
美 [tʃɑp]英 [tʃɒp]
  • v.砍;劈;切碎;剁碎
  • n.砍;劈;剁;猪(或羊等)排
  • 网络排骨;削球;猪排

过去式:chopped 第三人称单数:chops 现在分词:chopping

chop wood,chop tree,chop hole,chop basil


v. n.

1.切碎;剁碎;砍;劈to cut sth into pieces with a sharp tool such as a knife

2.[usupass](informal)~ sth (from sth) (to sth)(大幅度地)削减,降低;取消;终止to reduce sth by a large amount; to stop sth


chop and change

变化无常;反复变换to keep changing your mind or what you are doing

高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... mushroom n 蘑菇 △ chop vt 剁碎; steam vt 蒸 ...


woly的主页 - 日记 ... steak 牛排 chop 连骨肉,排骨 cutlet 肉条 ...

九年级英语单词表 ... get back to sb. 过一会再给某人电话 chop 砍;;剁 wood 木头;木材 ...


乒乓球的各种英文术语?_爱问知识人 ... 全台 full court 削球 chop 台的边缘 edge of table ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... mushroom n 蘑菇 △ chop vt 剁碎;砍 steam vt 蒸 ...


谁有厨房内的英语单词_百度知道 ... slice 切片 chop 切碎 shred 切丝 ...


生活英语单词大全 - 豆丁网 ... 建筑物﹑大楼 mech mechanic 猪排 chop 五花肉 streaky pork/marbled beef ...

The wind turbines in California's Diablo Mountains chop up thousands of birds a year, including golden eagles and red-tailed hawks. 在加利福利亚的代阿布洛山上的风能涡轮机每年会绞死几千只鸟,其中包括金鹰和红尾鹰等稀有品种。
Like this: Get a pair of two-liter soft-drink bottles and chop off the spout ends, creating two cylinders. 试试这样:找两个2升的饮料瓶,切掉瓶口的一端,留下两个圆柱筒。
I would chop off his fingers, slash his throat open, carve numbers in his chest, gouge out his eyes, I swear to God! 我会砍失落他的手指,割开他的喉咙,在他胸口刻字,挖出他的眼睛,我对上帝起誓会这么做!
Bringing in the kind of profits that could chop a solid percentage off the national debt of this fair nation in just a year. 链的一端两家公司控制着巨大量的生意,一年之内带入的巨大赢利就可以削掉这个“美好的国家”百分之多少的债务。
If such a condition as you outline arises, we will not stick our necks out for Chiang to chop off. 如果出现你所说的那种情况,我们是不会伸出脖子,让蒋介石来砍头的!
Chop through a man's neck with that thing, though, and his head is not like to turn into a melon. 用那玩意儿穿过一个人的喉咙,可不会让脑袋变成一个甜瓜。
Their scheme to get rid of the corpse escalates to the point where they have to chop up his body just to fit him into a small trunk. 丢尸的的阴谋逐渐升级为--在哪里肢解此人才能把尸体装入小行李箱中。
School aid is usually considered untouchable, but Mr Christie appeared to chop without blinking. 教育援助通常认为是老虎屁股摸不得,但克里斯蒂先生看起来眼也不眨的就砍掉了预算。
'One must first have the desire to drop it, ' he said. 'And then one must proceed harmoniously to chop it off, little by little. ' “首先必须有这种欲望,”他说,“然后再一点一点把它抹掉,和谐地进行。”
There was a woodcutter who's about to pick his ax and chop a piece of wood, and the whole galaxy is one atom of that ax. 有一个伐木工拿起他的斧子准备砍一块木头。他的斧子很大。整个宇宙不过是其中一粒原子。
To lure him away from the stove, I piled up parsley for him to chop or cheese for him to grate at the other end of the kitchen island. 为了诱他离开炉子,我让他切一堆欧芹或者让他在厨房的另一端把干酪磨碎。
She asked them to chop down the weeds in the yard and make a path for her to the clothesline. 她吩咐他们把院子里的杂草割掉,给她割出一条通向凉衣绳的小路。
Down in the chop shop with Madame Gasket, there's a lot more atmosphere and dust, so you see the effects of light a bit more. 到了噶丝科(直译是垫片)女士的旧零件店,那里面有很浓的气氛及很多灰尘。使你可以看到那些光线的作用。
As for the board, I still have it and I think of him every time I use it to chop the onions. 至于案板,我一直保留着,每当我切洋葱时总是情不自禁的想到他。
Between 12 and 14 knots of wind and a bit of chop, strong sunshine and a beautiful blue sea, the Kiwis played the game "comfortably" . 12到14节的风力,略有波澜的海面,明媚的阳光,湛蓝的海水,Kiwi们今天状态极佳。
How much wood would a woodchop chop, if a woodchop could chop wood? 如果樵夫能砍柴,那他能砍多少柴?
Mr Fogg called him in the morning, and told him to get Aouda's breakfast, and a cup of tea and a chop for himself. 第二天早晨,福克先生把路路通叫来,很简单地吩咐他去给艾娥达夫人预备午饭,他自己只要一杯茶和一片烤面包。
TPG then put a notice in the paper that the company had lost its chop and applied to the authorities for a replacement. TPG随后在报纸上刊登公告,称公司公章已丢失,并向当局申请补办。
But a little while later he took heart again, and for a third time he reached for the ax and was about to chop away. 但过了一会儿,他的心了,第三次,他的斧子达到正要砍了。
but rose wall ' s backhand was no cut , no chop , no drifting hack like the kind we see at parks and clubs all over the world. 其实罗斯沃尔的反手既不是切球也非削球,并不像我们在世界上其他地方和比赛中看到的那种抡斧子的砍法。
Stylist: (to mother, in an aside) Don't worry. You can always chop off the mohawk later and convert it into a nice buzz cut. 发型师:(借一步和孩子母亲说道)别担心。一会儿可以把中间那道剪掉变成一个帅气的寸头。
Here comes a candle to light you to bed, here comes a chopper to chop off your head. 蜡烛点燃时你该上床睡觉去,当心刀斧要你的命。
For company applicant, it must be signed by a authorized by the company concerned and stamped with the company's chop. 如属公司申请人,须由该公司所指定的授权人士签署及加盖该公司印章。
Jim told me to chop off the snake's head and throw it away, and then skin the body and roast a piece of it. 吉姆告诉我将蛇头砍下来扔掉,再把蛇皮剥了,烤一块蛇肉。
When I was talking about something interested by myself and my friends, she did not always chop in. 在我谈论令我和我的朋友们感兴趣的事情时,她不会插嘴。
But just as he was about to chop off its head, he saw that the turtle was crying! 但是正当他要砍下乌龟地头时,看到那只龟在哭泣!
Don't let them say about the man condemned to death: "He is going to pay his debt to society, " but: "They're going to chop his head off. " 有人被判死刑时,不许他们说:“他欠社会的债,如今要清偿了。”得说:“他们要砍掉他的脑袋了。”
"Chop off their heads at their workplaces or in their homes to tell them that the time of enslaving Muslims has gone, " read one posting. 有一个帖子这样说的:在他们工作的地方或者家里砍掉他们的头,告诉他们奴役穆斯林的时候已经过去了。
In many countries, it is a crime to chop off an old tree, but in Nanjing, it's the government that seems to be abetting the tree-felling. 在许多国家,砍掉古树是一种犯罪,然而在南京,政府却主张伐树。
Because I found jiao face except excited, and wrath, and seems ready to take daoba I chop, if I don't eat it. 因为我发现阿娇的脸上除了兴奋,还有忍怒,似乎随时准备拿刀把我剁碎,如果我不吃的话。