
美 [əˈnu]英 [əˈnjuː]
  • adv.重新;再
  • 网络英语词汇情感评级标准体系(Affective Norms for English Words);从头;新活



1.重新;再if sb does sthanew , they do it again from the beginning or do it in a different way


UNIT 10. Going Home_旺旺英语教学网 ... reappear 再(出)现 anew 重新;再 sometime 某个时候 ...

UNIT 10. Going Home_旺旺英语教学网 ... reappear 再(出)现 anew 重新; sometime 某个时候 ...

英语词汇情感评级标准体系(Affective Norms for English Words)

Generating the Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW) dataset数据大小:54.06K 发布时间:2011-10-20 数据相关论文: …


常用拉丁语词条... ... [a form of early insanity] 早发性痴呆 [anew] 重新;再次;从头;再 [it hangs by a hair] 千钧一发 ...



★sat词汇精选集[3]-SAT-无忧考网 ... putrid; 恶臭的,脏的;堕落的。 anew 重新,再, putrefaction 腐败,腐化 ...

In Armenian tradition, Mithras was believed to shut himself up in a cave from which he emerged once a year, born anew. 在亚美尼亚的传统,密特拉被认为是把自己关在洞穴,每年浮现一次,重新诞生。
Pausing in her lamentations, she surveyed him with a glance of awe and horror, then burst forth anew. 她不再哀哭,用一种惧怕的眼光打量他,跟着又重新哭起来。
Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born anew. 我说,你们必须重生,你不要以为希奇。
The idea was for her to come back to work the following Monday as if starting her job anew. 该想法是为了让她能在下周一犹如重新开始工作一样重返办公室上班。
Nevertheless, these tragedies did not throw me completely and I have been able to fill my life anew with happiness. 然而,我并没有被这些不幸彻底打倒,而是再次让我的生活充满幸福。
Less than a week later, the project was sold by original owner NTR Holding's Tessera Solar to K Road Power, aNew York investment firm. 一周后,这个项目被原来的发起人NTR控股的Tessear太阳能卖给KRoad电力公司,那是一家纽约的投资商。
For in an unhampered market society the consumers daily decide anew who should own and how much he should own. 因为在一个不受阻碍的市场社会中,消费者每天都要重新决定谁应该拥有以及他应该拥有多少。
But I was tortured for the rest of the day by that simple error, blushing anew and groaning with embarrassment every time I thought of it. 但是这一天剩余的时间我都被这个小小的错误所折磨,每当想起它就会脸红、难为情地哀叹。
The trees and bushes and flowers which had been covered by ice grew green leaves once more, and springtime bloomed anew. 曾经被冰雪覆盖的树,灌木和花朵都重新长出了绿叶,一派春意盎然。
Throughout my life, I have never felt so peaceful; I feel as if I have been born anew, and am embarking on a new life. 在我一生中,从未感觉如此平和过,我觉得自己彷如重生般,开始了一个崭新的生命。
that this is probably a good time for you to re-set your priorities. Decide anew what's important to you. 现在很可能是你重新确定什么优先的好时机。重新决定什么对你最重要。
By taking up such questions anew, at their origin, as if they had not already been settled somewhere, one makes the pleasure last! 当我们重新从事这样的问题,在它们的起源处,好像它们在某个地方,还没有稳定下了,我们使得这种乐趣一直延续下去!
When the villagers passed the ugly girl's house, they saw it had been painted anew, the windows sparkled, and the door no longer hung askew. 村民路过丑女孩家时,他们看到房子已粉刷一新,窗户闪闪发亮,门也不再歪斜。
Every one of us will have to work at it by studying harder, training more rigorously, working smarter, and thinking anew. 我们每个人都将为此付出努力,更勤奋地学习、更严格地训练、更精明地工作以及用更新的方式去思考。
Dear children! In this time of grace, when God has permitted me to be with you, little children, I call you anew to conversion. 在这恩宠的时刻,天主还准许我和你们在一起,所以我邀请你们重新皈依天主;
JUST as the scion of a vanished dynasty departs, parts of its old empire rise anew. 帝国皇族的子孙们渐渐逝去,部分地区重新崛起。
Also, we had to make our ten, fifteen, or it might be twenty miles to the next spike, where the game would begin anew. 这里离下一个收容站可能有十英里、十五英里或者二十英里,等走到了那里,这出戏又会重新上演一次。
Denying or refusing to admit and living in regret and dreams of "what could have happened" would not prepare you to start anew. 否认或拒绝承认而继续在后悔中和“也许会这样”的痴梦中活着并不能让你从头开始。
Let us seize this moment-to start anew, to carry the dream forward, and to strengthen our union once more, " he said. " 让我们抓住此时此刻——重新开始,继续实现梦想,再次加强我们的团结。
After numerous website is depilated by Baidu, if you think Baidu establishes a trust to you anew, should also must adopt remedy measure. 众多网站被百度拔毛后,如果你想百度从新对你建立起信任,应该也必须采取的补救措施。
The intention was for her to come to work the following Monday as if starting the job anew. 意思是说接下来的周一她来工作要像开始一个新工作一样。
" And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. " Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. 我总是希望自己能够那样,现在,在你们即将毕业,开始新的旅程的时候,我也希望你们能这样:求知若饥,虚心若愚。
So let us begin anew -- remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. 所以让我们重新开始――牢记对于我们双方,文明不是软弱的象征,真诚永远接受检验。
She was on her way to anew life and her one piece of Poland was still with her. 她用她的方式走向新生活,而波兰作为她的一部分,仍然和她在一起。
The angle at which he saw everything began to be displaced anew. 他惯于用来观察各种事物的角度又重新开始移动了。
Over the past decade, the UN records, nearly 8m hectares of forest a year were allowed to re-grow or were planted anew. 根据联合国记录:在过去的十年中,每年有将近800万公顷的森林得以修养生息或重新补种。
As you looked out of the window, the distance between all things disappeared, and your eyes opened with the dawn and saw everything anew. 当你望向窗外,所有东西之间的距离都消失了,而你的眼睛随着晨曦张开,看到一切焕然一新。
They were doing decently , but ties were started to set apart when his Protoss partner decided to cross the border and settled for anew. 他们很融洽,但是当他那神族的同伴决定越过边界再定居时他们的关系就开始分离。
Long Yi coolly saw her one eye and turned round and anew arranged to leave, his persistence turned to namely die in a sudden. 龙翼淡漠的看了她一眼,转身,再次准备离去,他的耐心转瞬即逝。
He'd given Mr. Shi hope and friendship (though details of the repayment plan were murky) and Mr. Shi had found a way to begin life anew. 他给了老石生存的希望和珍贵的友谊(尽管还款计划的细节仍旧不明朗),老石也找到了一条重新生活下去的道路。