
美 [kənˈsɪdər]英 [kənˈsɪdə(r)]
  • v.认为;觉得;以为;顾及
  • 网络考虑;思考;细想

第三人称单数:considers 现在分词:considering 过去式:considered

consider matter,consider problem,consider application,consider question,consider offer
carefully consider,probably consider



1.[i][t](尤指为作出决定而)仔细考虑,细想to think about sth carefully, especially in order to make a decision

2.[t]认为;以为;觉得to think of sb/sth in a particular way

3.[t]~ sb/sth体谅;考虑到;顾及to think about sth, especially the feelings of other people, and be influenced by it when making a decision, etc.

4.[t]~ sb/sth端详;注视to look carefully at sb/sth


思字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 〖idea〗 想法;心里的打算 〖consider考虑 〖thinkof〗 想念 ...


人教新课标高中英语单词表(山东)_爱问知识人 ... replace vt 替换 consider vt 考虑;照顾;认为 means n 手段;方法 ...


字典中 念 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ miss] (4) 思考, 考虑[ consider] (6) 引申为忧虑[ worry;be anxious about] ...


五星级酒店英语大全!_百度文库 ... wonder 想知道 consider 考虑,细想 in advance 预先 ...


四级短语_百度文库 ... (=in agreement with) 依照,根据 12. (=consider把……考虑进去 14. (=because of) 由于,因 …


一道八年级英语题_百度知道 ... notice: 观察到,注意到 consider: 认为,考虑到 realize: 意识到 ...


学位英语成人三级考... ... confuse v. 使混乱,混淆 consider v. 认为,把…看作;考虑,细想;体谅, 照顾 content n. 容量,含 …

I began to consider seriously whether or not to "retreat" when my husband and i hold our crying son walking coax him to sleep at night. 当夜里我和我的丈夫抱着哭闹不止的儿子,走来走去哄他睡觉,我开始认真考虑是否要“撤退”。
Now it may have been a slight misjudgement with regard to me hearing wrongly but I consider it quite apt. 现在对于我听到的可能有点不公,但是他相信肯定会有倾向性。
The next step is for a parliamentary committee to consider the regulations, so far without a deadline. 下一步骤就是让议会委员会审核该法案,迄今为止并没有一个最后期限。
At Hilton, we consider our contracts, provision of easy to use technology and close relationship with our distribution partners as key. 在希尔顿酒店,我们把合作合同、便利技术的提供以及与分销伙伴的紧密关看作至关重要的元素。
Q. What happens if I assign a number with a decimal point to an integer rather than to a float? Consider the following line of code. 如果把一个小数赋给一个整型变量而不是浮点型变量,将会发生什么?考虑下面这行代码。
Let us consider the water market, although I had to do with the "tragic" for the same can be something more to say to remain in the water. 再看看泼水场上,人们虽然都和我的“惨样”差不多,可仍然在意犹未尽地泼水。
and I consider it an honor that you have allowed me to be a part of this special time of year with you. 我感到荣幸,因为可以陪你们度过一年中最特殊的时光。
The question is how much more metabolic syndrome and diabetes do we need to see before we consider changing that policy? 问题是在我们考虑改变饮食习惯之前,我们还要准备看到多少代谢病综合症患者和糖尿病人呢?
I consider Vietnamese pho, Middle Eastern shawarmas and all that stuff to be fast food as well. 我认为越南米线,中东烤肉也算是快餐。
The ordinary meaning of that word - to ponder over, to consider, to think about - is rather trivial and ordinary. 那个词的通常含义是指,思索,考虑,这种含义是相当琐碎而普通的。
No doubt serious investors would consider themselves far more rational creatures, perfectly capable of rising above the level of the mob. 毫无疑问,严肃的投资者会把自己视为更为理性的生物,完全在普通民众的水平之上。
This weird looking jewelry is a real temptation for those who consider it a cool innovation. 这个怪异的珠宝对那些认为这个玩意奇酷无比的人来说无疑是一种难以抵挡的诱惑。
Would you seriously consider this sort of structure a "good cause" worthy of your hard-earned cash? 你该认真的想一想,为这种组织花掉辛苦赚到的钞票值得吗?
If you consider everyday how much salary the boss gives you, you will not be happy. 如果你天天考虑老板给你多少工资,你是不快乐的。
The quantity you ordered much smaller than those of others. If you can manageboost it a bit, we'll consider giving you a better discount. 你们订的数量比其他客户少很多。如果你们能试着增加一点数量,我们会考虑给予适当折扣。
I'd like to ask you to consider it again and not to be a dog in the manger . 我劝你还是再考虑考虑,不要干那既损人又不利己的事。
When trying to stop it, we have to first consider whether or not there are effective measures. 如果要制止它的话,需要考虑是不是有行之有效的办法?
I never have to go to the office, unless you consider the local coffee place my "office" that I visit once in a while. 我从没必要去办公室,除非他们真在我过老长一段时间才去一趟的那地方给我放张办公桌。
And yet modern Christians do not consider adherence to the Mosaic Law necessary or perhaps even virtuous. 然而,现代的基督徒并不认为遵守摩西律法是必要的或许连合乎道德都谈不上。
But consider this: Julian Assange did not upload the classified documents and wait for the world to beat a path to his door. 但想想这件事:朱利安阿桑奇没有把这些机密文件上载到网上然后等着全世界找上门来。
But the company said it was continuing to "consider all [potential fundraising] options as is only prudent" . 但该公司表示,为“谨慎起见”,将继续“考虑所有(潜在的融资)选择”。
The alert is not a warrant, but Interpol says that many countries consider it 'a valid request for provisional arrest. ' 警报不是逮捕令,但国际刑警组织说,很多成员国将其视作“执行临时逮捕的有效请求”。
Since February, when he said he would consider a presidential run, others have started to as well. 从二月以来,当他说会考虑竞选总统时,其他人也开始了这方面的活动。
Whether the door to consider the pace of movement, or kinetic energy of the size of the door movement, must ensure the safety of passengers. 无论考虑门运动速度的快慢,还是门运动动能大小,都必须确保乘客的安全。
He says most of these efforts failed because organizers of the campaigns did not consider what people wanted to eat. 他表示,大部分的这种努力都失败了,因为活动组织者并未考虑人们想吃什么。
I am prepared to bet that she is as eager as you are for this terrible experiment to end. Might you consider doing something else entirely? 我敢说,你妻子和你一样迫切希望结束这种糟糕的状态,或许你可以考虑彻底改行?
I feel it an honour for me to be a member of the school and I will appreciate it if you can consider my application. That's all. Thank you! I觉得我荣幸地成为其成员的学校,我会感激您是否可以考虑我的材料。就这样。谢谢你!
The economy is not money, it can be also no need for me to consider the total for the family life of the mother prop up one of the days. 经济不算是宽裕,可从也无须我去考虑,母亲总为家的生活撑起一片的天。
Consider the work you do each day. Think about how you could do it just a little bit better. 想想你每天做的工作,思考一下你怎样做才能做得更好一些。
You are such a romantic soul by nature that someone only needs to make a fuss of you and you may consider falling in love with this person. 你天生就是一个浪漫的人,只要有人让你感觉紧张不安,你就会有要爱上他的感觉。