come up

  • na.走近;上升;抬头;(暴风雨等)起
  • 网络上来;出现;发生

第三人称单数:comes up 现在分词:coming up 过去式:came up

come upcome up

come up


初中英语短语大全 ... 42.just then 正在那时 43.come up 走进,上来 front of 在……前面 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come true 实现,达到 come up 走近;(从土中)长出 come up against 碰到(困难、反对等) ...


四级英语短语大全_百度文库 ... come to 苏醒;总数为 come up 出现;走上前来 come up against 偶然遇到 ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... come true 成为现实 come up ① 上升 ②发生 ③产生 ④(问题、话题、议题)被提出(无被动) come up …


关于come的短语有什么?_百度知道 ... come around1. 苏醒;恢复健康 come up1. 被提出,被讨论 come up with1. 赶上 ...


高中英语新课程标准... ... come true 变为现实,成为事实 come up 上来,上升,抬头 come up with 追上,赶上;想出(主意)…


初中短语_百度文库 ... come to oneself 苏醒过来; come up 长出, 发芽; come into use 开始使用; ...


高中英语新课程标准... ... come true 变为现实,成为事实 come up 上来,上升,抬头 come up with 追上,赶上;想出(主意)…

and come up to the boat deck. - I said, not now. 你得穿上救生衣到甲板上-我说了,我没空
Though it will be fun now, you'll regret these choices tomorrow. Make it a point to come up for air sometime today. 虽然现在很有趣,你有可能会因为这些而后悔选择的明天,让这个成为明天的起点。
However officials said the issue of what India calls cross border terrorism and infiltration will come up in the scheduled talks. 然而印度官员表示,他们所称的越境恐怖主义和渗透行为将在计划的会谈中提上议事日程。
Jelliffe's talk was actually about his experiences trying to come up with metrics of XML schema complexity. Jelliffe的发言实际上是关于尝试度量XML模式复杂性的经验。
"The sun will come up in the West before Victor Triumph tells a lie! " I said. I was seated, pulling on my high-heeled boots. “要是维克托。图兰夫会说谎太阳就从西边升起来了!”我说。我坐下来,套上我的高跟鞋。
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next. " 那些老婆娘过去常常在参加别人婚礼的时候涌上来,指着我的肋骨说:你就是下一个哦。
Now come up through the neck loop and down through the loop made by the previous cross at the front of the tie. 现在通过环颈下通过环发前交叉在前面的比赛。
Now scientists claim to have come up with an answer to her changing moods - our eyes are sending mixed signals to the brain. 科学家称他们已经弄清楚了蒙娜·丽莎表情变化的原因,那就是我们的眼睛将混合的信息传递给了脑。
Like I said, this isn't official but maybe I can come up a little. Maybe as much as twenty-five cents per unit. 就像我说的,这个报价不算正式,也许我可以再多给一点,大概平均提高25分钱。
Whenever he wanted anything to eat, all he had to do was to come up out of his cave in the stones and earth and roar. 无论什么时候,只要他想吃东西,他所做的就是走出石头中的洞穴,朝脚下的土地咆哮。
It's all too easy to come up with a reason not to do something if we're feeling a bit tired or lazy. 当我们感到有点疲倦和懒惰的时候,实在是太容易编出一个不去做某件事的理由了。
Too many of their fathers and grandfathers had come up to wealth from the small farmer class for that. 他们的父亲和祖父大多是以小农致富的,不会有那种势利眼。
With investors in Asia poised to start selling again in just a few hours, the ministers knew they needed to come up with a plan -- and fast. 当时远在千里之外的亚洲,投资者已做好准备,待几小时后市场开盘就再度抛出.欧洲财长们意识到,需要拿出一份计划--而且要快。
The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth . 绿树长到了我的窗前,仿佛是暗哑的大地发出的渴望之声。
Stay there for a few breaths before drawing the limbs in and rolling to the right to come up. 在此保持几次呼吸,接着收回四肢并转向身体的右侧起身。
He had come up from deep down in the water as the dark cloud of blood had settled and dispersed in the mile deep sea. 血朝一英里深的海里下沉并扩散的时候,它从水底深处上来了。
He doesn't seem to be able to come up with proper words to interpret his point. 他似乎想不出恰当的字眼来阐明自己的观点。
Then the next time the system boots, it will come up to a text console login prompt rather than starting X. 然后下次系统启动时,就会进入文本控制台登录提示符,而不会启动X。
And when I saw him come up to walk again, I was running out of the door and jumped into his arms. 当我看到他走来时,我从车上冲出去,紧紧抱住了他。
It would be very difficult for you to make the first single, how do you come up with that decision? 选择第一支单曲应该非常困难,你怎么提出的这个决定?
You wanted to see the sun come up and no one to be near you. 你希望看见太阳升起来,而不想看到身边有人。
Observers in Baghdad say it is not clear whether the measure will come up for a vote, and is unlikely to pass if it does. 巴格达的观察家们表示这项法案是否能得到投票表决尚不清楚,而即使能进行表决,也不可能获得通过。
I do not know why they come up with this point, but do you think we can really throw light upon it? 我不知道为什么有人会想出这种问题,你觉得你能真正分清楚吗?
We've got to put our heads together and come up with a solution. 我们得碰一下头,找出解决办法。
The matter of children will come up, and again, you seem to be rethinking a previously made decision you had made on behalf of one child. 会出现和孩子有关的事,然后,你似乎是重新考虑先前代表孩子做出的决定。
Memorable Quote: "I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed - or worse, expelled. " 经典台词:在你们任何一人又想出了让我们被杀掉或者开除的“聪明”点子前,我要睡觉去了。
Barbosa said he did not know when his mining competitors would come up with a negotiated settlement. 巴博萨说,他不知道力拓与必和必拓何时能谈妥供货协议。
Bean-counters in Austin, the state capital, had come up with sobering projections, but none of these were official estimates. 州首府奥斯汀(Austin)的会计师也曾就此给出骇人的预测,但都不算官方估值。
He was too unhappy, it must be nothing but a dream, and his mother was alive, and Emma would come up presently and go to bed. 他委实太不幸了,这一切想必是场幻梦;他母亲还活着,埃玛一会儿就会上楼来睡觉的。
He had come up so fast and absolutely without caution that he broke the surface of the blue water and was in the sun. 它窜上来得那么快,全然不顾一切,竟然冲破了蓝色的水面,来到了阳光里。