
美 [dʒem]英 [dʒem]
  • n.宝石;精华;宝物;【印】四点活字
  • abbr.(=ground effect machine)气垫车
  • adj.(珠宝)最佳品质的
  • v.用宝石镶嵌
  • 网络全球环境监测系统(Global Environmental Monitoring System);珠宝玉石;Global Export Marketing Services





英雄无敌5东方部落秘籍_百度百科 ... 硫磺 Sulfur 宝石 Gems 金币 Gold ...

全球环境监测系统(Global Environmental Monitoring System)



珠_互动百科 ... 珠蚌〖 pearloyster〗 珠宝〖 pearlsandjewels;jewelry;gems〗 珠宝盒,珠宝箱〖 jewelbox;jewelcase〗 ...


宝石鉴定证书如何看_师傅鳖_新浪博客 ... 4. 优化外理 enhancement 1. 珠宝玉石 gems 4. 拼合宝石 composite stones ...

Global Export Marketing Services

公司地址: Global Export Marketing Services (GEMS), INDIA 所在国家: 印 度. 进口商品: 鞋帽 公司名称: V.S.TRADING 电子 …

They said the shoes would be worth little to the general public because the gems were uncut and unpolished. 警方指出,对普通公众而言,这双拖鞋几乎不值什么钱,因为它上面的宝石还没有经过雕琢和打磨。
Line them up in a pattern, these white dots add in the flamboyant effect. A few rays can be added to make the gems seem more real. 按照一定的方式规则的排列起来之后,这些光点就体现出光华灿烂的效果了。可以再加上一些光线,增加宝石的逼真度。
The large and watery blue eyes were always shining brightly like a pair of gems, as he held in his memory all these years. 在他留存多年的记忆中,她大大的,水灵灵的蓝色眼眸总是像一对宝石一般明亮地闪烁着。
We therefore needed to spend quite a bit of time and energy in the core of CITIES XL to allow such GEMs to be added after release. 我们当然需要花相当的时间和精力在CITIESXL的核心上以使其能支持在游戏发售以后的这类GEM能附加入游戏本体。
He asked him to swallow a stray body gems, gold take the matter to the suffering of people share. 他请求一只离群的小燕子把他身上的宝石、镀金拿去给苦难的人分享。
These gems have been scattered throughout the city for the past two weeks, giving New Yorkers a chance to put a little groove in their step. 在过去的两周时间,这些艺术的瑰宝在纽约城展览,给了纽约市民一个无限接近艺术的机会。
RB: Merb 0. 9 appears to be the next official point release and will be broken up into a Merb-core gem and a package of other gems. Merb0.9作为下一个官方发布版,将会分解为一个Merb-core的gem和一个由其他gem所组成的包。
Well, maybe it is not the best example of Hudecs work but it was the nest where some of the citys greatest architectural gems were hatched. 它可能并非邬达克建筑的最佳代表,但一些城市建筑珍宝却从这个屋子里孕育成形。
Sometimes these gems are even referred to as "Paraiba-like apatites . " Price is increased as the color reaches full saturation. 有时,这些宝石,甚至被称为“帕拉依样磷灰石。”价格是随着颜色达到完全饱和。
Gems - We are changing the gem colors of a few stats as a result of these adjustments. 宝石-我们将会对宝石的属性和颜色进行一些调整。
The gems and jewellery sector, usually a strong export performer, was the hardest hit with a total fall of 9 per cent. 通常在出口上表现强劲的宝石与珠宝行业受到的打击最为沉重,总计裁员9%。
I do not wish to see our brothers and sisters had no faith in the Triple Gems. 我不希望看到佛友们对三宝失去信心。我希望得到大家的谅解。
With great disbelief, he stared at his investment of valuable gems , now turned to stones, and wondered what if all meant. 他眼睁睁的看着自己珍贵的宝石投入后变成了石头,简直不敢相信,不知道发生了什么。
If you gaze deep into a crystal ball, you will see a versatile gemstone, one of the most popular gems on earth. 水晶球,你会看到一个多彩多姿的宝石,它是世界上最受欢迎的宝石之一:美丽的水晶。
Now that you have RubyGems installed, you should be ready to run applications using gems, right? 现在,你已经安装RubyGems了,你应该准备好用gems来运行应用程序了,对吗?
Photographers are always trying to get backstage during a performance because this is where the real gems are, those moments in between. 摄影师总是试图去拍摄正在演出的幕后,因为那里才有真正的宝贵的东西,宝贵的时刻都在其间。
Hansel found a bag and loaded up all the gems and gold coins he could find. 汉梭找了一个袋子把他所找到的宝石和金币都装进去;
It had been for so many years, do you think food can last for so long as the gold and gems? 事情已经过去这么多年了,难道你认为食物可以像金子跟宝石一样留存这么长时间的么?
A person who acquires one of these exclusive gems is someone who wishes to set himself apart from the hoi polloi . 无论谁购买这独特宝石都希望自己是不同于普罗大众的。
The result of experiment shows that the drill is an ideal tool for machining ceramics, gems and marbles, etc. 实验表明:该钻头是钻削工程陶瓷、宝石等硬脆材料的理想工具。
The gems are most often found in a type of large New England clam known for a purple coloring on the inside of its shell. 这类宝石最常藏于一种新英格兰大蛤蜊中,这种蛤蜊的特色就是紫色的内壳。
Dacheng Hall, localities throughout the country in the Confucian Temple and the only remaining building for the country's gems. 大成殿是全国各地文庙中仅存的金代建筑,为国之瑰宝。
Research on the origin and occurrence of gems and jades is one of the hottest topic in geology, gemmology and archaeology. 宝玉石产地来源的研究是近几年地质学、宝石学和考古学界的热门话题之一。
Love unexpressed is sacred . It shines like gems in the gloom of the hidden heart . In the light of the curious day it looks pitifully dark. 没有表现出来的爱是神圣的。它像宝石般在隐藏的心的朦胧里放光。在奇异的日光中,它显得可怜的晦暗。
Amethyst gems often becomes paler if kept out in the sun. 紫晶宝石往往成为苍白,如果保持在阳光下。
Up to now, the conceptions and the classification schemes of gems have not been unified. 宝玉石的概念及分类方案至今仍不统一。
blessed by geology and exploited through a huge network of mines , there are always a few extra gems available in this town. 受益于地质状况和巨大的坑道网络,这座城镇总有一部分额外的宝石可资利用。
VLC is one of those gems of the Internet, a highly capable open source application. VLC是Internet上的宝贵资源之一,它是一个高度可用的开放源码应用程序。
Destroys a selected row of gems and does 5 points of damage. You gain the effects of every gem destroyed. 消除所选的一行宝石并造成5点伤害,消除效果有效。
Enraged, Koong took control of a drilling laser and blasted the Roonstone cache, knocking the priceless gems into a lava flow. 恼羞成怒的孔一把抢过钻井激光炮的控制权,向鲁恩石矿开炮,将那无价之宝全打落到熔岩里。