
美 [ˈvækˌsin]英 [ˈvæksiːn]
  • adj.牛痘的;预防疫苗的;种痘的
  • n.疫苗





1.疫苗a substance that is put into the blood and that protects the body from a disease

Half received the vaccine. The other half received a placebo, an inactive substance. The volunteers did not know which they were getting. 有一半人接种了疫苗,另一半则只注射了无用的安慰剂。但志愿者们并不知道他们接种的是何种物质。
The father was unexpectedly furloughed and evidently his wife and son touched the vaccine site and became infected, the CDC said. CDC声称由于他的孩子和妻子接触了防疫站而被感染,这名士兵意外的接到了休假通知。
But, he concludes, most researchers say that in the absence of a vaccine, a combination of these methods could slow the onward march of HIV. 但是,Cohen得出结论说,在缺乏疫苗的情况下,对这些方法的联合应用确实能够减缓艾滋病毒扩张的脚步。
Last week, the United States Department of Agriculture announced that it had approved the first vaccine for it. 上周,美国农业部宣布通过了首批疫苗。
These authorities carefully examine the known and suspected risks and benefits of any vaccine prior to its licensing. 为授予疫苗许可,这些机构会严格审核已知或可能的风险与益处。
WHO will now work to ensure that this vaccine gets to groups who otherwise would have no access to pandemic vaccines. 现在世卫组织将努力确保向除此以外将不能获得大流行疫苗的人群提供这些疫苗。
Early results showed that the vaccine not only failed to protect, it appeared to put some people at higher risk of infection. 早期结果现实疫苗不仅不能保护,还会让一些人有更高感染风险。
It's very exciting progress, but the efficacy to date is not that of, say, a measles vaccine, which is expected to be at least 90%. 这是非常令人振奋的进展,不过迄今效果并未达到麻疹疫苗的保护水平(麻疹疫苗的保护率预计超过90%)。
She said it had taken five to six months and now the WHO was working with manufacturers to produce the vaccine. 她说,研发工作总共历时五六个月,现在,世界卫生组织正和生产商一起生产疫苗。
"Regulation of such a vaccine would need a lot of additional data on potential environmental hazards before it could be released, " he said. 在释放这种疫苗之前,这种疫苗的管理规定可能要求提供关于潜在的环境风险的大量额外数据。
He said this would help scientists to understand how the virus operates and to identify the parts that can be used to manufacture a vaccine. 他称此举有助于科学家了解病毒如何运作,以及找到可用于帮助制造疫苗的那部分密码。
Despite the timely injection of the vaccine, but the wooden never been able to get out from fear. 尽管已经及时注射了疫苗,但小木始终无法从恐惧中摆脱出来。
However, he added: "It was unhelpful of the government to have suggested that the vaccine would be ready by the end of this month. " 然而,他补充说,“政府关于月底准备好疫苗的建议对于控制流感是没有帮助的。”
The recombinant virus was developed for the next two or trivalent vaccine price, providing a convenient selection. 重组病毒的获得为下一步研制二价或多价疫苗的筛选提供了方便。
Still, he said he was shocked to hear of proposals to mandate the vaccine for students. 尽管如此,他说当他听那些要规定在学生中使用疫苗的提案时还是表示了震惊。
She said scientists at the C. D. C. were preparing a "seed stock" from virus samples that could be used for a vaccine. 他说疾病预防控制中心的科学家们正在准备病毒样品的种苗,用此来制作疫苗。
But at this point there is no talk of activating the country's standing order for pandemic flu vaccine production, she said. 但是,此时还没有讨论过启动国家对于流感疫苗生产的委托订单,她说。
Others call it a shout-out to the man who studied microbial decay, brought you spoilage-resistant milk and found a vaccine for rabies. 还有人认为把这认为是巴斯德的一种留言或者是警示,而巴斯德研究微生物衰变,并为我们研究出了抗腐败牛奶以及发现了狂犬疫苗。
The reason why GBS developed in association with that specific vaccine has never been firmly established. 为什么GBS与特异性疫苗协同发生的理由从未明确证实。
When those who did not get all six vaccine shots were taken out of the analysis, the positive result was statistically insignificant. 当那些没有接受全部六次疫苗注射的人群排除在分析样本之外,阳性结果在统计学上并不显著。
This trial was nothing like the recent swine flu vaccine trials: one shot and bingo, protection for a year. 没有什么试验比得上最近的流感疫苗试验:一针管一年。
These involve smaller doses of the vaccine injected at two or eight areas of the body on the first day, followed by later booster shots. 对于这种方法,患者在疗程的第一天接种一整支疫苗,分别在身体的4个部位注射。
Since flu strains are so good at mutating, is there a chance that they could evolve to get around this sort of vaccine? 既然流感病毒这么容易变异,它们有没有可能进化后适应这种疫苗呢?
A SHOT FOR ALL SEASONS: New technology has helped to identify parts of the influenza virus that might be universal targets for a vaccine. 终身免疫的一针:新技术已经有助于辨明流感病毒的各部分,这可能也是一种疫苗的普遍目标。
He said the researchers are in the process of reviewing the data before moving on to phase 3 studies with the vaccine. 他说到:在准备进行疫苗第3期实验前,研究者们正在分析评估以往资料数据。
Scientists say they are ready to begin human testing of a plant-based vaccine for the winter vomiting virus. 科学家称他们准备进行对付冬天呕吐病毒的植物提取疫苗的人体试验。
He confirmed it was an egg farm but said he couldn't 'confirm or deny' whether it supplied eggs for swine-flu vaccine. 他确认那是一个鸡蛋养殖场,但却不能“确认或者否认”他们是否在为甲流疫苗供应鸡蛋。
The scientists say the vaccine remained active even after being stored at room temperature for more than a year and a half. 科学家说,疫苗仍然很活跃,即使在室温下存放超过一年半。
End result, only 15 states have been certified to be able to do mass distribution of vaccine and drugs in a pandemic. 最终结果就是,疫情发生时只有15个州有资质进行疫苗和药品的分发。
WHO's goal is to provide each of these 95 countries with enough vaccine to immunize at least 10% of its population. 世卫组织的目标是为这95个国家中的每个国家提供足够的疫苗,至少为其人口的10%进行免疫。