
美 [noʊz]英 [nəʊz]
  • n.鼻子;机头;嗅觉;有…鼻子的
  • v.小心翼翼地向前移动;拱
  • 网络气味;香气;就是鼻子

复数:noses 现在分词:nosing 过去式:nosed

blow nose,wipe nose,pick nose,break nose


n. v.

1.[c]鼻;鼻子the part of the face that sticks out above the mouth, used for breathing and smelling things

2.有…鼻子的having the type of nose mentioned

4.[sing]a ~ for sth发现(或辨别)事物的能力;嗅觉a special ability for finding or recognizing sth

5.[sing]嗅觉a sense of smell


cut off your nose to spite your face

(恼怒之下)伤人害己,损人不利己to do sth when you are angry that is meant to harm sb else but which also harms you

get up sbs nose

烦扰to annoy sb

have your nose in sth

专心致志地(阅读)to be reading sth and giving it all your attention

have a nose round

环视(某地);在(某地)寻找to look around a place; to look for sth in a place

keep your nose clean

循规蹈矩;不做违法的事to avoid doing anything wrong or illegal

keep your nose out of sth

避免插手(他人的事);尽力不卷入(或介入)to try not to become involved in things that do not concern you

keep your nose to the grindstone

连续辛勤地工作to work hard for a long period of time without stopping

look down your nose at sb/sth

对…不屑一顾;蔑视to behave in a way that suggests that you think that you are better than sb or that sth is not good enough for you

nose to tail

(汽车等)首尾相连(缓缓行进)if cars, etc. arenose to tail , they are moving slowly in a long line with little space between them

on the nose


poke/stick your nose into sth

多管闲事;插手(与己无关的事)to try to become involved in sth that does not concern you

put sbs nose out of joint

(冷落)使难堪;惹恼to upset or annoy sb, especially by not giving them enough attention

turn your nose up at sth

拒绝;看不上;看不起to refuse sth, especially because you do not think that it is good enough for you

under sbs nose

就在某人面前(却看不见)if sth isunder sb's nose , it is very close to them but they cannot see it

with your nose in the air

傲慢;看不起人;鼻孔朝天,自高自大in a way that is unfriendly and suggests that you think that you are better than other people


日常生活中的英语单词_爱问知识人 ... hair 头发 nose 鼻子 eye 眼睛 ...


葡萄酒基础知识大全 ... 外观( Appearance) 嗅觉Nose) 味觉( Palate) ...


杯评方法 | 贝贝咖啡同学会 ... 3、 味道( taste) 4、 气味nose) 5、 回味( aftertaste) ...


香气Nose) 葡萄酒的香气,也称为芳香或酒香。 橡木味(Oak/Oakey) 葡萄酒在橡木桶中产生的橡木味。


航空词汇(1)_翻译家( ... fuselage,body 机身 nose 机头 wing 机翼 ...


外星单眼怪逃出矿场5 评论留言讨论 ... (listen 听)就是耳朵 对应文字出现的顺序就是密码 (nose就是鼻子 3 (speak 说) …


IADC对金刚石钻头磨损分级及其代码 - 豆丁网 ... C = Cone 内锥 – N = Nose 鼻部 – T = Taper 外锥(肩) – ...

Going into that business at such a time was a costly error, and Smith has been paying through the nose ever since. 在那样的时候,从事那种事业是个大错误,史密斯自此以后即一直为此付出很大的代价。
She did this under the nose of an on looking German soldier, convincing him she was simply in the woods picking daisies. 有一名德国士兵看着夏萍走入林中,却被她骗过,以为她只是入林里采雏菊。
my sister, suddenly laughed, it let me, in the mirror. oh, i put a piece of butter on the nose against it, like a joke! 姐姐突然笑了,这笑让我莫名其妙,一照镜子,呵,我把一块奶油蹭在了鼻子上,活像一个小丑!
His eyes and his mouth were quiet small, but his nose was very big. 他的眼睛和嘴都是很小的,但他的鼻子很大…
When asked to touch his nose with his arms outstretched and eyes closed, he was unable to touch any part of his head. 当要求接触他的鼻子与他的胳膊伸出,并且闭上的眼睛,他无法接触他的头的任何零件。
is dead. If I close my eyes I can just see her knitting away in that armchair as large as life, with her specs half-way down her nose. 有时我真不相信祖母经去世。只要我闭上眼睛,就会看她活生生地坐在一把扶椅上,眼镜挂在鼻梁上,手里织着毛线衣。
The impression is of a government that's happy to reap the benefits at a time when consumers and businesses are paying through the nose. 这个现政府给人们留下的印象是,当消费者和公司企业在被敲竹杠的时候,他们却在那里得意洋洋地大捞一把。
But the manager used the same ears, eyes and nose when he made losing investments. 但是当投资失败时,他同样用的是自己的耳朵、鼻子和眼睛。
A child: his eyes like the eyes of his brother, his nose like a hippopotamus, mouth, like my mother, ears like a ghost. 儿童答:他的眼睛像眼睛哥哥,鼻子像河马,嘴巴像我妈妈,耳朵像鬼。
One of us held a paper nose in our hand, walked toward the blackboard with our eyes covered, and tried to put the nose into the head. 就是黑板上画好一个人头,蒙着眼睛,手上拿着一个纸做的鼻子,贴到人头上。
Eg. He seemed to enjoy making thing difficult for himself, in fact he would cut off his nose to spite his face. 他好像喜欢把事情搞复杂,而实际上他这是在害己。
Lystrosaurus looked like a modern wild boar , a pig nose, and a pair of small Fangs. 水龙兽长得很像现代野猪,有个猪鼻子,还有一对小獠牙。
They began to look different than wolves. . . They were generally smaller than wolves, with a shorter nose. 它们开始看起来和狼有了一些不同……一般来说,它们都会比狼小一些,鼻子也会比狼短一些。
Fulton Mayor Paul Walker told the BBC News website by telephone that the "community had had its nose rubbed in it a bit" . 富尔顿市长保罗·沃克通过电话告诉BBC新闻网说,“社会有点过多地关注此事了”。
As a child, if I woke up in the morning with a runny nose, I had my temperature taken. 在我小时候,如果早上起来开始流鼻涕,大人就会给我测体温。
All the competitors in Friday's pageant had some sort of plastic surgery, from breast augmentation and nose jobs to surgically altered toes. 在周五游行表演的所有参赛者都进行过一些整容手术,从隆胸到鼻子整形甚至脚趾整形不一而足。
Still there was no reply. Just a funny noise from my dada's nose. 仍然没有回应,只有一个滑稽的噪音从我爸爸鼻子里发出来。
Mr. Borgin fixed a pair of pince-nez to his nose and looked down the list. 博金先生戴上一副夹鼻眼镜,低头看着清单。
The stuffed animal is comprised of textile material for the cover, stuffing, two eyes and a nose. 填充玩具的外层由布料组成,里面是填充物,余下部分是眼和鼻子。
The bear came up and sniffed at the man's head. It put its nose close to his mouth and ears. 熊走过来,闻闻这个人的头,又把鼻子凑近他的嘴和耳朵。
If I'm not a conventional biographer, I have to be true to what I can do. The journalistic nose in me instantly said, "Holy shit. " 新闻工作的嗅觉让我立刻想说:“见鬼,你的意思是说有个了解海明威的人还活着,天哪。”
Back in Manhattan he was a struggling actor, he was always a real "nose to the grindstone, " kind of guy. 以前在曼哈顿,他是苦苦挣扎的演员,一直是那种拼死拼活的家伙。
He furrowed his brow, took hold of his nose, held it a while in his large hand with the yellow hair. 他皱起额头,用长着黄毛的大手捂住鼻子,捂了好一会儿。
A very similar set of features are supported by nose, but, as you are probably guessing, it provides a bit more flexibility. nose支持非常相似的特性集,但是更灵活。
The boss is always chatting to one of the new typists, which has really put his secretary's nose out of joint. 老板老是和一个新来的打字员交谈,这真使他的秘书非常嫉妒。
There are many American expressions that use parts of the body. These include the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and even the heart. 美国的许多表达方式使用到身体部位,包括眼睛,耳朵,鼻子,嘴巴,甚至心脏。
I had better leave the Dog Star alone, too, with its nose pressed to the celestial trail and its tail thumping the sky. 我最好也让天狗星留在那儿,用它的鼻子嗅定天庭的路和用它的尾挥动天空。
He kept blinking and pushing those square-shaped glasses up his nose, you know, they were constantly sliding down. 他不断眨眼并把他那方形的眼睛推到鼻子上,你知道,眼睛不停地往下滑。
It could also be used to fine-tune an electronic nose, if such a device were to be used at the site of a disaster. 如果在灾害现场利用电子鼻,这一结果也可用来调整其精确度。
When we were at the sneaker store, I asked a girl if I looked cool and she said, "Yes, except for your nose hair. " 我们在球鞋店时,我问了个女生我看起来酷不酷,她说:“你看起来是很酷,除了你的鼻毛以外。”