed to be a little severe . 是的。但对我非常严格,他对我训练中的每一个动作要求都相当严格,有时似乎有点苛刻。
Severe environment, such as hot summer and cold winter, is not able to do harm to him; even the beast can't come and attack at him. 酷暑,寒冬,再严苛的环境也不能侵害他的身体,禽兽更不能接近他,攻击他。
When the money runs out, a severe famine hits the country and the son finds himself in dire circumstances. 当钱用完了,严重的饥荒打国家和儿子发现自己在严峻的形势。
Within the past decades, epidural steroid injections have been used in the treatment of severe low back pain and sciatica. 在过去几十年中,硬膜外注射类固醇已被用于治疗重症腰痛和坐骨神经痛。
The next night she also slept, but when she awoke she had terrible pain and severe diarrhea. She was in an awful state. 隔天她也睡着了,但是当她醒来时,感到非常疼痛,并有严重的腹泻,情形很糟。
mulder : no . you know , unfortunately around this time of year i always develop a severe hemorrhoidal condition. 穆德:没有。你知道,很不幸的,在这个时节我总是有严重的痔疮问题。
by the Body louse, is the most severe. It is one of the great scourges of history, associated with crowded, filthy conditions. 由体虱传播的流行性斑疹伤寒是最严重的一型,为人类史上的一大灾难,与拥挤、肮脏的人们形影相随。
While the slump did not reflect pessimism so much as an overdue dose of realism, it has had severe consequences nonetheless. 虽然它的衰退更多源于一个迟到的现实主义药方,而不仅是悲观情绪,但其结果仍然很严重。
"We don't know yet how severe this virus is going to be, " he said. 他说:“我们尚不清楚这种病毒到底有多厉害。”