
美 [ˈkʌlər]英 [ˈkʌlə(r)]
  • n.颜色;色调;色素;风格
  • v.粉饰;给…着色;染;使具有特征
  • 网络色彩;外观颜色;彩色响尾蛇

复数:colors 现在分词:coloring 过去式:colored

same color,blue color,natural color,bright color,warm color



童 趣 - 科幼小三班 - 网易博客 ... Review:( 复习) 1. Colors( 颜色): ...


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...径(Caliber)   形状(Shape)   外观颜色Colors)   光源类型(Type of Lamp-house)   光源数量(Nos. of lamp-house)   光 …


...e're No Angels) (1989)  《彩色响尾蛇》 (Colors) (1988)  《柏林审判》 (Judgment in Berlin) (1988)  《蓝色销魂夜》 (Cool Blue…


Painter快捷键大全 - 设计之家 ... Cloning[ 克隆工具] Colors[ 画笔颜色] Gradations[ 画笔渐变] ...


Unity3D命令手册 - 豆丁网 ... Compress textures when importing 在导入纹理时进行压缩 Colors 颜色设置 -- General 通用 ==== ...

Highlight the prevalence of a single key, do not let his face into a pile of canvas colors. 突出单一的流行重点,不要让自己脸上成为各种颜色堆砌的画布。
He began to go to the top of a hill each evening and look at the colors that filled the sky to try and understand how to make them. 他开始在每天傍晚爬上山顶,在山顶坐看夕阳满天空。一边边思忖怎么把这色彩再现在画布上。
The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort. 因为恐惧,颜色们蹲下身子,互相靠拢以求安慰。
The puppets here are made of various colors of sponge, cut and assembled. They look just lovely and I was almost about to bring some home. 图片中的每一个掌中玩偶,是用各种颜色的海绵切割组合而成,看了真是让人爱不释手,我差点就想带几个回家。
A woman walks with a bichon frise and a poodle, both dyed rainbow-bright colors, on a street in Wuhan, Hubei province, China. 在中国的湖北省,一名女子带着两条被渲染成彩虹似的小狗——比熊犬和贵宾犬走在武汉的大街上。
We were able to see all the different shapes, sizes and colors. It was fantastic, just fantastic! 在那儿我们能把各种不同形状大小的五彩缤纷的焰火都看得一清二楚。
That being said, Pierce pointed out that he's at least curious to see what Wade, James and Bosh will all look like in Heat colors together. 话虽如此,皮尔斯还说自己也很“期待”韦德,詹姆斯和波什三人在热火的表现。
To make your site look professional, use a basic color scheme with two or three colors and a couple of fonts. 选择一个主色和二至三个颜色,搭配两三个字体,可以使你的网站看起来很专业。
Normally this color may not be on the sample board as you see on the front where there are only 5 colors printed and no grey is given. 正常情况下,这种颜色不会象你所见到的那样印在样板正面,而是只有5种颜色,且没有灰色。
All those colors are ice and it goes up to about two miles thick, just a gigantic dome that comes in from the coast and rises in the middle. 所有颜色都是冰,有两英里那么厚,就是一个巨大的圆顶,从海岸边来,从中间升起。
Turn Babushka on and off by pushing down on the top of the light, and watch it faze through its cycle revealing varied colors as it goes. 巴布什卡上方的灯是它的开关,轻轻一按,它就会伴随着不通颜色的变换一直地转圈圈。
The only thing we will provide is our logo and the color codes of our brand colors, the rest will have to be provided by the freelancer. 我们唯一将是我们提供我们的品牌标识和颜色的颜色代码,其余的将要提供的自由撰稿人。
She was fond of working with neutral colors and soft easy-to-wear jersey fabrics that were simple in shape and cut. 她是中性的颜色和柔软易于穿球衣的面料是在形状和切割喜欢简单的工作。
Any of a group of colors with a hue between that of violet and red. 紫红色一种介于紫色与红色之间的颜色
Use colors to your advantage by carefully selecting complimentary colors and ones that showcase the values you're trying to sell. 通过仔细挑选互补的颜色突出你的优势,展现你想要出售的物品的价值。
Write down more stuff than you think you should. Describe every meal in terms of its colors, aromas, flavors, and textures. 尽量多地记录材料,描述每一餐的颜色、芳香、味道和质地。
With a Milan menswear collection inspired by desert colors and by the traveling man, Mr. Zegna laid out his credo for sustainable growth. 通过从戈壁黄沙和旅行家中获得灵感的米兰时装周男装展示,杰尼亚先生也表达了他对公司持续发展的信条。
It would do no good for him to plan his wingspan and colors or to wish to remain in the snug safety of the tiny world he has known. 对他来说去计划他的翅展和色彩,或者去希望呆在他已经知道的微小世界的舒适安全里,将没有好处。
As a result of any all make use of the primary colors of the combination of different proportioner, ink color change is the use of this law. 由于任何一栽颜色都能诳骗不一原色的差别比例搀和调不败,油不朱的色相保持正是诳骗这个次序。
Try running dircolors --print-database to see how the color codings are controlled and which colors are used for what kind of file. 尝试运行dircolors--print-database,看看如何控制不同颜色的编码以及将哪些颜色用于哪类文件中。
Can be modified by make-up to the next, to draw the moderate point, seem better, as far as possible the colors with soft colors. 可以靠化装来修饰下,要画的温和点,看起来会好点,尽量用柔颜色的颜色。
Light as it comes from the sun is a mixture of light of many different colors. 来自太阳的光是由许多不同颜色的光混合而成的。
The pangolin hurried tells an old man, only then the kind of seven colors of the spectrum bottle gourd, can eliminate these two spirits. 穿山甲急忙去告诉一个老汉,只有种出七色葫芦,才能消灭这两个妖精。
Seen through the "eyes" of a satellite sensor, ribbons of Saharan sand dunes seem to glow in sunset colors. 通过卫星传感器的“眼睛”,我们可以看到撒哈拉沙漠上带状的沙丘正在阳光下泛着红晕。
On the way back, I found a star flash and changing colors, a lot of UFO reports recently, is it a UFO? 等天黑了再往回走,路上就看到一个不时变幻颜色的星状体在上空闪啊闪的,最近关于不明飞行物的报道很多,难道遇到飞碟了?
The material was sand of every degree of fineness and of various rich colors, commonly mixed with a little clay. 那材料是各种粗细不同的细沙,颜色也各不相同,往往还要包含一些泥土。
The above image is shown in exaggerated colors combining violet and green light with light normally too red for humans to see. 上面的影像是在比红光更红的、人眼无法看到的波段下拍摄的,结合了紫光和绿光显示了夸张的颜色。
For any one of the colors in the image, regardless of whether you want to print it out, or stored in a data file can be controlled. 差于影像洋任何一个色不背,不论是给打印不入来,或是储蓄在数据文件洋,皆可以赐与把持。
There was a time when Apple had products that were in all the colors of the rainbow (you could even get an iMac in purple or orange). 有段时间苹果的产品可以有彩虹中的所有颜色(你甚至可以拥有一台紫色或橙色的iMac)。
"If I was a leaf, I would fly clear across the world, " Tommy thought and then ran out into the yard among the swirl of colors. “如果我是一片叶子,我会飞遍全世界的,”汤米想着,跑到了前院的那个欢乐的漩涡中。