
美 [ˈres(ə)l]英 ['res(ə)l]
  • v.摔跤;斟酌;格斗;〈美〉扭倒要打烙印的牲畜
  • n.【体】摔跤;搏斗;奋斗
  • 网络深思

第三人称单数:wrestles 现在分词:wrestling 过去式:wrestled




英文阅读:have a little faith: Week 6:... ... Eloquently: 善辩地 Wrestled: 深思 Convert: 皈依者 ...

But if the virus or bacterium is one that our hapless rider has never wrestled, a different sort of immune response comes to the rescue. 但如果这种病毒或细菌是我们从来没遇过的,就会有另一套不同的免疫反应前来搭救。
The officers walked him around the corner and, as he began resisting, wrestled him to the ground. 两位警官将他带到角落附近,而当他开始抵抗时,警察将他摔倒在地。
Even Breyugar's limp form was wrestled back toward the fire, Pryrates continued to squint at the place where the count had fallen. 卫兵拉着全身无力的Breyugar,向篝火拖去,而Pryrates却仍然斜视着伯爵刚才摔倒的地方。
However, as anyone who has wrestled with a persistent case of athlete's foot knows, it's not easy to root out a fungus once it's taken hold. 不过,一直与脚癣做斗争的所有人都知道,一旦被真菌沾上想根除它谈何容易。
Pharr, 25, said he wrestled out of the harness binding him to his instructor, and started emergency treatment to try to save him. 25岁的法尔说他松开了将他和教练绑在一起的背带,开始实施急救。
Their experiments solved one of the great mysteries of biology, one scientists had wrestled with since the dawn of genetics. 他们的实验解决了生物学的一大谜团,这个谜团是科学家们自遗传学诞生以来一直竭力寻求解答的。
"These issues now have to be included and wrestled with" in drafting national security strategy, she said. 她说,在起草国家安全战略时,这些问题必须包含在内。
As he wrestled with the decision over whether to leave NASA, the Obama administration made the decision to scrap Constellation and Ares I. 正当他犹豫是否要离开NASA的时候,奥巴马政府作出决议,取消“星座计划”和“战神一号”的航天计划。
She claims the pair of them wrestled on the floor of his apartment as he tried to unhook her bra. 她声称,卡恩试图脱下她的内衣,两人在他公寓的地板上扭打。
I wrestled with my conscience for a long time, then decided to tell him the truth. 我的良心挣扎了很久,最后决定告诉他真相。
On a journey to Canaan he wrestled all night with an angel, who blessed him and gave him the name Israel. 在一次前往迦南的旅途中,他跟一位天使搏斗了一整晚,最后这位天使赐福给他,并把他的名字改为以色列。
And it has wrestled seriously in recent years with the tough question of whether or not to cut off funding when corruption is suspected. 而近年来,它一直与是否切断资金供应(是在怀疑有腐败发生时)这一棘手问题做斗争。
This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break. 只剩下雅各一人。有一个人来和他摔跤,直到黎明。
He lunged at the burglar and wrestled with him for the weapon. 他向窃贼猛扑过去,为夺取武器与之搏斗。
The British Royal Navy wrestled with the same problem and found a solution. 英国皇家海军也面临着同样问题的困扰,并且找到了解决办法。
They talked and wrestled in the throes of composition, and felt as if something were happening, really happening, really in the void. 他们谈论着,争执着行文结构,仿佛在那空虚之中有什么东西在发生,在真正发生似的。
For decades, officials have wrestled with the question of what to do about the seedy side of the city, Mr. 几十年以来,官员们一直为怎样解决城市堕落一面的问题而伤透脑筋。
As he sloshed through the wet snow he wrestled with a rising feeling of impotence , self- pity and rebellion . 他在潮湿的雪地里转来转去,和一种逐渐高涨的无能、自怜以及反抗的情绪搏斗着。
Grappling, we fell to the ground, where we wrestled for a few minutes until the attacker jumped up and escaped. 一番打斗,我们跌倒在地,又扭打了几分钟,后来那个坏蛋跳起来跑掉了。
This summer Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson has wrestled with one of his biggest challenges since taking office five years ago. 今年夏天克利夫兰市市长弗兰克.杰克逊全力应对自从五年前上任以来最大的挑战之一。
and the socket of Jacob's hip was dislocated as he wrestled with Him. 雅各正与那人摔跤的时候,他的大腿窝就脱了节。
The question I wrestled with then was one I now often get asked by other men: How do I look? 现在我常被其他男士问及:我看起来怎么样?
It made the dwarf smile to see them sweating and cursing as they wrestled the heavy machines onto the inclines. 看着他们费力的将巨大的机械搬上斜坡时挥汗如雨不停咒骂让侏儒笑出来。
Jack Bauer arm once wrestled Superman. The stipulations were the loser had to wear his underwear on the outside of his pants. 小强同学一次和超人扳手腕。游戏规定,输了的一方要将内裤穿在自己裤子的外面。
We wrestled for an hour, but the longer it went on, the more he realized the strength of his position. 我们较量了一个小时,但越是较量下去,他越看清了自己的地位稳固。
Early Christian groups wrestled with the kind of question that people sometimes still do which is what happens to you when you're dead? 早期的教徒在这问题上纠缠不清,现在还有人会这样,那就是,你死了以后会怎么样?
In 2009 state governments wrestled with budget gaps totalling $110 billion; California's alone was responsible for over a third of that sum. 在09年1100亿美元的预算缺口让美国政府费尽周折,其中单加州就贡献了总额的三分之一。
It's amazing that doug wrestled and played with this bear on a daily bases for a span of many years without ever getting seriously injured. 令人惊讶的是,道格与此熊搏斗,并没有得到受重伤发挥为多年的时间里,每天基地。
Well, hey. anybody could have tackled that guy and wrestled the gun away. prevented mass murder. Here's what I'm gonna do. 是吗嗨。,每个人都可能冲那家伙扑过去,把他的枪丢到一边。,阻止一场大屠杀告诉你我会怎么做。
He wrestled with his attacker until he kicked his feet under him and he fell to the ground. 他与袭击者搏斗,直至从他身下踢他的脚把他踢倒在地。