
美 [tekst]英 [tekst]
  • n.文本;教科书;文档;剧本
  • v.(用手机给某人)发短信
  • 网络文字;课文;正文

第三人称单数:texts 现在分词:texting 过去式:texted

full text,set text,original text,literary text,academic text
change text,edit text,correct text,produce text


n. v.

1.[u](书籍或杂志的)正文,本文(并非附注、图片等)the main printed part of a book or magazine, not the notes, pictures, etc.

2.[u]文本;文档any form of written material

3.[c]演讲稿;剧本;文稿the written form of a speech, a play, an article, etc.

4.[c](尤指为了考试而学习的)课本,教科书,剧本a book, play, etc., especially one studied for an exam

5.[c](考试或一课书中赖以回答问题的)文章a piece of writing that you have to answer questions about in an exam or a lesson


文本TEXT):字符串,以数据库编码方式存储(UTF-8, UTF-16BE 或者 UTF-16-LE)。BLOB:BLOB数据不做任何转换, …


文字(Text) > 字体(Font) 里的使用字体显示字体名(Use font to display font name)前的勾去掉. 再把拼写(Spelling)里执行自动 …


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... protest v 抗议;坚决声明 text n 课文,原文(文章为作者所编) textile n 纺织品 ...


广告英文术语大全 ... 证言 testimonial 正文 text 主题句 theme lines ...


Dreamweaver及优化 - ☆苛心☆的日志 - 网易博客 ... type= 类型 text 文本框 file 文件 ...


本文text)借自川藉学人王一川《通向本文之路》一书,或译文本、篇章或话语,一般指作者创作出来供读者阅读的具体 …


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... protest v 抗议;坚决声明 text n 课文,原文(文章为作者所编) textile n 纺织品 ...


代码段又 分为可执行代码段(.text)和只读数据段(.rodata),数据 段又分为初始化数据段(.data)和未初始化数据段f. bss)。 …

Event that allows you to perform a custom set of instructions every time the value of the text box changes between posts to the server. 事件,使您可以在每次文本框的值在向服务器的各次发送过程之间更改时执行自定义指令集。
And yet some conservatives have turned it into a profane text, one that proves Mr Obama's unfitness for the great office he holds. 但一些保守者把它当做亵渎神圣的话,证明了奥巴马不能胜任其肩负的巨大职责。
"British history has been a history of invasion. " Please illustrate this point with the examples from the text. “英国历史上一直是侵略历史的”请说明这点与例子,从文本。
Whether it's monitoring your weight, doing some math or copying text, there's a robot ready to help you! 无论是监控你的体重,做一些数学或复制文本,有一个机器人随时为您服务!
"We maybe had to be a little bit careful with some of the more fruity references in the text, but not as much as I expected, " he said. 他说:“或许对待据本中更加粗俗的地方,我们不得不稍加留意,但是那比我想象的要少。”
The text of that message is one every teen and every parent needs to see. That's a page from my notebook. I'm Katie Couric, CBS news. 这条消息的文字是所有十几岁的青少年和所有家长需要看到的。这就是我笔记本中的一页。我是凯蒂•库里克,来自CBS新闻。
Translation is an activity for a translator to decode information in a source text and render it into a target one. 翻译是译者解读源语信息并用目的语进行转换的实践活动。
In particular, do not use the word processor's options to justify text or to hyphenate words. 特别是,不使用文字处理机的选择辩护文本或以hyphenate话。
Then the next time the system boots, it will come up to a text console login prompt rather than starting X. 然后下次系统启动时,就会进入文本控制台登录提示符,而不会启动X。
The typeface was conceived to be one of the pillars of Spore's branding strategy, functioning in body text as well as in display situations. 该字体的构想成为了孢子的品牌战略的支柱之一,在正文以及在显示的情况下运作。
The stations' operators act as clearing houses for text messages, reading important ones over the air for everyone to hear. 这些电台的操作员充当着短信情报站的角色,将重要的短信读给每个人听。
I suggested that we use their platform on the incoming text messages from Haiti to get a general sense of changing mood on an hourly basis. 我建议我们使用他们的平台接收从海地传来的短信,获得一个每小时情绪变化情况的整体感知。
To send a message, you simply type the message into a text box and press Enter, just like any other instant messaging client. 要发送消息,只需在一个文本框中输入消息,并按Enter键,就跟任何其他的即时消息客户机一样。
He'd text me while hanging out with friends he'd told and ask me to tag along. I'd decline. I honestly didn't want things to end with him. 他跟朋友在外面玩的时候他给我发短信让我也一起过来,但是我拒绝了。
Today, I sent a text message to my girlfriend telling her how much I wanted to make love to her tonight. 今天,我发短信告诉我的女友:今晚,我是多么地想和她XXOO。
Text A How Old Is She? A woman was having some trouble with her heart, so she went to see the doctor. 一位妇女的心脏有问题,所以她去看医生。
Text stands for something of your choice that you type in--usually a command or filename. Text代表你键入的内容——通常是一个命令或文件名。
Gist allows to start off from a pasted bit of text or code and collaborate over the net, either using a web interface or git tools. 使用Gist,用户可以从粘帖一小段文本或者代码开始,然后通过Web界面或者git工具展开网上的协作。
The result was that I uncovered the text of a soon-to-be-published interview they gave Pop Photo on the subject. 结果是我揭露了他们给在主题的流行音乐照片一次很快对是出版采访的文本。
The Delegation of Uruguay pointed out that there had not been consensus on the text of the basic proposal at the last SCCR session. 乌拉圭代表团指出,上届SCCR会议未就基础提案案文达成协商一致。
Well Melchizedek comes up in the text of Genesis without us knowing anything else about him. 麦基洗德在《创世纪》里出现时,没有任何关于他的其他描写。
if made to the text messages you like, she did not return. Do not re-issued. 如果发短信息给你喜欢的人,她不回。不要再发。
At this point, I not only think of the word: the book's own house of gold, the text of its own difficulties. 此时,我不仅想到了一句话:书中自有黄金屋,文中自有克难计。
Some applications that don't support Unicode may also allow you to see text in multiple languages; others support only one language. 有些不支持Unicode的应用程序可能也允许您查看多语言的文本,而其他这种应用程序仅支持一种语言。
Before learning algorithm and classification system able to be used on text, this to be transformed into a proper representation. 在学习算法和分类系统能够处理文本之前,文本必须转换成一种适当的表示形式。
When in the Sun-text version due to the film itself causes or improper operation of the word into fall. 在晒笔墨版时由于胶片本身来因或操纵不妥,易产生失字本体。
In other words, it's not just a question of whatever I think is in a text is in a text. 换句话说,这不只是一个我认为作品里,有什么就有什么的问题。
Looking at the text message entered in previous step, the keyword used in this scenario, the word "patient" , is contained in the message. 看一下前一步中输入的文本消息,消息中包含这个场景使用的关键词“patient”。
I'm trying to get over her, but every three or four weeks, Felicity will text or call and say how much she misses me. 我尝试着去原谅她,但每三或四个星期,费利西蒂就试探的考验或电话我,并说她有多么想我。
I'm trying get over her, but every three or four weeks, Felicity will text or callandsay how much she misses me. 我试着去忘记她,但是每隔三或者四个星期,她就会传短信息或者打电话过来说她是多么的想念我。