
美 [ˈkɑmən]英 [ˈkɒmən]
  • adj.常见的;通常的;普遍的;共有的
  • n.公共用地;公地;(学校、大学等的)学生公共食堂
  • 网络普通的;共同的;公共的

最高级:commonest 复数:commons

Common language,Common use,Common problem,Common practice,Common interest


1.常见的;通常的;普遍的happening often; existing in large numbers or in many places

2.[ubn]~ (to sb/sth)共有的;共享的;共同的shared by or belonging to two or more people or by the people in a group

3.[obn]普通的;平常的;寻常的;平凡的ordinary; not unusual or special

4.粗俗的;庸俗的typical of sb from a low social class and not having good manners


common or garden

普通的;平常的;一般的ordinary; with no special features

the common touch

(有权势者或名人的)平易近人的品质,亲民作风the ability of a powerful or famous person to talk to and understand ordinary people

make common cause with sb

与某人联合起来,与某人合作(以达到共同的目的)to be united with sb about sth that you both agree on, believe in or wish to achieve


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... committee n. 委员会 common adj. 共同的,普通的 communicate v. 沟通,通信 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... at present 现在; 目前 common adj 共同的;普遍的 set free 释放 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Command 指令,操作,信号 COMMON 公共的,公共地端 Communication speed 通讯速度选择 ...


人教版高中英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... comment n. 评论 common a. 普通的,一般的;共有的 communicate v. 交际;传达(感情, …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... at present 现在; 目前 common adj 共同的;普遍的 set free 释放 ...


赵丽词汇5500笔记完美打印版 - 豆丁网 ... author 作者 common 常见的 the common person 普通人 ...

Diplomats, development experts, and others in the United States Government must be able to work side by side to support a common agenda. 外交官、发展专家和美国政府的其他人员必须一起努力来支持公共事务。
It used to be common for someone to try to kill an enemy by offering him a poisoned drink. 它曾经是共同的为了某人能设法通过提供他一份被毒害的饮料杀害敌人。
I grow up day by day, but do not know why, the mother warm smile is no longer common, often severe instead on faces. 我一天天地在长大,但不知道为什么,母亲那亲切的笑容已不再多见,取而代之地常常是严厉的面孔。
Although earning a living is a very important reason to work, and is probably the most common one, it is not the only reason. 虽然谋生是工作的重要理由,可能也是最普遍的理由,但并不是唯一的理由。
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said "common sense" had prevailed that he was ready to host a donors conference for Kenya in London. 英国首相布朗(GordonBrown)认为这是“共识”的胜利,他准备在伦敦召开援助肯尼亚的会议。
The mission of the thing, besides giving it a name, was to answer the question: What do all these different approaches have in common? 除了给出一个名字,我们的任务是回答一个问题:所有这些不同的方法有什么共同点?
Question to Consider: What common task could I start doing as if I were doing it directly for Jesus? 思考问题:我可以从哪一件寻常事物开始,把它当作是为主做的来做?
Rather than repeating these common ideas, I'd like to share with you three specific ways that I use for my own blogging. 在这里我不想重复那些平常的点子,我有3个特别的方法同大家分享,我一直使用这些方法进行博客文章创作。
Common examples include how much intimacy there should be in a marriage, as well as disagreements over money and household chores. 常见的例子包括,婚姻中的亲密关系如何,以及因为金钱和家务产生的分歧。
The building itself is a process of life, from the beginning to the end when it becomes rubble, it has a lot in common with organic life. 建筑物本身是生命的过程,从开始到最后变成废墟的过程,实际上它跟有机的生命是相似的。
Instruments and instrument signal lines shall be installed and lined up to a common junction box on the edge of the base plate. 仪表和仪表信号线的安装与底座边缘上的共用接线盒对齐。
But in this age of caving in to strident minority groups, it's nice to see that occasionally common sense can reign supreme. 在这个屈服于少数群体主张的时代,很高兴能看到大多数人的意见偶尔地能够占据统治地位。
Foresight and common sense are all that are needed as you go from room to room and imagine what would happen in an earthquake. 你需要做之只是巡视你之房间,设想地震时房中会发生什么,用你之常识来进行预测、找出隐患。
HNA did not respond to requests for comment but has previously said non-payment was common in light of this year's poor dry bulk market. 海航集团没有回复记者提出的置评请求,但此前该公司曾表示,鉴于今年干散货市场低迷,迟付缓付租金是市场中的普遍行为。
This enables you to plug in a wide range of protocols, even if the common language runtime is not at the other end of the channel. 这使您能够插入各种各样的协议,即使信道的另一端上没有公共语言运行库。
The Samadhi have no illusion that common people feared, not to mention that they cause disease and lead you into a way of evil. 在三昧之中也没有一般人惧怕的虚幻景象,更不会走火入魔,引病上身。
As much as you attempt to let your common sense reign supreme, your optimism can sorely tempt you to mislead others. 你越是企图让你的平常感觉占统治地位,你的乐观主义就越是怂恿你去误导他人。
For thousands of years, the common belief held, was that meteors, or "falling stars, " were literally from out of this world. 几千年来,人们普遍认为,流星或称“坠落的星星”,实际上是天外来客。
Dining out is often felt to be common today. 在餐馆吃饭现在经常被人们感觉很普遍了。
Let's drill down to the details to see how JAX-RPC is trying to eliminate these problems by defining a common programming model. 让我们深入讨论细节问题以了解JAX-RPC是如何通过定义一个公共编程模型来设法彻底解决这些问题的。
He thought it remarkable that self-interest often promoted the common good, but he never claimed it always did. 他认为个人私利通常会促进共同利益,这一点是显著的,但他从没宣称总是如此。
A woman's common obsession with being perfect is her desperate attempt to be worthy of love and reduce her emotional pain. 女人强迫自已完美,是企图让自己值得被爱,以减少感情伤痛。
Although common in the elderly, anemia is often mild and asymptomatic and rarely requires hospitalization. 虽然常见于老年人,往往是轻度贫血,并无症状,很少需要住院治疗。
All kangaroos, no matter how much volume, there is one thing in common: with long hind legs strong and powerful bond. 所有袋鼠,不管体积多大,有一个共同点:长着长脚的后腿强键而有力。
Today, the object I bring with me is a key chain. Although it appears to be quite a common object, it has a very particular meaning to me. 今天我带来的东西是一个小钥匙链,虽然它看起来是一件很普通的东西,但对我来说,意义重大。
A common shooting games, mouse operation, must act quickly, otherwise these little guys will be very easy to escape the fall. 一款常见的射击游戏,鼠标操作,动作要快点,不然这些小家伙会很容易逃跑掉的。
It appears the food is fabricated from two or more ingredients and the label does not list the common or usual name of each ingredient. 食品由两种或两种以上成分构成,但标签没有标注通用名或每种成分的使用名。
The lawyers' prescient observations eventually led to the recognition of a common law right to privacy in the United States. 这两位律师警醒的见解最终导致美国确立了承认隐私权的普通法。
He stressed the common ground between the west and Islam, saying that "Islam has always been a part of America's story" . 他强调西方与伊斯兰存在共同点,“伊斯兰一直是美国历史的一部分”。
Most women I meet only like me for my title, I vowed the next time to pretend to be a common American and see what happened. 大部分女孩子喜欢我,不是喜欢我本人而是喜欢我的头衔。我发誓下一次要装成一个普通美国人,看到底会发生什么。