
美 [hoʊl]英 [həʊl]
  • n.孔;洞;坑;漏洞
  • v.(尤指在船上)打洞;击球入洞

复数:holes 现在分词:holing 过去式:holed

deep hole,small hole,big hole,large hole,huge hole
bore hole,drill hole,make hole,open hole,dig hole


n. v.

空的空间hollow space

1.[c]洞;孔;坑a hollow space in sth solid or in the surface of sth


2.[c]裂口;开口;孔眼a space or opening that goes all the way through sth

动物住处animal's home

3.[c]洞穴;巢穴the home of a small animal

糟糕的地方unpleasant place

4.[c][ususing](informal)糟糕的住所(或处所)an unpleasant place to live or be in

高尔夫球in golf

5.[c]球洞;球座到球洞的区域a hollow in the ground that you must get the ball into; one of the sections of a golf course with the tee at the beginning and the hole at the end


6.[c][usupl](计划、法律或报道等的)错误,缺陷,漏洞a fault or weakness in sth such as a plan, law or story

空缺的地方╱位置empty place/position

7.[sing]空缺的地方(或位置)a place or position that needs to be filled because sb/sth is no longer there


in a hole

处于困境in a difficult situation

in the hole

负债;欠钱;亏空owing money

make a hole in sth

大量耗费(尤指钱)to use up a large amount of sth that you have, especially money

For the first time, we now have a complete fossil record of how much material such a newborn black hole can eat. 现在,我们第一次拥有一个完整的关于像如此新诞生的黑洞能吞噬多少物质的化石记录。
Second part of the belly-press in the chin with the thumb hole, and then move up to the bottom of the ear. 第二部分腹部压在与拇指孔下巴,然后移动到耳的底部。
What used to be considered a hole in the sky is now known to astronomers as a dark molecular cloud. 我们曾认为这是天空中的一个孔洞,而现在,天文学家知道这是一片黑暗的分子云。
A crab came out of its hole and looked up at him. 一只螃蟹从洞里爬出来,抬头望著他。
He felt that Dobby deserved just as grand a funeral, and yet here the elf lay between bushes in a roughly dug hole. 他觉得多比应该得到和那一样隆重的葬礼,可是现在,小精灵只是躺在灌木丛中一个勉强挖好的洞里。
"Thank you for helping me out of that hole, " said the genie. "I will be your servant. You can ask me to do anything. " “谢谢您把我从洞里拯救出来,”精灵说。“我会成为您的仆人,您可以要求我做任何事。”
Rotting teeth and gums. Diseased lungs. A sewn-up corpse of a smoker. Cigarette smoke coming out of the tracheotomy hole in a man's neck. 腐烂的牙齿和牙龈,病变的肺,吸烟者被缝合上的尸体,从男人脖子上的气管套管洞中飘出的烟。
And you may now, like the contestants on HGTV 's newest reality show, wish you had a little cash to get out of the hole. 然后,现在,你可能像最新HGTV真实秀参赛者一样,希望你可以有一点点现金去填补这个无底洞。
The poor man got into the hole, opened the door, and went in. It was dark inside the door: for some time he could see nothing. 这个可怜的男子进了洞,打开门,走了进去这门里边很黑:好一段时间,他什么也看不见。
The woman is left with a hole between her vagina and her bladder or rectum. This causes her to continuously leak urine or feces. 这样,该女子在阴道和膀胱或直肠间留下了一个洞,从而导致大小便失禁。
The key to getting out of any hole is realizing that you haven't just fallen; you've fallen into something. 走出阴影的关键是如果你已经消沉,请不要再消沉下去。
the acquisition rod with a acquisition cotton ball at the bottom is fixed at the wall of the central hole. 采集棒固定连接在中孔的侧壁上,采集棒的下端带有采集棉球。
When he reached the ledge, there was no sign of the skeleton, the chest of money, or the hole he had dug the night before. 当他到达了壁架,没有他以前开掘了夜的骨骼、胸口金钱或者孔的标志。
We found that the fixtures which in laboratory did not meet the requirements of drill the big hole. We had to be careful when drilling. 下午钻大孔时发现实验室的夹具不是很能满足要求,钻的时候得小心操作。
So, if I were to take the sun and compress it down to the scale of the University of Oxford, it would become a black hole. 因此,如果我把太阳压缩至英国牛津大学的大小,太阳会成为一个黑洞。
If i am standing in front of that small hole in Angkor Wat, I guess I'd have a lot to say, my words should be able to fill up the hole. . . 如果我现在站在吴哥城那个小小的石洞前﹐我想﹐我一定有很多话要说﹐我的话应该可以把这个洞填满。
He sat down in the hole again, and peered at the bush . 他重新又在工事里坐下,盯着那棵矮树。
Sending out resumes is like "throwing paper airplanes into the galaxy. . . . they seem to go into a big, black hole. " 中文英文投出简历就像“把纸飞机扔进了银河系……它们似乎飞进了巨大的黑洞。”
Within a week or two the hole is filled with new asphalt that pushes up from below. 一两周内,洞又被地下涌出的沥青填满了。
Most private traders on a losing streak keep trying to trade their way out of a hole. 大多数个人交易者在持有正在亏损的仓位时,竭力想打成平局。
That which you see there, higher up in the door, near a nail, is the hole of a big iron bullet as large as an egg. 稍高一点,在这大门的上面,那颗钉子旁边,您看见的是一个大铳打的窟窿。
Even if you get stuck in a shell hole you and your crew can pull it out. . . very precise. 就算是不幸掉进弹坑,炮组也可以把它给拽出来…火炮的射击精度非常高。
Hence the attention paid to his recent speech at Jackson Hole, which laid out, with great confidence, what further steps the Fed could take. 因此,他最近在杰克逊荷尔发表的演说受到了关注,他的演说充满自信,详细地阐述了美联储可以采取的进一步行动。
He bounded rather than climbed upon his commode, and resumed his post near the little peep-hole in the partition wall. 他不是爬上那抽斗柜,而是一纵身便到了柜上,他又守在隔墙上面那个小洞的旁边了。
We shall be pulling out of hole at the moment of your arrival. 你到的时候我们将在起钻。
But none of that changes the fact that a security scheme on which most people regularly rely has a fairly exploitable hole. 但这并不能改变这个事实:大多数人所信赖的那个安全系统其实还存在着不小的漏洞。
He walked up the rocks until he found a dry hole, safe from the rain, and he slept again. 他立刻沿着岩石向上走,直到找了一个可以蔽雨的干燥的山洞,他再接着睡。
As the large tub filled I inspected the hole in my wall and determined under normal conditions it would have never been discovered. 如大的浴盆填充我检查了我的墙壁洞而且决定在正常的情况它会从不有被发现。
A plurality of openings in the shroud are configured to meter a flow of diluent between the baffle hole and the at least one fuel nozzle. 防护罩中的多个开口构造成在隔板孔和该至少一个燃料喷嘴之间计量稀释剂流。
So, I wanted to say a few words about what an ordinary black hole is, as if there could be such a thing as an ordinary black hole. 因此,我要说常规黑洞是什么好像有这样一个可以作为常规黑洞的东西。