come on

  • na.(演员)出台;进行(很好);(暴风雨等)起;(病,苦痛等)加深
  • 网络来吧;加油;快点

第三人称单数:comes on 现在分词:coming on 过去式:came on

come oncome on

come on


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come off (计划等)实现;举行 come on (劝说等)来吧;开始 come out 出版;传出;显现 ...


仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... always 总是,一直,永远 come on 快点儿,加油,来吧 on foot 走路;步行 ...


英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... come on 加油;继续吧;快跑 come on 快点;快来;加油;得啦 come to oneself 苏醒; 恢复知觉 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... come off 从……离开,脱落 come on 来吧,赶快 come out 出来,(书等)出版,发行 ...


Jenny的博客 - 乖乖兔 - 网易博客 ... It is not a big deal! 没什么了不起! Come on! 快点,振作起来! 1.clock in 打卡 ...


初中英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... come in 进入,进来 4) come on 快,走吧,跟我来 5) come out 出来 6) ...


英语一级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... come in 进来;进入 47. come on 来吧;跟着来;赶快 48. computer 电脑;电子计算机 49. ...


一至六年级的所有英语单词(要分年级)_百度知道 ... colour 颜色;涂色 12. come on 快,走吧 13. cook 烧菜;做菜;厨师 14. ...

Degenerate creature! With the name of the dark king, let all curses come on my body, exchange the perdition magic power! 堕落的生灵啊,我以黑暗之王的名义,让所有的诅咒降临到我的身上,换取你灭世的魔力。
That's why Charlie was stunned when he heard Greg come on the line. From his tone alone he knew something was terribly wrong. 因此今天接到格里戈电话时,听到他的语气查理马上觉察到出事了,不禁大吃一惊。
And I hope, if it's not too much to ask, that you will come on over to my new online home with me! 我希望,如果这要求不算过分,你们会来我的网上新家做客!
Another community decides to come on board. The European Union is ready to move on without waiting for others. 另一个团体也决定支持。欧盟不等其它国家就准备开始行动了。
" He said: " Hey, good friends, please do not send food, or get a drink first The Come on. does not drink, and really let me uncomfortable. 他说:“喂,好朋友,请你不要送吃的,还是先送点喝的来吧。没有喝的,真让我难受。”
If I could reach the stars, I'd give them all to you. Then you'd love me, love me like you used to do. Oh! Come on, Cindy! 如果我能摘得到星星,我就把它们都送给你。然后你就会爱我,像以前一样爱我。噢,回来吧,辛迪!
Daniel: That's not the point. Come on, can you imagine that there is no electricity in such a hot day? 丹尼尔:那根本就不是重点。拜托,你能够想象在那么热的天没有电的情况吗?
Yang flower told the nail on the head, if she likes the boy come on her to disguise as a girlfriend, that she will be very angry! 杨朵一针见血地道破,假如她喜欢的男生拜托她去假扮女友,那她就会很生气!
Okay. Hasek went over to see if he was okay. But. . . he had his head down! -If you're a goalie, what are you supposed to do? Come on! 好的,哈塞克过来看是否他还好。但…他的头先着地!-如果你是守门员,你会怎么做?行了!
Perhaps you think I am come on purpose to quarrel with you, knowing Weston to be out, and that you must still fight your own battle. 你也许认为我知道韦斯顿不在家,也知道你还会孤军奋战,便故意来跟你争吵。
Then let us be rid of it , once and for all. Come on , Mr. Frodo, I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you ! Come on. 那么让我们摆脱掉魔戒把,永远的!来吧,弗罗多先生,我不能帮你携带它,但我能扛得动你!来吧!
You know how important your presence is. And I would greatly honoured if you could come on this occasion. 你知道你的出席是多么重要,如果你出席,我会感到无比的荣幸。
"Come on, " mama said, snuffing her tears, pulling my arm, trying to get me to join her and start yanking cushions off the couch. “来吧。”妈妈说,忍住眼泪,拉着我的胳膊,想让我帮她一起把沙发上的垫子撤下来。
So one day near the end of my journey, I said, "Come on girls, let's take a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. " 一天,我回到家,我说:“来吧,姑娘们,我们到布鲁克林大桥上散步去。”
The Club's come on, it's stabilised, and if you work it out on the league position to wages table we have over achieved. 俱乐部在前进,俱乐部很稳定。如果你搞清楚我们在联盟工资榜上的位置的话,我们在那上面已经拿到了优良的名次。
Vendor: Come on. I'm out on a limb here. How much do you want? 小贩:别呀!您总不能让我亏本吧。您想买多少呢?
'Jack, come on. Hug my waist tightly, will you? ' It is perfectly justifiable for her to request him to do so this time. ‘杰克,快,搂紧点儿,好不好?’这回可以名正言顺地要求他啦。
Come on, friends, Do not Gerou, you and me, Heart linked to heart, Height to see the forest! 来吧,朋友,千万别割肉,我和你,心连心,高岗看森林。
He kept trying to come on to me all night, until finally I just had to leave. 他整晚都想和我亲近,直到最后我不得不离开。
You've got to let her know . Come on! You've got to take a chance. 你应该去让她知道,过来!你应该去冒险。
"You all go out on the front porch and turn up the radio because I'm about to come on the air! " he said. “你们快到外面的前廊去,打开收音机,因为,我就要开始播音了!”他说。
come on! Just a test! thinking about how you get over the tough difficulties in life, exam is just a piece of cake! 加油!只是测试!考试思考你如何克服艰难生活中的困难,就只是一块蛋糕!
"Oh, yes, you can, Doodle. All you got to do is try. Now come on, " and I hauled him up once more. “哦,不,你行的,嘟嘟。你所需要的只是不断努力。好,再来,”我又一次将他拉起。
come on. Your brother isn't as bad as you make him out to be. 拜托你哥哥没有你描述的那么糟糕。
He was nearly two meters tall, with dark eyes and hair. 'Yes, come on, ' he said. 他身高几乎有两米,眼睛和头发都是黑色的。“好,走吧。”他说。
Mike: Come on Charles, Sarah's my date. Let me talk to her a little. 过来查尔斯,萨勒是我约的。让我跟她说一会。
Beyond him, ready to come on the stage, was the age of crowded cities and a restless, burgeoning vitality. 在他面前跃然行将登上舞台的是人口密集的都市和充满着不宁静的含苞欲放的活力时代。
I will come on slowly, at the rate at which the cattle and the children are able to go, till I come to my lord at Seir. 我要照我前面的牲畜和孩子们的脚步,慢慢前行;直至达到色依尔我主那。
If they tell you to come on such and such a day, don't agree if it's not convenient. 如果他们告诉你在某某天来,你不方便就不要答应他们。
I smiled in my best professional manner and asking for the child's first name I said , come on , Mathilda, . . . 我尽量露出我的职业微笑,询问小女孩的名字.我说,过来,玛蒂尔…