
美 [ˈdʒent(ə)l]英 ['dʒent(ə)l]
  • n.(作鱼饵用的)蛆;〈古〉绅士
  • adj.文静的;慈祥的;温柔的;小心的
  • v.驯服(马等);抚弄;使高贵;使柔和
  • 网络温和的;有礼貌的;文雅的

比较级:gentler 最高级:gentlest

gentle touch,gentle wind,gentle voice,gentle rain,gentle manner


1.文静的;慈祥的;温柔的;小心的calm and kind; doing things in a quiet and careful way

2.温和的;徐缓的not strong or extreme

3.平和的;柔和的having only a small effect; not strong or violent

4.平缓的not steep or sharp


九年级英语单词表 ... lyric 歌词 gentle 温和的 dislike 嫌恶 ...


形容人性格的词汇 ... genteel 有教养的; gentle 有礼貌的 humorous 有幽默; ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... generation n. 代,一代 gentle a. 温柔的,轻轻的 gentleman n. 绅士,先生;有身份、有教养的 …


最新英语新课标必修3英语单词表_百度知道 ... garlic n. 大蒜 gentle adj. 温和的;文雅的 genuine adj. 真的;真诚的 ...


高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... generous a. 慷慨的, 宽厚的 gentle a. 和蔼的, 轻柔的 glance vi. 看一下 ...


超详细的香港游攻略准备 - 香港 澳门 - 十六番 ... 泡沫: Foam 温和用Gentle 保湿用: Hydra- ...

Marsh tall, gentle, gentle, love Michelle, persistent pursuit of her for years, until she did get her divorce. 马什身材修长,文质彬彬,温文尔雅,很爱米歇尔,执著地追求她多年,直到她离婚才得到她。
And he lifted me up in his strong, gentle arms, and said something I will never forget. “他用他那强壮、温柔的臂膀托起我,还说了我永生难忘的话语,”特德•小肯尼迪说道。
Yet for all the anger in her writing, Gwendolyn Brooks was considered by many to be a gentle spirit and a very giving person. 尽管在她的作品中都有愤怒的情绪,但格温多林。布鲁克斯被许多人认为是一个温文而雅、非常谦让的人。
it was the quality of it , the repose , and the musical modulation - the soft , rich , indefinable product of culture and a gentle soul. 他爱恋她声音的悦耳平和与它那动人的起伏那是文化教养与高雅的灵魂的流露,柔和丰富得难以描述。
a gentle wind was caressing his hairs while the quantity of dust in the air was not allowing him to see what was happening. . . 当在空气中的灰尘量没有在允许他见到正在发生的东西时候,温和的风正在爱抚他的头发…
Her manners had been imposed upon her by her mother's gentle admonitions and the sterner discipline of her mammy; her eyes were her own. 她的举止是由她母亲和嬷嬷的严厉管教强加给她的,但她的眼睛属于她自己。
Then he gave it a gentle touch with his hand. 然后他用手轻轻的抚摸了一下。
Dab hydroquinone on sunspots, and exfoliate twice a week. (We like the gentle but powerful St. Ives Elements Microdermabrasion scrub). (我们喜欢温柔但强大的圣艾夫斯元素微晶磨砂)。
A clear night sky with a gentle snow fall in the moonlight is the perfect environment for a drive to see the Christmas lights around town. 在一个有月光下降雪的夜里,在城镇周围开车去欣赏圣诞灯饰是最完美的。
The light from the high windows is dappled, as if in a church, and the padded silence is broken only by a gentle bubbling. 高高的窗户中透出的光线斑杂,仿佛身处教堂,只有一些气泡能打破这寂静。
Following that incident, the gentle-mannered artist (for so she thought of him now) would chat for a while. 此后,这位举止高雅的艺术家(她现在就是这样认为了)在每次买面包时都会和玛莎小姐聊聊天。
After another period of gentle back rubbing and silence, I said I was glad to have learned so much from the world's expert back rubbers. 送回来后,又揉和沉默了一段时间,我说我很高兴学到了来自世界各地的专家回橡胶多。
Like the ball occasionally moving up a step, the rotor is sometimes buffeted enough by other molecules to move against the gentle torque. 与小球有时向上移动一步的情况相类似,转子有时被其他分子冲击得很厉害,足以使它对抗着这个轻柔转矩而运动。
'It certainly sems strange, ' agreed the doctor, ' but wickedness can hide behind the most gentle face , you know. ' “这件事看来确实挺奇怪的,”医生表示同意说,“可你也别忘了,邪恶是可能隐藏在善良的面貌背后的。”
I double dare you to practice becoming gentle for one day and notice how much more relaxed and at peace you are by the end of the day. 我敢打赌如果你一整天都试着变得从容一些,一定会注意到一天下来,你会感觉十分放松和平和。
As the modern office's automated everyday, designers are trying to use gentle and not so serious decorations to make it more kindness. 随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。
As they were coming down a long, gentle slope, the sun high in its morning climb, he felt driven to say something. 他们走下一条长长的、平缓的斜坡,太阳高高地升起,他觉得有必要说点儿什么。
He said, "I love you because you are beautiful, talented, gentle and quiet. I am excited and glad to stay with you. " 他说:“我爱你因为你很漂亮、高雅、温柔和恬静,我很兴奋、很开心和你呆在一起。”
Let me know you love me with a hug or a pat on the back, or when I need it with a firm but gentle "no" . 给我一个拥抱或者拍拍我的肩膀让我知道你爱我。在我需要管教的时候跟我坚决但温和得说“不”。
Let the last touch of your hands be gentle like the flower of the night. 让你双手的最后的接触,像夜中的花朵一样温柔。
Which is all a bit of a surprise to archaeologists, who had previously seen the arrival of the Neolithic as a rather gentle thing. 这一切让考古学家们显得有些惊讶,他们之前一直认为新石器时代是经济发展较为和缓的时期。
He felt that the time was up. An explanation might as well come now as later. Therefore, he shook his head in the most gentle negative. 他觉得是时候了。迟早都要解释,现在就解释也一样。因此,他极其温柔地摇摇头表示否定。
I sat there in the boat listening to the gentle lapping of the water and watched the sun rise. 我坐在船头,倾听着悠扬的涛声,观看那喷薄而出的旭日。
Although a vicious Hunter, the lioness was as gentle as a dove when playing with her cubs. 尽管那头母狮是猎食其他动物的凶残的野兽,但它同其幼兽玩耍时却非常温顺。
To her simple and innocent mind, the remembrance of her mother brought no other feeling than one of gentle sorrow. 她头脑天真单纯,对母亲的怀念只是使她产生一种淡淡的哀愁。
But the girl spoke to it in simple and gentle words, just as if she were talking to a child. 但是那个女孩对它简单而温柔的声音,仿佛她和孩子。
He stepped back several times to make sure the picture was really straight. Then he gave it a gentle touch with his hand. 为把这张画挂得完全满意,他多次后退观察效果,最后用手轻轻地拍打一下。
Gentle as breeze as she was, Miss Fu once impressed me with her severe attitude. 就是这样一位春风般和蔼的老师,有一次竟很严厉。
Two main techniques have been used for training elephants, which we may call respectively the tough and the gentle. 驯象有两种主要的方法,我们分别称之为强硬法和温柔法。
She was an elegant girl with gentle smile on her face all day long. 她是个优雅的女孩,整天脸上都挂着笑容。