
美 [θʌm]英 [θʌm]
  • n.拇指;(手套的)拇指部分
  • v.翘起拇指请求搭乘(过路汽车);示意请求搭便车;用拇指摸;用拇指捋
  • 网络大拇指;大姆指;大母指

复数:thumbs 现在分词:thumbing 过去式:thumbed

sore thumb,left thumb


n. v.

1.拇指the short thick finger at the side of the hand, slightly apart from the other four

2.(手套的)拇指部分the part of a glove that covers the thumb


be all (fingers and) thumbs

笨手笨脚;笨拙;手指不灵活to be awkward with your hands so that you drop things or are unable to do sth

hold thumbs

希望(计划)成功;期望如愿以偿to hope that your plans will be successful or that sth will take place in the way that you want it to

thumbs up/down

翘拇指(表示接受或成功);拇指向下(表示拒绝或不成功)used to show that sth has been accepted/rejected or that it is/is not a success

under sbs thumb

完全受人支配;受制于人completely controlled by sb


人的五官及身体各部位英文表达_百度知道 ... 中指 middle finger 拇指 thumb 无名指 ring finger ...


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... with exposed fingers 割手套 thumb 大拇指 forefinger 食指 ...


48个音标对应单词_百度文库 ... thin 瘦的 thumb 大姆指 thread 线 ...


求人体各各器官的英文名称_百度知道 ... finger 手指 thumb 大母指 belly 肚 ...


考研单词乱序版_百度文库 ... dumb a. 哑的,无言的 thumb n. 拇指 v.示意要求搭车;迅速翻阅 numb a. 麻木的,失去感觉的 v.使 …


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... throw 投,扔,抛 thumb 大拇指 v.弄脏;翻动 thus 如此,这样;因而,从而 ...

i love it here, but dad always used to tell me how happy he was to have gotten away, out from under the thumb of his raising. 我热爱这片土地,但是父亲过去总是告诉我能够离开那里,不再被这片土地养育着,让他欢欣鼓舞。
If it were possible to press your thumb forward an inch or two, deep into your body, you would be touching one of your SI joints. 如果可以,试着拇指用点力往里面按1、2英寸,你就能触碰到你的骶髂关节了。
I particularly like to hold the back of her neck and then gently stroke her cheek with my thumb. . . while looking into her eyes. 我特别喜欢握着她脖子的后面然后用大拇指抚摸她的脸颊,同时注视着她的眼睛。
All other things being the same, we seem to use a rule of thumb "if it sounds familiar, it is more likely to be true. " 所有事情都是如此,我们似乎依赖某种经验法则,“如果常常听到,那它更有可能是真的。”
A good rule of thumb is to cut the size of your current backlog to contain no more requirements than could be completed in two releases. 一个感觉非常妙的方法是消减您当前积压的规模,使其仅仅包含在两次发布中就可以完成的需求。
But a few days later, the woodcutter took them to the forest again-and this time, Tom Thumb had no pebbles to help them find the way back. 可是,过了几天,伐木人再次把他们带进了森林。这次小汤姆没有小石子,他们找不到回家的路。
weighing more than 110 carats - roughly the size of a woman's thumb - has gone on display in London's Natural History Museum. 一颗重达110克拉的金黄色大钻石——与女子拇指一般大——日前在伦敦自然历史博物馆展出。
Tom is unwilling to be under his father's thumb, so he decided to leave his home. 汤姆不愿意受他爸爸的控制,所以决定离家出走。
"Sounds reasonable, " Cal said. The sopped beer label curled around his thumb. "You want to see a movie? " “听起来挺合理的,”卡尔说。浸湿的啤酒标签卷在他的拇指上。“你想看部电影么?”
With the Apple Click Wheel, iPod is very easy to use; you don't have to take your thumb away from the wheel when you operate it. 配有iPod苹果触控式按键转盘,所以非常容易使用。在操作时,你的拇指甚至不用离开这个转盘。
Many years later, if he could thumb through these works, he would be tightly embraced by a happy and content feeling. 很多年以后,当他再次翻阅这批作品的时候,一种充斥着满足感的幸福之情会紧紧拥抱着他。
This creates our model with a thumb field (for a thumbnail picture), a caption, and a Boolean indicating if it is in our hypothetical set. 这会创建一个模型,其中包含一个thumb字段(用于缩略图)、一个caption和一个Boolean(表示照片是否在照片集中)。
Second part of the belly-press in the chin with the thumb hole, and then move up to the bottom of the ear. 第二部分腹部压在与拇指孔下巴,然后移动到耳的底部。
Injection density is often used as a rule of thumb to estimate the difficulty of curing resonant combustion. 时常把喷射密度作为一个经验法则来估计解决共振燃烧问题时的困难。
The index, middle, and ring finger are the most frequently involved digits, while the thumb is often spared entirely. 示指、中指和环指是最常累及的手指,而拇指常完全不受累。
In other words, "we don't want the company that we have under our patent thumb to be able to turn the tables" . 换句话说,“我们不希望依靠我们专利的这些公司能够扭转劣势”。
HE weighs just a few ounces. You can put him in a coffee cup. Tom Thumb is a Chihuahua in Britain. He may be the smallest dog in the world. 他体重仅几盎司你可以把他放在咖啡杯汤姆大拇是在英国的吉娃娃…他可能是最小的狗在成为世界第二大贸易国。
As a rule of thumb, you can increase the size of the buffer pools as long as you get a corresponding increase of the bufferpool hit ratio. 首要原则是,只要能够获取一个对应的缓冲池命中率增加,就可以增加缓冲池的大小。
So Tom unwound the thread from one of his needles, and each boy pricked the ball of his thumb and squeezed out a drop of blood. 于是汤姆拿出一根针,去掉了线。两个孩子各自往大拇指上戳了一下,然后挤出两滴血来。
thumb and forefinger picked it up and brought it to the dealer's eyes and twirled it in the air. 拇指和食指把它捡了起来,拿到珍珠商的眼前,在空中滴溜溜地转动着。
The bank's bosses argue that the cost of coming under the thumb of the British government would have been higher still. 银行的老板争辩说如果巴克莱银行受到政府的支配,那么其耗费可能更高。
Granted, this is usually specific to the business domain, but this rule of thumb seems to hold up in most circumstances. 当然,上述讨论通常特定于商业领域,但这种经验之谈往往在很多情况下出现。
He took it up, rolled it quickly between thumb and forefinger, and then cast it contemptuously back into the tray. 他捡起珍珠,迅速地在拇指和食指之间转动着,然后轻蔑地把它扔回到托盘里。
Her arms are just about the right length and she may be trying to move them even getting so far as to get her thumb into her mouth to suck. 她的手臂刚好长到合适的尺寸,她可能正试着移动它们呢,甚至会把大拇指放到嘴里去吮吸。
It is not rare to run into the image of a child with his thumb in his mouth against the blurred light of an ultrasound. 一个小孩的图像与他的拇指在他的嘴巴里反抗著对超音波模糊的光线并不是稀奇的。
He pulled the door just as someone else pushed it in, injuring the tendons in his thumb. 他拉开门的时候正好某人在推门,导致了自己拇指的肌腱受伤。
As a rough rule of thumb, this makes Chinese labor at least double the cost of that in Indochina. 作为一个大体的经验,这使得中国劳工至少一倍,在印度支那的成本。
There were two children down with the measles, his wife was ailing, and he had a whitlow on his thumb. 他有两个孩子正在出麻疹,他老婆也在害病,他自己大姆指上又长了个疔。
If you liked this post, please give it a thumb up in StumbleUpon. 如果你喜爱这篇文章,竖起大拇指。
Gently squeeze the outer lip between the thumb and index finger, and slide up and down the entire length of each lip. 在拇指和食指之间,温柔的挤压外阴唇,沿着每一片唇的长长唇瓣滑上滑下。