
美 [tʃɪn]英 [tʃɪn]
  • n.下巴;颏
  • v.〈口〉用下巴夹住(提琴等);(单杠)引体向上使下巴高过横杠;谈话
  • 网络镇元斋;下颚;秦

复数:chins 过去式:chinned




(keep your) chin up

振作起来;不气馁;不灰心used to tell sb to try to stay cheerful even though they are in a difficult or unpleasant situation

take sth on the chin

(无怨无悔地)承受某事to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation without complaining, trying to make excuses, etc.


身体各部位英文名称_百度文库 ... denlture 假齿 chin 下巴 mustache 小胡子 ...

C开头的单词_百度文库 ... chimney n. 烟囱,烟筒;玻璃罩 chin n. ,下巴 China n. 中国 ...


拳皇2002隐藏必杀出招表(全人物)_飞翔单机游戏网 ... 锤拳崇 Kensou ↓→↓→+BD 镇元斋 Chin ↓→↓→+BD 八神 Iori ↓←↓→←→…


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... child n. 孩子 chin n. 下巴,下颚 China n. 中国, 瓷器 ...



此外,来自缅甸钦族(chin)难民 的孩童,在轻快的歌乐下,呈献了竹筒舞,让甘榜伯仁邦的气氛升温不少。人民权利庆典的高潮…


Tedim 即缅甸钦邦(Chin)的铁定镇|评论 求助知友liuding8410 |十二级采纳率46% 擅长领域:暂未定制 0回答 20 初二寒假对于薄 …

You take the lid, put your arm through the hole, take hold of my chin and pull it up high enough to put the lid on. 你采取盖子,把你的手臂,透过洞,把握我的下巴和拉起来不够高,把盖子上。
Nor did she all herself to hold her head at an angle, or to let it fall, or to lean her chin on her hand. 她也不歪着头,也不地下头,或者把下巴捂在手里。
Her lips and chin had a gentle firmness, and in her pale green suit she was like springtime come alive. 她的嘴唇和下巴有一个温柔的坚定,她身穿淡绿色套装,就好像春天一样。
This story is a bit too much to listen to it, Chin does not love those who can not feel sorry for her. 这样的剧情听下来实在有点儿过分,再不爱蔡琴的人也不能不替她不值。
Suddenly the door bursts open and the Time Traveler appears, dirty, disheveled, and bedraggled, with a nasty cut on his chin. 突然,门猛然开了,时间旅行家出现。他十分肮脏,衣冠不整,满身是泥,下巴颏被严重划伤。
Let me give a hand to gently places her Fukai of a pre-Chu short hair, hold her chin, she was very careful to look at her eyes. 再举起手来,轻轻的拂开她额前的一儊短发,托起她的下巴,她很仔细地看她的眼睛。
The general Ho Ying-Chin submitted army reports and battle reports to Chiang Kai-shek. The Nanjing massacre did not appear in those reports. 何应钦将军向蒋介石提交了军队报告和战斗报告,而南京大屠杀并没有出现在这些报告中。
Her eyes never shifted; she only stared. I placed my hand under her chin and slowly turned her head so she had to look at me. 她的眼睛一眨都不眨,一直盯着前面。我用手托着她的下巴,让她轻轻地转一下头,好看着我。
He listened to Mr. Wang's story as his wife wiped away the incessant drool from his chin. 贝尔纳普听了王明志的故事,在这期间,王明志的妻子一直帮他擦去下巴上不停流下的口水。
It helps that I'm cute. With a small frame, light hazel eyes, and short blond hair that curls under my chin, I don't appear threatening. 娇小可爱也有很大作用,我戴着一幅镜框,浅红色的眼睛,金色短发卷曲到下巴下面,使我看起来并不具有威胁性。
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, and the beard of his chin was as white as the snow. 他滑稽的小嘴画得像一张弯弓,下巴上的胡须白如雪。
He sat long with his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands, meditating . 他双手托着下巴,两肘撑在膝盖上,沉思着在那儿坐了很长时间。
People familiar with the matter said David Chin, co-head with Mr Cai, would fill the role on an acting basis. 知情人士表示,与蔡洪平联合主管这项业务的金弘毅(DavidChin)将代行蔡洪平的职责。
He undulates his neck and in doing so may rub the top of his head on the chin of the female. 进而让颈部上下起伏,在此过程中,它的头顶可能会摩擦到雌龟的下颚。
My chin sure seems to think so, given the size of the zit that erupted on it this afternoon. 我的下巴肯定是这么想的,要不然它怎么会在今天下午冒出来个“青春痘”(指女儿给我找的麻烦)。
There he was made to stand up to his chin in a little lake, with clusters of luscious fruits hanging over and around his head. 在那里他被迫站定于一小湖中,水没至下颌,无数甜美的水果悬于头顶和四周。
So the poor guy packed up the humongous sign and his roses, and walked to his car with his chin buried in his chest. 那个可怜的学生只好收起那个标语和玫瑰。回到车里,垂头丧气。
He would cup his chin in the hollow of his hand when he HAD something on his mind. 他有心事时总是把手掌心托住自己的下巴。
While checking her body alignment, I reminded her to straighten her legs, to push against the floor and to tuck in her chin. 虽然她的身体检查路线,我提醒她她的腿伸直,推对地面和掖在她的下巴。
His head fell downward once more until he could feel his sharp chin cutting into his chest. 他又低下头,低到他已经觉着他的尖下巴抵住了胸膛。
I can usually tell what he had for breakfast, since it hangs out on his chin for a while. 我通常能说出他早饭吃了些什么,因为他的早餐总是会从下巴那露出来,垂在外面一会儿。
"He tenderly takes my chin in his palm . . . as if trying to understand what is happening. " “他体贴地将我的下巴放在他的手心……就像试图了解发生了什么似的。”
He releases the ball. It swings back, dangerously close to his chin, but does not rise any higher. The audience laughs and cheers. 他放开球,球荡回来的位置离他的下巴只有毫发之差,但并没有升得更高,课堂上传来一阵欢呼大笑。
When he was fired for no reason he took it on the chin and looked for another job. 没有理由的被开除了,他忍气吞声,找另一份工作。
"It's just right over there, " Cumberbatch said with a nod of his chin as he sat at his dining-room table. “这确实挺巧的,”康伯巴奇坐在餐座旁,摆动了下下巴说道。
He curled his finger underneath her chin, and gently lifted her face to look at him. She could have easily resisted, but she didn't. 他把手指放到她的下巴下让她抬起头来看着自己,她没有反抗。
Bela indicated Rem and Cabell with an angry gesture of her chin, fingering her bow as if she were ready to fire. 贝拉怒气冲冲的用下巴点着雷和卡贝尔,指拈弓弦,好象已经准备要拉弓开箭。
He was a fully developed John Bull of the outrageous type--with a huge beak of a nose, cunning eyes, and a yard-long chin. 他已经完全进化成为约翰牛那种野蛮无理的类型——巨大的鹰钩鼻,狡猾的眼睛,和长下巴。
She put her head over his shoulder and dug her chin down with bruising force, holding him with all the strength in her quivering body. 她的头放在他的肩膀上,以能造成瘀伤的力量把下巴戳下去,以她颤抖的身体全部的力量抓着他。
Karen: Who asked you? ! Look at him: he's got dark eyes and a strong chin. I'll bet he's got a cute smile, too. 凯伦:谁问你了?!看看他:他有深色的眼眸和粗犷的下巴。我敢说他的笑容也很可爱。