
美 [loʊn]英 [ləʊn]
  • n.贷款;借款;借用
  • v.
  • 网络借出;借贷;放款

复数:loans 过去分词:loaned 现在分词:loaning

get loan,repay loan,secure loan,give loan,obtain loan
long loan,huge loan,large loan,bank loan,generous loan


n. v.

1.[c]贷款;借款money that an organization such as a bank lends and sb borrows

2.[sing]~ (of sth)借出;贷给;被借出the act of lending sth; the state of being lent


7、贷款Loan)——又称放款,是银行将其所吸收的资金,按一定的利率贷放给客户并约期归还的业务。 8、 证券投资( Sec…


中日会计用语 ... 応付帐款 Accounts payable 借款 loan 预収货款 Advances received ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... loaf (面包的) 一条;一块 loan 货款,暂借 v.借出 lobby 门廊,门厅 ...


会计词汇E ... Lloyd's underwriter 劳合社承保人 loan 借贷;贷款;借款 loan account 贷款帐户;放款帐户 ...


国贸名词 ... listed security 上市证券 loan 放款;贷款 loan stock 债券 ...


L开头的英文_百度文库 ... loaf n. 一条面包,一个面包 loan n. 贷款;暂借 local a. 地方的;局部的 ...


出字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 出尖,出尖儿〖 beoutoftheordinary〗 出借〖 lend;loan〗 出界〖 out-of-bounds〗 ...

Jay Simpson, Gavin Hoyte and Kieran Gibbs might [go on-loan], " said the manager after Saturday's win against Wigan. " “辛普森、霍伊特和吉布斯也许(被租借出去),”这位主帅说。
Waving the charter contract, he walked into a bank and asked for a loan with which to build the ship. 洛维洛拿着该公司与他签定的合同,并以未来的租金为抵押到银行里贷来款子建造这首船。
The bank will insist on collateral for a loan of that size. 银行对这样的大笔贷款一定要有抵押物。
He said the central bank will make a decision on its subordinated loan plan as soon as possible. 他说,日本央行将尽快确定其后偿贷款发放计划。
We have four goalkeepers, one of them will go out on loan, three have to stay so we do not know yet who will go out. 我们有四名门将,其中之一会被租借出去,三个人留下来。我们还不清楚谁会被租借。
We were about to close down the business, but the bank came to our rescue with a huge loan. 就在我们公司快要倒闭时,这家银行用一笔巨额贷款救了我们。
It is like a library only a lot better: you don't have to get on a bus, and the thing you want is never out on loan to someone else. 谷歌就像一座图书馆,只不过要强很多:你不必搭乘巴士才能去,你要找的资料永远不会被其他人借走。
If you are looking for a hard money loan on your own, Nissim Gas and Oil Group is ready to help. 如果您正需要硬钱贷款,尼辛石油天然气集团随时乐意为您效劳。
The Bank A must carry out a feasibility demonstration of the project to ensure the safety and economical efficiency of the loan. A银行为了确保此贷款项目的安全性以及经济性,必须对此项目进行论证。
Banks more or to find the most income-generating loan business, and neglect to the sky in real time business transformation. 银行更多地还是寻求最能带来收益的贷款业务,而疏于在业务转型方面真正天上时光。
However, we will have to see how things stand in January and if the club are in agreement, then a loan move might be best for everyone. 当然我们还得看看一月份俱乐部的情况,如果俱乐部同意,我想把我租借出去是对于所有人都是有益的。
Crespo has enjoyed a fine spell with Chelsea since returning from his loan period with AC Milan last season. 克雷斯波上赛季从AC米兰结束了在那里的租借时期回到切尔西后,一直在切尔西合作得非常愉快。
An average loan-to-deposit ratio of 65%, as of June, would seem to imply at least a 13. 5% cushion of ready liquidity still in the system. 如果截至6月份平均贷存比为65%,那么似乎就说明银行系统内至少还有13.5%的可用流动性作为缓冲。
The main stipulation for the government loan, which had not been offered to Saab until now, is that it find a new, non-General Motors owner. 的主要规定的政府贷款,而没有提供给萨博到现在,是它找到一个新的,非通用汽车公司的拥有者。
Athens will run out of cash in early October if the next tranche of the eurozone-International Monetary Fund rescue loan is not disbursed. 如果下一笔欧元区-国际货币基金组织(IMF)救援贷款不能发放,雅典方面在10月初就会无钱可用。
Personal auto loan is referred to the RMB secured loan provided to borrowers by lenders used for buying autos. 我行开办的个人汽车消费贷款是指银行向申请购买汽车的借款人发放的人民币担保贷款。
If I were to ask him for a loan, would he agree? 如果我向他借钱的话,他能同意吗?
Then the trust company would create a wealth management product out of the loan and give it to the bank to sell to investors and depositors. 该公司然后以该款项创造出融资项目,并让银行出售给投资客户或是储户。
A more practical example might have returned a bean which supplied this monthly payment and the amount of the total loan. 一个更实用的实例会返回一个提供月偿还金额和贷款总数量的bean。
CIT is working to avoid bankruptcy. Icahn said the company is offering to pay $300 million of fees on the new $6 billion loan. CIT正在努力避免破产.伊坎称,CIT为了获得60亿美元的新贷款,而同意支付3亿美元的费用。
I invested the 4000 yuan loan into my furniture business. Everyday, I save a little bit of my profits to that I can repay the loan on time. 我把借的这4000元钱全部投入家具行业中去了,我把我每天的卖货物的钱提取少量的来存起来,这样我的小额贷款也能够按时的还上了。
"You learn so much, " he says. "All of the young lads love going out on loan because we end up bettering ourselves during the time away. " “你学到了很多,”他说。“所有的年轻人都想出去看看,因为我们能在这段时间里变得更好。”
He said he would bring up the question of the loan at the meeting. 他说他会在会上提出贷款问题。
AIG is selling off the business as part of an ambitious restructuring it has had to undertake to pay off an $85 billion government loan. 因需偿还850亿美元的政府贷款,AIG正进行雄心勃勃的重组行动,出售上述业务为计划之一。
To find someone with you and return loan, give the child the meeting and do together every different multiple choice questions. 找个人和你一起还贷款,给孩子开家长会,一起做每天不同的选择题。
The university offered him only a small loan and he had to come up with the rest of the money himself. 这所大学只提供给他一小笔贷款,余下的要靠他自己去筹集。
Only a very costly surgery could save him now and there was no one to loan them the money. 仅一次非常昂贵的手术可能现在救他,并且贷款他们金钱的没人。
She suggests that pullers might not be able to earn enough to pay back a loan for the current high cost of a Soleckshaw. 她说,由于现在太阳能人力车的成本很高,车夫或许不能赚到足够的钱来偿还贷款。
The word on the Net was that Choi had been pressuring Ahn to repay a loan of some $2 million. 网络上的言论是这样的,崔真实要求安在焕偿还200万美元的高利贷。
The rates do not include extra fees known as points. One point is equal to 1 percent of the total loan amount. 该利率不包括其他的额外费用,即通常所说的折扣点,一折扣点等于贷款总额的1%。