
美 [haɪd]英 [haɪd]
  • v.藏;掩盖;躲避;遮住
  • n.藏身处;(尤指买卖或用作皮革的)皮;人身安全
  • 网络隐藏;躲藏;兽皮

过去式:hid hidden 过去式:hid 现在分词:hid hiding 现在分词:hiding 第三人称单数:hides

hide face,hide truth,hide shame,hide fact,hide embarrassment


v. n.

1.[t]藏;隐蔽to put or keep sb/sth in a place where they/it cannot be seen or found

2.[i][t]躲避;隐匿to go somewhere where you hope you will not be seen or found

3.[t]遮住;遮挡to cover sth so that it cannot be seen

4.[t]~ sth掩盖,隐瞒(尤指感情)to keep sth secret, especially your feelings


hide your light under a bushel

不显露才能;不露锋芒to not let people know that you are good at sth


隐藏后创建编辑器会有问题,建议显示(show)时创建编辑器(create),然后隐藏hide)时移除编辑器(remove)。回复 …


许国璋英语(第一册)单词表 - 豆丁网 ... suddenly adv. 突然 hide vt. & vi. 躲藏 himself pron. 他自己 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... novel a. 新奇的 hide n. 兽皮 approximately ad. 大概, 大约 ...


自己总结不定词--过去式--过去分词 - 豆丁网 ... hewed 砍;劈;砍倒 hide 隐藏;隐瞒;鞭打 hid 隐藏;遮蔽 ...


皮_百度百科 ... (14)皮肤病[ Dermatosis;Skin disease] (15)皮革[ Leather;hide] (16)皮猴儿[ Fur parka;hoodd fur co…


同问松本秀人hide)用的手机 提问者采纳 2008-08-16 19:33 feifeidms | 分类:日韩明星 我想知道hide用的是什么牌子。

Just as you cannot hide obesity, you cannot hide the huge costs of these diseases to economies and societies. 正如我们无法掩盖肥胖,我们亦无法掩盖这些疾病对经济和社会造成的巨大损失。
Jack was trying to hide the cigarets under a pile of books when his wife popped out from nowhere. Stunned, Jack was at a loss how to react. 杰克正想把香烟藏到一大堆书底下时,他妻子不知从什么中央冒了出来。
"Looks like somebody ate the meat and left the hide. " They were all pretty angry. It had been a nice donkey. “看上去好像是有人吃了驴肉,把驴皮留下了。”他们都很生气,那是一头很好的驴。
A convergence in the market and even those who do not have to hide, to be a strong president and strong opponents of it? 一个在商场上连收敛和隐藏都不懂的人,能成为一个强有力的总裁和强有力的对手吗?
Second, I know this theory you hide for many years, because Christian so had not been able to announced. 其次,我知道这个实际你隐瞒了很多年了,由于基督教所以不断没能发布。
They're probably not trying to hide the download from you; it's just a matter of knowing where to look. 网站并不是想把下载链接藏起来不让你下载Chromium;实际上你只是不知道从哪里下手而已。
"I suppose we may quietly rest, " he said, trying to hide his disappointment. "I will tell you of these things in a later moment. " “我想我们需要休息一会儿,”他说着,掩饰着自己的失望。“稍晚的时候我再跟你说这些事情吧。”
Scorponok wisely decided to hide his Matrix, and did it so well that, until very recently, no one ever found out what became of it. 蝎子王聪明地决定把他的本源藏起来。他藏的是如此之好,直到最近才被人发现。
Aimee Herring, a photographer, tried to hide the dung beetle in hummus 'but I just couldn't do it, ' she said. 摄影师赫林(AimeeHerring)试图用鹰嘴豆泥把蜣螂遮盖住里,但是她说,我就是做不到。
He has not tried to hide any of his research results or any other information. 他没有试图隐瞒他的任何研究结果或其它有关信息。
Often he makes false charges against the other side simply to hide the fact that he has such a weak record of his own to sell the voters. 一般来说,他自己以往的表现不良,因此难以争取选民。为了掩盖这一事实,他往往会假造罪名来指责竞争的对手。
By negotiating as a unit, China can hide behind the needs of its bloc partners in a way it never could if it was negotiating on its own. 通过同盟化的谈判方式,中国得以躲在同盟国需求的背后,达到自己单独谈判所无法实现的目标。
It seems to me now that he sighed and that I tittered to hide my embarrassment. 在我现在看来,他那时似乎在叹气,而我吃吃地笑是在隐藏我的尴尬。
Not always, however: Andrew Breitbart did not hide when he "broke" the Shirley Sherrod story, as described in the Introduction. 但也不总是这样:正如在前言中描述的那样,安德鲁•布莱巴特在爆出雪莉•谢罗德这个故事的时候并没有隐藏自己的身份。
I hide my love as if it was my lucky money until I forget where did I put it. 那些爱被我像压岁钱一样藏了又藏,直到最后再也想不起来放在了哪里。
And it rips through the silence of our camp at night, and it rips through the silence, all that is left is all that I hide. 时间就伴着帐篷里的寂静,匆匆溜走,在那个夜晚匆匆溜走。整个晚上,整个晚上。所有我丢弃的便是我要隐藏的。
However, it just isn't realistic to be able to hide geographic areas the size of Diagon Alley in London. 但是把像对角巷那么大的一个地方藏在伦敦是不现实的。
Most people feel that it is usually just too difficult and too stressful for patients to hide the fact that they are undergoing treatment. 多数人感觉要病人隐藏他们在接受治疗的事实太难了。
I was always trying to hide at the beginning of the year, but I have nothing to hide anyway! 今年年初我总是躲来躲去,但其实我也真没什么要隐藏的事情。
He gave her a grateful, furtive look, and went back to his guest; an impulse had made him hide from her the true condition of affairs. 他向她悄悄地投入感激的一瞥,回到了他的客人跟前去;一种冲动使他把真实的情况瞒住了她。
It gets so hard to hide it well. =I have such a strong desire to tell the tale that I can hardly hide it well. 我强烈地想把心中的故事讲出来,我已无法把它藏在心中。
We have nothing to hide or hold back from you, and indeed we dearly wish to share this grand adventure with you all. 我们没有任何事情需要对你们隐瞒,而我们真正的希望是与你们所有人分享这次伟大的冒险经历。
She comes out at last after thousands and thousands of calls, Yet holds the lute in her arms to hide half of her face. 千呼萬喚始出來﹐猶抱琵琶半遮面。
Ex-porn maker Takahashi said he turned to farming so he wouldn't have to hide his profession from his children. 前色情业者高桥雅也说,他回归了农业,也就不用对孩子们遮遮掩掩自己的职业了。
He dropped down on his knees, and put them one by one together, smelling at the pinks, to hide the violence of his feelings. 他双膝跪在地上,把花儿一朵一朵地捡起来,嗅着石竹花,借此掩饰他内心的激动。
The museum said it had never tried to hide its ownership of the painting, which it has lent to several European museums. 博物馆方面称它从未试图隐瞒此画的所有权,此前它曾被出借给数家欧洲博物馆。
The fact that she's got a great sense of humor, and she's so candid - she doesn't try to hide how she feels. 事实上她有非常棒的幽默感,且她非常的坦率—她不会去尝试隐藏自己的感受。
Mike: Well you know, if I were dad and I wanted to hide the mementos of some tragic mistake, I know where I'd stash them. 迈克:假如我是爸爸的话,有什么见不得人的东西要藏起来,我会藏个好地方。
So what you do is try and hide the fact that you're trying to sell such an enormous block of shares. 那么,你要做的是尽量掩盖你要卖掉大量股票的事实。
MALONE LEFT THE HOUSE THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR, MAKING no attempt to hide his departure. 马龙从前门离开这房间,没有尝试着要掩藏他的离开。