
美 [ˈkɑmprəˌmaɪz]英 [ˈkɒmprəmaɪz]
  • n.妥协;和解;折中;互让
  • v.让步;违背(原则);达不到(标准)
  • 网络折衷;折中办法;折衷案

复数:compromises 现在分词:compromising 过去式:compromised

reach compromise,compromise security,negotiate compromise,seek compromise,reject compromise
good compromise,acceptable compromise,fair compromise,potential compromise,reasonable compromise


n. v.

1.[c]妥协;折中;互让;和解an agreement made between two people or groups in which each side gives up some of the things they want so that both sides are happy at the end

2.[c]~ (between A and B)妥协(或折中)方案a solution to a problem in which two or more things cannot exist together as they are, in which each thing is reduced or changed slightly so that they can exist together

3.[u]达成妥协(或和解)the act of reaching a compromise


妥协Compromise)【第二波抒情主打_阿沁量身打造】 大丈夫(Real Man)【第一波主打】 你快乐我内伤(You Hurt My Fe…


新东方GRE词汇 - 豆丁网 ... compress ? vt. 压缩 compromise ? n. 妥协,折衷 compunction ? n. 后悔 ...


财务英语英汉对照表 (C) - MBA智库百科 ... comprehensive policy 综合保险单 compromise 和解,妥协 comptroller 主计长,审 …


折字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 折纸〖 paperfolding〗 折中compromise〗 折皱〖 deadfold〗 ...


高中英语3500词汇电子书版 - 豆丁网 ... comprehension 理解 compromise 妥协,让步 compulsory 强迫的,义务的 ...


用Mp3背四级单词 - 豆丁网 ... comprise - 包含,包括 compromise - 妥协,折中办法 conceal- 隐藏,掩盖 ...


BurtChen整理的tpo18篇阅读词汇 - 豆丁网 ... applied 实用的; 应用的 compromise 妥协, 折衷案, 折衷 structural 结构的, 建筑的 ...


无标题文档 ... grime n. 污垢 compromise n. 妥协, 折中方法 grandeur n. 宏伟, 壮观, 富丽堂皇 ...

They do not try to compromise the differences between the other two by a judicious choice of the best or most appealing elements from each. 它们并不试图通过审慎地选择每一派中最合理的,最有吸引力的成分,以折衷两者的差异。
Was Mr Saleh riding in to rally his troops or to hold them back and pursue, this time in earnest, a compromise to save his country? 萨利赫这次回来是要重整旗鼓呢,还是要撤回其部队并真诚地达成妥协来挽救他的国家呢?
Mr Blair had also taken charge of a demoralised party, much of it determined not to compromise with the voters. 当时布莱尔领导的党也是士气低沉,党内大部分人认为不应该向选民屈服。
I am prepared to take some concession on minor details, but I cannot compromise on fundamentals. 我准备在枝节问题上作些让步,但我不能在原则问题上妥协。
You might be able to come up with an idea for a compromise or solution to this problem and suggest it to both parents. 也许你能找到个折中的办法,来帮助父母双方一起解决这个难题。
She found that compromise was always the best way when she quarreled with her mother. 她发现当她与母亲争吵时,让步总是最好的解决方法。
Opponents said the deal will bring India under greater influence of the United States, and compromise the country's nuclear weapons program. 反对者表示,这一交易将使印度置于美国的更大影响之下,并且让印度的核武器计划受阻。
He had a really consistent vision of what he wanted Groupon to be and he didn't compromise that even when there were big financial stakes. 他清楚自己想把Groupon带向何方,对此他矢志不渝,即使冒天大的金融风险也不妥协。
There seems to be no room for compromise in the border dispute between the two countries. 两国的边界争端看来没有调和的余地。
But some congressmen grumbled that it would be the last time they support such a compromise. 不过一些国会议员气愤地说,这是他们最后一次妥协了。
America, after all, has always been a grand experiment in compromise. 但是,建国以来美国一直演绎着一个如何妥协的伟大实验。
At first glance, a marriage of convenience seems to be a good compromise between finding personal freedom and satisfying the parents. 乍一看,一桩形式婚姻似乎是追求个人自由和满足父母要求之间的极好妥协。
In her ruling, Phillips said the evidence contradicted the prevailing belief that homosexuals in the military compromise military readiness. 在菲利普斯法官的判决里,她说证词反驳了现行的认为同性恋者会在军队里损害军事准备的观念。
The Theory of Inevitable Compromise was that each party would have to give a bit because voters will punish whichever proves too stubborn. “必然会妥协的理论”是:因为选民会惩罚表现太过顽固的党派,所以各党就不得不做出一点让步。
The True Finns' chances probably rest on the degree to which Mr Soini is prepared to compromise his anti-EU position. 正统芬兰人党的机会或许将取决于索依尼准备对其反欧盟立场作出让步的程度。
Hill was unwilling to provide details Friday about what sort of compromise verification measures he may have proposed to North Korea. 希尔星期五不愿具体透露他可能在核项目活动清单核实措施上向北韩提出了什么妥协办法。
It seems to be hardly balanced compromise between price reduction strategy and brand loyalty in theory. 从理论上讲,价格促销和品牌忠诚似乎是两个很难统一的目标。
"Their unwillingness to compromise is pushing us to the brink of a default on the full faith and credit of the United States, " he said. 他说:“他们不愿意妥协,这让我们走到债务违约的边缘,合众国的信用处于危险之中。”
"We were at loggerheads on that, " he said, but a compromise package was not ironed out. “在这个问题上,我们总是争执不下,”他说,但折中方案并不是没有可能。
Anagreement reached by a group of men is only a compromise or an average drawnupon many individual thoughts. 一群人达成的协议仅仅是一种妥协或来源于许多个体思考的平均。
For decades, there has been a stalemate: two peoples with legitimate aspirations, each with a painful history that makes compromise elusive. 几十年来,一直存在着一种僵持局面:有着合理追求的两族人民,因各自的痛苦历史而使妥协可望不可及。
Mitchell is trying to hammer out a compromise before the Arab League meets Friday in Libya to discuss the fate of the peace talks. 阿拉伯联盟将于本星期五在利比亚举行会议,讨论和谈的前途。米切尔试图在这次会议之前达成一个妥协方案。
if you set out to be liked , you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time , and you would achieve nothing . 如果你试图做到受欢迎,你会乐意什么事情什么时候都作出妥协,结果一事无成
Only you can decide what to do if this applies to you, but you seem to have to make some sort of compromise. 当它发生在你身上时,只有你自己的力量可以决定如何去做,但是,看起来你从某种程度上做了妥协。
He said China always had to deal with its primary contradiction and compromise with its secondary contradiction. 他曾说过,中国永远要解决主要矛盾,协调次要矛盾。
compromise She found that compromise was always the best way when she quarreled with her mother. 她发现,与母亲争吵时让步总是最好的解决方法。
And Islamic terrorism was one of those things that would surely go away if Israel would just compromise with the terrorists. 他们当时认为如果以色列和恐怖分子达成妥协,伊斯兰恐怖主义肯定就消失了。
The Delegation underlined that what was needed was to show patience, seek compromise and be consistent in all that was done. 代表团强调需要显示出耐心、寻求妥协以及与已有成果保持一致。
Tyler was ready to compromise on the banking question, but Clay would not budge. 泰勒打算以折中方式解决银行问题,但克雷丝毫不予让步。
I am prepared to make some concession on minor details , but I cannot compromise on fundamentals. 我准备在一些次要的细节上做些让步,但是我不能在原则问题上妥协。