
美 [ˈkʌvər]英 [ˈkʌvə(r)]
  • v.盖;覆盖;包括;掩盖
  • n.掩护;掩饰;封皮;罩子
  • 网络封面;盖子;遮盖

第三人称单数:covers 现在分词:covering 过去式:covered

cover cost,cover area,cover distance,cover range,cover everything
cover story,magazine cover
completely cover


v. n.


1.[t]~ sth (with sth)掩蔽;遮盖to place sth over or in front of sth in order to hide or protect it

覆盖spread over surface

2.[t]~ sth盖;覆盖to lie or spread over the surface of sth

3.[t]撒上,洒上,溅上(一层液体、尘土等)to put or spread a layer of liquid, dust, etc. on sb/sth


4.[t]~ sth包括;包含;涉及;处理to include sth; to deal with sth


5.[t]~ sth足以支付;够付to be or provide enough money for sth


6.[t]~ sth行走(一段路程)to travel the distance mentioned

7.[t]~ sth占(一片面积)to spread over the area mentioned

报道新闻report news

8.[t]~ sth报道;电视报道to report on an event for television, a newspaper, etc.; to show an event on television

代替某人for sb

9.[i]~ for sb代替,顶替,替补(某人工作或履行职责)to do sb's work or duties while they are away

10.[i]~ for sb(为免他人陷入麻烦而用谎话或借口)遮掩,掩盖,敷衍to invent a lie or an excuse that will stop sb from getting into trouble

保险with insurance

11.[t]给…保险to protect sb against loss, injury, etc. by insurance

防遭指责against blame

12.[t]~ yourself (against sth)采取预防行动(以使自己免遭责备)to take action in order to protect yourself against being blamed for sth

用枪with gun

13.[t]~ sb掩护to protect sb by threatening to shoot at anyone who tries to attack them

14.[t]~ sb/sth用枪瞄准(以致无人可逃跑或开枪)to aim a gun at a place or person so that nobody can escape or shoot


15.[t]~ sth翻唱(原来由另一乐队或歌手演唱的歌曲)to record a new version of a song that was originally recorded by another band or singer


cover all the bases

考虑周全;面面俱到to consider and deal with all the things that could happen or could be needed when you are arranging sth

cover your back

粉饰污点;防止可预见的指责to realize that you may be blamed or criticized for sth later and take action to avoid this

cover your tracks

掩盖自己的行径to try and hide what you have done, because you do not want other people to find out about it


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Discover 发现 Cover 覆盖 Unknown 不知名的 ...


Neeu优网_奢侈品门户|奢侈品新媒体平台 ... 视频 Video 封面 Cover 大片 Trend ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... cousin n. 堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹 cover n. 盖子;罩 cow n. 母牛,奶牛 ...


yhn232x的博客 - yhn232x - 网易博客 ... 106,tain,ten,tin=hold 握,持,守 107,tect=cover 掩盖 108,tele=far 远 ...


握字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 控制〖 control〗 用同“捂(wǔ”)。遮盖cover〗 同本义〖 grasp;grip;hold〗 ...


霹雳小组4_百度百科 ... MOVE TO: 移动到(所指位置) COVER掩护 DEPLOY STING GRENADE: (往目标)扔震撼弹 ...


外研版高中英语必修1 单词_百度文库 ... assistant n. 助手,助教 cover vt. 包括 n.盖子 diploma n. 毕业文凭,学位证书 ...

Over-grazing has damaged the vegetation cover of this area, and the land is beginning to show signs of desertification. 过度的放牧使该地区被覆遭到破坏,土地开始荒漠化。
The Code is not intended to cover every applicable law, rule or regulation or to provide answers to all questions that may arise. 本准则无意取代任何相关的适用法律、条例、规章,也不可能解决所有可能出现的问题。
She acknowledged that error and said that "he had to do a year over" to cover. 她知道马失前蹄了,辩称“他确实需要念多一年书”。
From under the cover of a book, as though out of a dog's kennel, there emerges a little old man. 从一本书封面背后,出现了一个小老头,仿佛在狗窝出来。
How much is the cover? 入場費是多少錢?
But Mr Buffett added he would give them a pass because he did not "cover himself with glory" during the downturn either. 但巴菲特也表示,他会让他们过关,因为他自己在经济低迷期间也并非“满载盛誉”。
Scatter the remaining vegetables and thyme around the bottom of the roasting pan, and cover with the white wine. 将剩下的蔬菜和香料都放到烤盘周围、倒入干白。
For receiving said lock pin stretching inward from the casing and said end cover, at least one first and one second positions are limited. 用于接受所述的从外壳向里延伸的锁销以及所述端盖限定至少一个第一和一个第二位置。
She raised her hand to her wet head again, picked at a few limp filaments of blonde hair, trying to cover her exposed ear rims. 她举起手来再一次摸了摸湿淋淋的脑袋,而且把几绺湿软的金发揪了揪,想把露出来的耳轮遮起来。
The height will determine how big your cover is, so you want it to be at least the distance between your headbands. 这个高度将决定封面的大小,所以至少要和两条缎带之间的距离一样宽。
How much of your efforts, do you estimate, are really to cover the extra expense and burdens of these hangers on? 有多少努力是真正用来承担起身边人额外的费用和负担你有算过吗?
My god. That woman with Rachel, I took the LSATs for her a couple years ago. If she saw me, she could blow my cover. 我的天跟瑞秋一起的那个女人我几年前替她考过法学院入学考试她要是看见我肯定会揭穿我
He grabbed his towel to cover himself, but as he did so she stepped out of the shadows and showed herself to him, in all her terrible glory. 老卡斯卡利安下意识地抓过浴巾遮掩住自己的裸体,露辛迪克从阴暗的角落里走到他的面前,向他展示自己无比美丽光辉的躯体。
This will probably be covered by running gas power plants that are usually only used for peak loads to cover some of the base load as well. 短缺的电力会需要依靠天然气发电站供应,而这些电站通常只是在供电高峰时用于应急。
As a painfully shy child, Picard would often cover her eyes when walking into a crowded room. 她是个极度害羞的姑娘,进入人群拥挤的房间往往会遮住眼不敢看人。
To be frank with you, it is impossible for you to cover up your mistake. 坦率地对你说吧,你的错误是掩盖不了的。
No real cover letter, no attempt at self marketing. Sort of, "here are the facts about me, please put me in the pile. " 没有正式的自荐信,也没有很卖力地推销自己,投份简历过来,就好象说,“这些就是关于我的一些情况,请收下吧。”
Cork can be shined and used to cover floors and walls. Because it is fire-resistant, cork is even been used as a material in making rockets. 软木可磨光用于覆盖地板和墙壁。因为防火,软木用来当作制造火箭的物质。更详细。
Analysts say BP may not be able to cover such costs, and pay its dividend, out of cashflow alone, forcing additional borrowing. 分析师称,BP可能无法单靠现金流支付所有费用,以及派发红利,将被迫另行举债。
First, you need to determine how much money you will need to find to cover the expenses in that category for the rest of the month. 首先,你需要确定本月接下来之时间里你需要多少钱来弥补这项预算之空缺。
In case of gas, gas leak, fire, use wet towel to cover your mouth and nose crawl around the upper hand against the wind to direction. 如遇燃气、毒气泄漏、火灾,用湿手巾捂住口鼻,匍匐逆风绕到上风方向。
The Indian media has also gone in a frenzy trying to cover her every move, from her clothes and greetings to what she ate. 印度媒体当局致力满足她的一切需求,包括穿着打扮、迎接致意以及她所吃的食物。
The notion that the U. S. defense budget can cover alliance shortcomings is not true, he said. 他认为,美国的国防预算可以弥补北约不足的说法是不正确的。
The name of Hu's new company, Caixin Media, also appears on the front cover of the latest issue. 胡舒立的新公司财新传媒也出现在新一期的封面上。
How much territory does this medical practice cover ? 这一医疗服务包括的地区有多大?。
Even some of the analysts who cover Tepco say that they have had little sense of Mr. Shimizu as a top manager. 甚至是一些关注东京电力公司的分析人士也说,他们对清水正孝作为总裁没有什么感觉。
She stared at the last line she had written and then shook her head, pen hovering over the small book with the blue velvet cover. 她盯着刚写的最后这行字,摇了摇头,手中的笔停留在有着蓝色天鹅绒封面的日记本上。
Since the comparison sites do not cover whole life policies, rising Internet use should not affect prices of these policies. 既然比较价格网站不提供关于终身寿险的信息,上网普及率的增加不会影响终身寿险价格。
Another part of the assignment that was easy to grade was the requirement that they provide JUnit tests that cover all of their code. 作业中容易评分的另一部分是他们提供的覆盖所有代码的JUnit测试的需求。
To make walnut green layer on the skin stripped, Grandpa is always good to put the walnuts, cover a few days on the heap of wheat straw. 为了让核桃上那层绿色的皮剥掉,爷爷总是要先把打好的核桃,放在麦草堆里捂几天。