come to

美 [kʌmtu]
  • na.总计为;结果是;苏醒;把船朝着风头
  • 网络达到;来到;恢复知觉

第三人称单数:comes to 现在分词:coming to 过去式:came to

come tocome to

come to


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come through 经历(困难);获得成功 come to 苏醒;共计;达到 come to terms with 达成协议;妥协…


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come through 经历(困难);获得成功 come to 苏醒;共计;达到 come to terms with 达成协议;妥协…


谁能总结一下英语口语中最常用动词_百度知道 ... 9. come out 出现 10. come to 来到 11. come up 走过来 ...


UNIT 7. The Luncheon_旺旺英语教学网 ... by all means 一定;务必 come to 总计 be in the habit of 习惯于 ...


常用英语动词短语 ... 57.hold up 阻挡; 58.come to 恢复知觉; 59.have a day off 休假一天; ...


英语 动作短语 干什么 短语_百度知道 ... belong to 属于,附属 come to 苏醒,来到,结果是,得出(结论),共计 connect to 连 …


to的音标_百度知道 ... have to 不得不;必须;必须得;必需 come to 苏醒;总计;共计;复原 keep to 坚持;保持;固守;遵 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come through 经历(困难);获得成功 come to 苏醒;共计;达到 come to terms with 达成协议;妥协…

She ought to have come to see me two days ago, but she forgot. 她本来应该在两天前来看我,可是她忘了。
He told Dobrynin that he was prepared to let bygones be bygones; the time had come to put US-Soviet relations on a new basis . 他对多勃雷宁说,他愿意让过去的事成为过去;现在是把美苏关系置于新的基础上的时候了。
Barry and Anne were always bickering, but things have now really come to a head and I fear that their marriage it about to break up. 巴里和安妮老是争吵不休,但现在情况真的到了严重的时刻,我害怕他们的婚姻即将破裂。
Thank you for spending so to come to China to see me with money with long hours, appreciate the gift that you send me! 感谢你花那么长时间和金钱来中国看我,感谢你送我的礼物!
He had come to pick up a few items for his mother. 他来接了几个项目,为他的母亲。
Please do not take it amiss if I say I'd rather you do not come to the airport to see me off. 如果我不让你们到机场来送行,请别见怪。
If he keeps breaking up with you, then come to you to get reconciled . 如果他不断的与你分手,然后又来找你和好。
No doubt, he had come to make a fresh attempt to win over Magnus to the unholy alliance. 没有问题,他这一次来,一定是想再设法说服曼克奈斯来加入这见不得人的联盟。
We call this sort of interview "a stress interview" . Then when a stress interview come to you, how to deal with it? 我们把这类面试称为“压力面试”。那麽,当你遭遇一场压力面试时,该何如应对呢?
The plans of four once-famous opera singers to put on a concert at their retirement home go wrong as buried grudges come to the surface. 四位过气的歌剧演员计划在他们的养老院办一场演唱会,但随着过去压抑的恩怨浮出水面而难以实施。
"How do you know she's going to have a kid? " I said, determined now that the moment had come to spill the beans. 我说,“你怎么知道她要生孩子了?”我觉得道出这个秘密的时机现在已成熟。
Mr. Netanyahu said that while allies sometimes have disagreements, the U. S. and Israel are trying to come to an understanding. 内塔尼亚胡说,虽然盟友间有时会有分歧,但美国和以色列正试图达成共识。
Athletes from over 200 nations will participate in an opening ceremony for Games that have come to symbolize China opening up to the world. 来自超过两百个国家的运动员将参加奥运开幕式,而这象征着中国对世界开放。
Have some of the children come to the front and read the Phonics Rap to the other children. 叫几个小朋友到教室前面读语音练习。
"Come to think of it, " he said, "I'm pretty sure the Morrisroes were from around here. " “想想看,”他说,“我很确定莫里斯家族就来自于附近。”
No doubt it was beautiful and many people would come to see it. But sad to say it led the Israelis back into idolatry. 它无疑是很漂亮,吸引很多人来观赏,可惜最终却引致以色列人回到敬拜偶像的老路上。
And downtown, another woman was feeling deserted. It was the closest Samantha had come to giving her heart to a man in a long long time. 在市中心,另一名女人也感到被遗弃了。这是很久很久以来,莎曼珊把她的心这么近距离地给一个男人。
We have thus come to a head , did not say breaking up. But I know, we really have no way the result can only have not even a good-bye. 我们就这样走到了头,没有说分手。可是我知道,我们真的没了结果只能这样连一句再见都没有。
We have come to Yalong Bay, in the rain waiting to see it a hurry. 我们来到亚龙湾,雨中匆匆观望了它一眼。
All the French clubs have come to see him, notably PSG, and a lot of foreign teams are also following him. 全部法国俱乐部都来看他,不单单是圣日耳曼,还有许多外国的俱乐部也在关注他。
said the Swallow, who liked to come to the point at once, and the Reed made him a low bow. 燕子说,他素来就有马上谈到本题的脾气,芦苇对他深深地弯一下腰。
But what was strange was that hundreds of frogs had come to eat his corpse, in revenge for all of their relatives that he had sold for food. 但奇怪的是上百只青蛙跑来吃他的尸体,为那些被张阿喜卖掉的亲属报仇。
In the matter of house-rent I have come to terms with him. 关于房租的事我已经和他妥协了。
Putting his mouth close to her ear he whispered, " A thief has come to get your money, " and then hid himself under her bed. 他把靠近老妇人的耳朵,轻轻说到,“有个小偷要偷你钱了”接着马上藏在床下。
Still, the question remains: How close should the intelligent music lover wish to come to pinning a definite meaning to any particular work? 问题还是没有解决。精明的音乐爱好者希望明确的意义和任何具体的作品应该有多远呢?
Adam Harman: Many clients have come to us for the matter of that piece of land, but they are not developers. 对于伦敦那块地,现在有许多终端客户找到我们,但他们都不是开发商。
things did not come to their height with him , and i observed he became pensive and melancholy. 情况并没有发展到严重的程度,我却看他变得苦心焦思,愁闷万状。
Carolyn had been our assistant at the Governor's Mansion and had come to Washington to help us with our personal papers and correspondence. 卡罗琳曾是我们州长官邸的一名助理,后来到华盛顿帮助我们处理一些私人文件和信件。
Only after you have discussed the matter with her can she come to the right solution. 只有你和她讨论这件事情之后,她才能找出正确的解决方法。
Now I have come to the understanding of the fact when you wanted to lend a helping hand, you were unable to help anything. 也让我懂得了,当你想帮忙时,但却帮不上忙的感觉,确实是有点不好受。