my birthday

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my birthdaymy birthday

my birthday


我的假期(英语作文)_初中英语作文 ... 运动会( Sports Meeting) 我的生日( My birthday) 我的春节( My Spring Festival) ...


My Home... ... MY Daily life 我的日常生活英语作文 MY BIRTHDAY 我的生日英语作文 My Best Friend 我最好的朋友英语作文 ...


I Love You ,Mum!... ... My Dream_ 关于我的梦想英语作文 My Birthday_ 关于我生日的英语作文 Iphone 4S_ 英语作文 ...


Birthday Cake_百度百科 ... (my birthday) 这并不是我的生日 (right now) 我现在就想攻陷你 ...


Flickr: .HEI's Photostream ... 我的生日蛋糕 my birthday 19/10 ...

My mother picked it out for me for my birthday. 我过生日时妈妈为我挑的。
Amy: Look at my new cell phone. It's my birthday present. It has a glow-in-the-dark keypad and a flashing antenna. 看看我的新手机。这是我的生日礼物。它有夜光键盘,会发光的天线。
For my birthday I got a humidifier and a de- humidifier . . . . . . I put them in the same room and let them fight it out. . . . . . 过生日的时候我得到了一个加湿器和一个防湿器……我把它们放在一个屋子里,让它们去斗法……
Aha, thank you so much. It's most kind of you to have remembered my birthday. 太感谢了,你真是太好了,还能记得我的生日。
If I care enough to do anything for my birthday this year, which I doubt, I wouldn't be surprised if none of my friends showed up. 如果我因为重视今年的生日而去做一些事的话,我怀疑,我会不会惊讶将没有一位朋友会出现。
Jack: My Uncle John sent me a present for my birthday. I can't remember which gift was his, but I want to thank him for it. 杰克:我的叔叔约翰送了我一份生日礼物。我忘记了哪份礼物是他送的,但是我想谢谢他。
Its what you and I are going to have if you dont save some time for me, replied Lydia. Its my birthday and Im feeling a bit sad. 就是指假如你不再留些时间给我,我们之间就回产生的东西。利迪娅回答。今天是我的生日,我感到有些悲哀。
Mr. Bieber came out of the booth to hear his vocals played back. "I'm so excited for my birthday, I can hardly even concentrate, " he said. 比伯从录音间里走出来,听自己的录音回放。“生日的事让我太兴奋了,我简直没法集中精神。”他说。
The unexpected hui, a online friend. I didn't chat with him for a very long time, but he still remembers my birthday. 就想不到的是辉,一个网上朋友。很久都没有和他聊天了,他还会记得我的生日。
So for a year I said I would keep quiet, and then on my birthday I would reassess what I had learned and maybe I would talk again. 于是我决定一年里都保持沉默,在我下一年生日的当天,我会再次评估我所学到的,然后也许我会再次开口说话。
Yes, not so easy. My aunt Barbara sent me a gift for my birthday but I can't remember which one is from her but I want to thank her for it. 是啊,不那么容易。我的姑姑芭芭拉送给了我一个生日礼物但是我不记得那一个是她送给我的了。
A few days ago I suddenly somehow thought of what I should get for my birthday. 前几天我突然想到我的生日礼物要什么…
The children prepared a nice surprise for my birthday, but I think my wife had a hand in it too. 孩子们为我的生日准备了一件意想不到的美好礼物,不过我想我妻子也参与了这件事。
As the day went on, neither Edward nor Alice brought my birthday up again, and I began to relax a little. 接下来相处的时间里,爱德华和艾丽丝没再提及我的生日,我也放松了一点。
He made a promise to me that he would buy me something on my birthday. 他许诺说在我生日的时候他要为我买点东西。
Being able to squeeze some time each day so I could finish reading all my birthday wishes and all the heart-felt gifts! 能够挤一些时间,所以我每天可以读完所有的愿望和我的生日所有的心觉得礼物!
He really is a miser : for my birthday, he gave me a piece of grass because he said it was the cheapest thing he could find! 他真是个吝啬鬼:我过生日的时候,他送我一根草,说是因为那是他能找到的最便宜的东西!
in the dark as to what my colleagues intend to do to amuse me at my birthday party. 同事们在我的生日聚会上要出点什么花招我还。
Six months before my birthday, I asked him to plan a party for me. He said he thought it was a great idea and would take care of it. 在我生日半年之前,我就跟他说为我策划一个生日聚会。他说想到了个好主意并且会记着的。
That summer I got a gold locket for my birthday and cut out a heart-shaped portrait of my dad to wear inside. 那年夏天,我拿到了生日礼物,一只黄金的挂在项链下的小盒子。我剪下了爸爸的心形的画像放在里面佩戴着。
At my birthday parties, Dad always seemed sort of out of place. 在我的生日聚会上,爸爸总显得有点不得其所。
When he called on my birthday, I knew he was in utter despair, trying to figure out what life he could possibly have without flying. 我生日那天,他登门拜访。我知道此时的他已陷入对生活深度的失望之中。我尝试着去了解他在没有飞行表演后会过一种什么样的生活?
"Take Your Skin Back in Time, " Origins suggests, an idea that has special allure for me just a few days before my birthday. OriginsOrganics建议说,“这将会让你的皮肤焕发青春”。这对我太具有诱惑力了,毕竟再过几天就是我的生日了。
I was gratified to see how much my birthday present was appreciated. 看到我的生日礼物受到极大的赞赏,我感到兴奋。
I suppose she expected me to be grateful that she let me have my birthday before she brought the world crashing down around me. 我推测她预料我会心存感激,因为她让我过完生日,才让我的世界天塌地陷。
Before my birthday every year, I would pray for snow but it never came. I felt mad at my grandmother; she had broken a promise. 每年我的生日到来之前,我都祈祷着下雪,可雪从没在那天下过。我对我祖母很生气,因为她违背了诺言。
This was not what I wanted to hear, first thing in the morning, on my birthday. 在我生日的时候,我可不希望一大早听到的第一件事居然是这个。
"I don't have any money for food, much less to celebrate my birthday, " she said gloomily, having climbed down drowsily from her bed. 她从上铺爬了下来,沮丧地说:“我都没有钱吃饭了,更别提过生日了。”
Well, at least we didn't have a game on my birthday like we have had the last couple of years. 不过,不幸中的万幸,还好当天没有比赛,不像过去两年那样我的生日都是在比赛中度过的。
As what I always did before, I informed my husband in advance for he was not considerate enough to remember my birthday. 正如我一直没有收到,我告诉我的丈夫在事先他不体谅足以记得我的生日。