
美 [koʊld]英 [kəʊld]
  • n.冷;寒冷;感冒;着凉;感冒;寒冷;冰点下
  • adj.冻;冰凉的;冷酷的;无趣味的;寒冷的;未热过的;已凉的;冷却的
  • adv.突然;完全;毫无准备地
  • 网络更冷的;越来越冷;较冷的

比较级:colder 最高级:coldest 复数:colds

cold weather,cold morning,cold beer,severe cold,cold medicine
feel cold


低气温low temperature

1.寒冷的;冷的having a lower than usual temperature; having a temperature lower than the human body


2.未热过的;已凉的;冷却的not heated; cooled after being cooked


3.冷漠的;不友好的without emotion; unfriendly


4.冷的;冷色的;寒色的seeming to lack warmth, in an unpleasant way


5.不易发现的not easy to find


7.[nbn](informal)out ~失去知觉unconscious


a cold fish

冷漠无情的人a person who seems unfriendly and without strong emotions

get/have cold feet

临阵胆怯;畏缩to suddenly become nervous about doing sth that you had planned to do

give sb the cold shoulder

冷漠对待;使受到冷遇to treat sb in an unfriendly way

in cold blood

残忍地;蓄意地;冷酷地;无情地acting in a way that is deliberately cruel; with no pity

in the cold light of day

有时间冷静考虑时;在头脑更清醒些的第二天早晨when you have had time to think calmly about sth; in the morning when things are clearer

leave sb cold

未打动某人;无法引起某人的兴趣to fail to affect or interest sb

pour/throw cold water on sth

泼冷水;批评;责备to give reasons for not being in favour of sth; to criticize sth


英语bigger类似的形容词_百度知道 ... fatter 更胖的 colder 更冷的 hotter 更热的 ...


帮忙翻译这句话!谢谢_百度知道 ... 越来越少: Less and Less 越来越冷Colder 泛滥带: flood zone ...


《Friends》... ... cutout n. 挖剪图画, 终止, 剪切块, 删除部分 colder n. 寒冷, [物]零下温度, 伤风, 感冒 pinkie n. <口>小手指 ...


陕西旅游版小学英语单词汇总 - 绿叶的日志 -... ... clothes 衣服 colder 较冷的 cook 烹调 ...


《Friends》... ... cutout n. 挖剪图画, 终止, 剪切块, 删除部分 colder n. 寒冷, [物]零下温度, 伤风, 感冒 pinkie n. <口>小手指 ...


小学英语常见形容词及比较级、... ... (聪明的)— cleverer—cleverest cold (寒冷的)— colder—coldest (凉的)— cooler—…

"Individual years can be warmer or colder than the last, just like individual days, " he said. 个别年份可能比上一年更热或更冷,就像个别日子一样。
She might have wished for colder, clearer water . . . but no, if she were going to pin her hopes on wishes, she would wish for rescue. 虽然她想要更冰凉清澈的水……但是现实并非如此,如果要把希望放在空想上,她最想要的是救援。
Over the next several years there is going to be a tendency toward dry and colder temperatures in the southern U. 在未来几年将有倾向干旱和气温南部美国西海岸。
Visibility tends to be better during the colder seasons of the year than in summer, and in the early morning and late evening hours. 可见往往能够更好地在寒冷的季节比去年夏天,在清晨和傍晚小时。
If you've ever driven up to a mountain pass, you know that the higher you climb, the colder it gets. 如果你曾经开车爬过山路,就会知道爬得越高气温越低。
Contrary to expectations, they had not tucked into the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, which only occurs farther south in colder waters. 与预期不同的是,牠们并没有吃很多只出现在更南边更冷海域的南极磷虾。
The colder and sterner brother continued to gaze at me, till the trouble he had excited forced out tears as well as colour. 比较冷静和严厉的哥哥却还继续盯着我,直到他激起的不安逼得我不仅脸红而且流出了眼泪。
It's not hard to see how a warming Earth could change those dynamics: as the globe heats up, the top of the atmosphere should get colder. 不难看出,一个正在升温的地球是如何改变那些动力的:由于地球温度升高,大气顶端的大气应该越来越冷。
The world seemed to be a colder place, the colors less vivid. And I had no idea what I was going to do to adjust to life without him. 周围世界看来从此变得更冷,颜色也失去了光彩,我没有任何主意去适应没有他的生活。
The ocean may be a little colder than usual, but I think you might still be able to hop in. 海水可能比平时凉一点,不过我想你还是可以下海游泳的。
I imagined with my hands stretched out of the windows and started to feel a bit colder. 我把手伸出窗外想像着,开始感觉到一些凉意。
Since the top of the clouds are usually colder than the land surface and the sea surface, clouds will appear bright in the image. 由于云顶通常都比地面及海面为冷,所以云在图像中会显得明亮。
Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide and methane, trap heat down near the surface. The result: colder temperatures in the stratosphere . 象二氧化碳、甲烷等温室气体将热量限制在接近地球表面的范围内,结果同温层的气温更低了。
Coke did not move . the wind became colder. his feet and hands felt like ice in the snow. 科克没有走,风刮的更冷了。他的脚和手冻的就像雪地里的冰一样。
It was growing dark, and I felt colder. Stroking the clothing the brother had given me, I was reminded of him. 天慢慢黑了,我感到更冷了,我摸着身上小哥哥给我的衣服,想起了小哥哥。
It got colder, and there was not a single ray of sunlight in the dark sky even though many days had passed. 气候变冷,而且也没有了阳光,在黑暗的天空,即使单一射线多天已经过去了。
Colder relations with the Americans must surely be expected, while Pakistan fumbles for some sort of explanation. 虽然巴基斯坦笨拙地作出一些解释,但与美国的关系进入冰冻期可以预见。
If you snorkel around the island you do need to venture out past the reef into the colder water to see the better wildlife. 如果你升降环岛你需要冒险过去的珊瑚礁到寒冷的水来看看更好的野生动物。
The poor little Swallow grew colder and colder, but he would not leave the Prince, he loved him too well. 可怜的小燕子觉得越来越冷了,但是他却不愿离开王子,他太爱这位王子了。
When water sits in that tank for a day or two, it will heat up from its colder temperature to the ambient temperature in your house. 如果把水这样放在房子里,那么水会被从一个较低的温度加热到和你的室温差不多。
Forecasters say it should disintegrate completely in the next day as it hits colder air in Canada. 气象预报人员说,厄尔在撞击加拿大冷空气后的第二天,应该会彻底消散。
Autumn is lovely in Beijing but the winter can be freezing. Temperatures drop below zero and the wind makes it even colder. 北京的秋天很宜人,但冬天十分寒冷。气温会降到零度以下,刮起风来则让人感觉更加寒冷。
This can be dangerous, though, because if it's colder out than they thought, the bees might not make it back. 虽然,这可能很危险,因为外边的温度比蜜蜂料想的低,但是,蜜蜂不会中途返回来的。
Bird flu tends to be more active during the colder months of the year. 禽流感在一年中寒冷季节更容易爆发。
Well this coat would be more practical for colder weather, but I think the other one is so much more attractive. 这件大衣对寒冷的天气来说更为实用,而我觉得另外那件要好看得多。
The temperature had dropped at least 10 from the daytime high. It was only going to get colder and windier during the climb. 气温已从日间的峰值陡降了至少10摄氏度,登山过程中只会越来越冷,风也越来越大。
Stir the hot milk every now and then in order to make it a little colder. 时不时的搅拌热牛奶,这样能使它凉得更快些。
The mallards seemed like the colder it was the better in the pond. 池中野鸭是愈冷愈游得起劲儿。
The kind of weather called "wind as snow" days by local people is no less colder than the the weather of below-zero days in north China. 被我们这里人称作“微风雪水”的日子不比北方零下温度的天气冷,甚至更冷。
Chlorine destroys more ozone in colder conditions, and scientists say we're likely to see more long winters in the coming years. 氯在寒冷的状况下会破坏更多的臭氧,而科学家说我们很有可能会在未来几年见到更长的冬天。