mother s day

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mother s daymother s day

mother s day


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In the morning she phoned her mother to wish her a happy Mother's Day, and her mother told her about the beautiful lilacs in the garden. 早上她给妈妈打电话祝她母亲节快乐,她妈妈告诉她花园里开满了美丽的丁香花。
Mother's day is approaching, Ariel has bought 5 tickets to singer Fei Yu Qing's concert for her mother and her relatives as a gift. 母亲节将至,林依晨买下5张费玉清演唱会加演场次的门票,送妈妈、外婆、姨妈、姑婆等长辈当礼物。
Her voice breaking , Mrs. Obama also paid tribute to her mother, Marian Robinson, at a Mother's Day tea at the White House. 在当天在白宫举行的母亲节茶会上,第一夫人还特别感谢了自己的母亲玛丽安•鲁宾逊,在谈到母亲时她的声音一度哽咽。
It's true that you should not wait until Mother's Day to show your Mom how much you appreciate her. 显而易见的是不能等到母亲节那天到来才去表达你对母亲的感谢。
The second Sunday in May is Mother's Day, in this day, I would like to write a good mother, but do not know where to write the total. 五月的第二个星期日是母亲节,在这样的日子里,我很想好好写写母亲,却总不知该从何下笔。
Oscar. Why? Mother's Day is special because you get to show her just how much you really love her. 为什么?母亲节是个特殊的日子,因为你要向她表示你是多么爱她。
Perhaps you did not know that, the Mother's Day proposal origins west US a Virginia state fine city head of household date school. 或许你不知道,母亲节的倡议起源于美国西弗吉尼亚州嘉芙顿城的一家主日学校。
Let your mom know how much you love her this Mother's Day. 在这个母亲节让妈妈知道你有多么爱她。
Mother's Day came and went, and a few days later came another letter from the old lady to God. 母亲节过去了,几天后来了另一封老太太的信,也是寄给上帝的。
Mother's Day: a special day to stop and remember how much you love, cherish and respect your Mom. 母亲节:一个特殊的日子,让你停下来想想你是多么爱你的妈妈,多么珍惜她和尊敬她。
Because of this, Jarvis spent the last 40 years of her life trying to stop Mother's Day. 因此,Jarvis在她生命的最后40年中一直努力阻止如此庆祝母亲节。
Jarvis persuaded her mother's church in Grafton, West Virginia to celebrate Mother's Day on the anniversary of her mother's death. 贾维斯劝说位于西弗吉尼亚州格拉夫顿市的她母亲的教堂在他母亲逝世周年纪念时庆祝母亲节。
It's hard to show your mom just how much you love her in only one day, but you should try to make Mother's Day really special for her. 仅仅在一天里向你妈妈表达你有多爱她不是件容易的事,可你应该尽量让母亲节这一天对她来说很特别。
Year-old daughter, Anna, determined to create a Mother's Day to pray for the realization of her mother many years ago wish. 岁的女儿安娜,立志创立一个母亲节,来实现母亲多年前祈求的心愿。
From the bottom of my heart I wish every mother around the world a very happy Mother's Day! 衷心祝福世界上的每一位母亲——母亲节快乐!
He explained to us that he did a special breakfast for his mother on the last Mother's Day, and let her eat it in bed! 他向我们解释说去年母亲节,他为自己的母亲做了一顿特殊的早餐,并端到了她的床前。
Mother's Day flower arrangements are just what you need to send your mom to show her how much you care and love. 母亲节花的组合正是你想母亲表示爱和关心程度所需要的。
The next day, the day before Mother's Day, my attending doctor told me that I got acute myeloid leukemia which is blood cancer. 第二天,在母亲节的前夕,主治大夫面色凝重的暗示我得了急性骨髓性白血病,也就是血癌。
On Mother's Day we invite you to see how much pleasure a handmade gift will bring to your mom. 在母亲节,我们建议你给自己的妈妈自制一份珍贵的礼物。
Make a special Mother's Day dinner or take mom out for a great meal in a famous restaurant she loves most. 作出特别的母亲节晚餐,或采取妈妈为一个伟大的膳食在一篇著名的餐厅,她最喜欢。
She spoke these words in a nursing home where every Mother's Day her room had been filled with cards from all over the world. 每年的母亲节,她在疗养院的房间里都会堆满了来自世界各地的贺卡。
With the Mother's Day just round the corner, I decided to cooperate with my mother in producing something. 母亲节就到了,我就想到要和她来个合作。
Mother's day is around the corner and I hope you are not leaving the gift shopping for the last minute. 母亲节马上就到了,我不希望看到你在最后一分钟还徘徊在商店里给妈妈选礼物。
It was Jarvis who originated the custom of wearing a carnation on Mother's Day because carnation was her mother's favorite flower. 正是加维斯引起了在母亲节佩戴康乃馨的风俗,因为康乃馨是她妈妈最喜爱的花。
In a few days Americans will celebrate Mother's Day with roses, chocolates and fine dinners, inducing warm and fuzzy feelings all around. 再过几天,美国人将会用玫瑰,巧克力和丰盛的晚餐来营造一个温馨的环境,以庆祝即将来临的母亲节。
I appreciate all the things you do for me to help me and take care of me. I couldn't have asked for a better Mom. Happy mother's Day! 感谢您为帮助我、照顾我所做的一切。世界上找不到比您更好的妈妈了,母亲节快乐。
And as a reminder, Mother's Day is a little over a week away, so you better get ordering. 母亲节还有一个星期就要到了,你最好提前定购。
Mother's Day, the children's mother a bouquet of carnations is happy, all her hard work will be dissipated and the wronged. 母亲节时,儿女的一束康乃馨就是母亲的幸福,她所有的辛劳与委屈都将消散。
Tomorrow is Mother's Day, I made her a message to my mother, my mother though only one sentence reply, but I was very impressed. 明天是母亲节,今天我男朋友发信息给我妈妈,妈妈虽然只回复了一句话,但是我的印象非常深刻。
Finally, if you are estranged from your mother, Mother's Day provides a good excuse for trying to repair the relationship. 最后,如果你与你的母亲疏远,母亲节提供了一个很好的机会给你去和解。