hot summer

  • n.酷暑
  • 网络炎热的夏天;热冬;热夏

hot summerhot summer

hot summer


“炎”字定义?_百度知道 ... [burning sun] 炎热的太阳 [hot summer;dog days] 炎热的夏天;夏天之酷热 [flame;fire] 火焰 ...


花蝴蝶~~_嫣嫣_新浪博客 ... 2. 蔡依林《爱引力》《 Divine Idylle》 3. 蔡依林《热冬》《 Hot Summer》 1. 蔡依林《大丈夫》 …


博文_老米MS_新浪博客 ... 关爱自己 Care for Yourself 热夏 Hot Summer 四个人 Four People ...


Character - Chinese Character... ... 盛夏[ the height of summer; midsummer] 炎夏[ hot summer;dog days] 中夏[ China] ...


YouTube ... ] 4minute - mirror mirror 镜子 镜子 (中字) - Hot Summer中文字幕) - Roly Poly (中韩字幕) ...


sweltering中文 ... swerve from 背离 ... 炎暑 hot summer 沿岸贸易 coasting... ...


大水坑 | ExploreHK ... KaySin:Tai Shui Hang - 大水坑 jeff_msn123:HOT SUMMER 刺热的盛夏 jeff_msn123:Shatin night 沙田 …


2009taipeiff_program_booklet ... 阳阳 YANG YANG 热舞夏Hot Summer 萝拉快跑 run lola run ...

Hot summer streets and the pavements are burning, I sit around. Trying to smile, but the air is so heavy and dry. 炎夏的街道和人行道似乎正在燃烧,我闲坐在其中,试图微笑,但是空气是如此沉闷和干燥。
Arrested on a hot summer's day, he was taken to Beijing's Taicheng Prison, wearing nothing but a shirt and thin trousers. 在一个炎热的夏日里,他被捕入狱,囚禁在北京Taicheng监狱,什么都没穿,除了一件汗衫和一条薄裤。
When the weather is hot summer, stone is take oil, we want to 2 dozen female crab, he found a shady long tables and sat down. 那时正是盛夏,天气热得石头都快要冒油了,我们要了2打母螃蟹,就找了个背阴的长条桌坐下。
With the Arab spring turning into a hot summer, the gaze of EU diplomats will no doubt be drawn across the Mediterranean. 随着阿拉伯的春天转入炎热的夏天,欧盟外交家们的眼光注定要从地中海上空掠过。
It was a hot summer day with the sun shining brightly. A crow was flying here and there in search of water for his very thirsty throat . 这是一个炎热的夏天,太阳烘烤着大地。一只乌鸦,他的喉咙都要干死了,他飞来飞去想找点水喝。
Finally do want to say good-bye, and in this hot summer quarter, we were like a rock to break up a group of birds, at the moment. 终于还是要说再见了,在这又一季闷热的夏天,我们如同一群被石头打散的飞鸟,瞬间各奔东西。
He took me to movies, endless parades of movies in air-conditioned theaters on hot summer days. 他还带我去看电影,在炎热的夏天带我去有空调设备的剧院看一系列影片。
The temperature of the surface is like a hot summer's day in Arizona or Seville - and would be quite pleasant for humans. 据英国《每日邮报》10月21日报道,这颗星球表面的温度就像是在亚利桑那州或是塞利维亚的夏天--非常宜人。
Severe environment, such as hot summer and cold winter, is not able to do harm to him; even the beast can't come and attack at him. 酷暑,寒冬,再严苛的环境也不能侵害他的身体,禽兽更不能接近他,攻击他。
Some years ago on a hot summer day in south Florida a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his house. 几年前的一个炎炎夏日,在美国佛罗里达州南部,有个小男孩为贪图凉快,决定去自家房子后面一个形成已久的深水潭中游泳。
There is nothing better than to help yourself to a cold drink in hot summer. 没有什么比在炎热的夏天喝杯冷饮更好的了。
During the hot summer, its colorful feathers, gorgeous texture, so his call and said: "Phoenix than I (Phoenix could not outdo me). " 在炎热的夏天时,它的羽毛纹理多彩绚烂,于是自己鸣叫道:“凤凰不如我(凤凰也比不上我)。”
Donald Rumsfeld: "He's sort of like a snake on a hot summer day sleeping on the road in the sun, " a Canadian general once observed. DonaldRumsfeld:“他类似是一种夏天躺在路上晒太阳的蛇,”一个加拿大的将军曾经这样描述,“如果他的眼睑跳动,你会说这很有活力。”
Some years age, on a hot summer day, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the river near his house. He jumped into the river. 在很多年以前,有一个夏天的午后非常炎热,有个小男孩打算到附近和河里游泳。
If it failed to replenish itself it would eventually evaporate completely, like a puddle of water on a hot summer's day. 如果黑洞不能对自己进行补充,它会最终像夏天池塘里的水一样完全蒸发。
What had been a really mild spring turned into a miserably hot summer. 从一个非常温和的春天变到一个极其炎热的夏天会怎样呢。
The people at the zoo where this monkey lives made it a special popsicle so that it could stay cool in the hot summer heat. 在这只猴子居住的动物园里,人们为牠特制了一根冰棒,所以牠可以在炎夏保持凉爽。
You see, there are plenty of ways to stay cool on hot, summer days and ways to help keep the temperature of your home down. 你知道吗,有很多办法可以让你在炎热的夏天保持凉爽,并且保持较低的室内温度。
I recall my mother having a dinner party one hot summer evening to which she had invited eight very important and relatively wealthy guests. 我想起我的母亲在酷夏时节举行的一次宴会,她为此邀请了8位达官显贵。
On a hot summer day, when the great heat induced a general thirst, a lion and a boar came at the same moment to a small well to drink. 一个炎热的夏天,酷热使大家都口干舌燥,一头狮子和一头野猪同时来到一个小井喝水。
However, we do not recommend it now, for it surely will not make you comfortable on hot summer days, but it indeed does in winter. 不过我们不建议你在这个时节使用它,因为它铁定不会在炎热的夏天给你带来舒适的体验,不过在冬天,它真的很管用!
It was a hot summer day, and the lion was thirsty. He was looking for a drink of water. At last he found an old well. 这是一个炎热的夏天,一头狮子口渴了,他正在找水,最后终于发现了一口井。
Hot summer, hazy, mixed interpolation seems endless illusion, passion in the heart of the neon summer surge of, don't take a dust! 炙热夏日,朦胧无限,似乎掺插着无尽幻想,激情的心澎湃在那夏夜的霓虹当中,不带走一丝灰尘!
He went specifically to see her in such a specifically hot summer. 在这样一个特别炎热的夏天,他特地地去看她。
Introduction: Hot summer , the consumption of beer, oh great, so quick action. Do not let the business to others snatched . 炎热的夏季,啤酒的消费量很大哦,所以动作要快,不要让生意给别人抢去了。
I was glad to be going home, where at least I'd have old friends and my beloved hot summer. 我很高兴马上要回家了,那里至少有我的老朋友和我喜欢的炎热夏天。
He said that in Shanghai this cold winter and hot summer , consumers could generally from walls, windows, roofs identify three aspects . 他说,在上海这样的冬冷夏热地区,消费者一般可以从墙体、窗户、屋顶三个方面进行辨别。
She only comes to see me after work. It is a hot summer afternoon when I am looking at the sky blankly. A nurse comes in. 这是一个炎热夏天的下午,当我望着天空发呆的时候,一个护士走进来了。
outdoor movable air pressure from the wind and sun can withstand, rain and hot summer and cold winter climate change; and. 露天移动式空压机要能经受风吹、日晒、雨淋以及夏热冬冷等气候变化;
The long, hot summer of AD 79 starts like all those that have gone before it - but soon you will wish you were anywhere but in Pompeii! 公元79年,漫长炎热的夏天像往年一样到来了——但是很快你就会希望老天可以将你送到任何地方,只要不是庞培城就可以!