美 [ˈædvərˌtaɪz]英 [ˈædvə(r)taɪz]
  • v.做广告;登广告;(在报纸、公共场所公告牌、互联网等上)公布;展现
  • 网络为……做广告;宣传;通知

第三人称单数:advertises 现在分词:advertising 过去式:advertised




1.[i][t]做广告;登广告to tell the public about a product or a service in order to encourage people to buy or to use it

2.[i][t](在报纸、公共场所公告牌、互联网等上)公布,征聘to let people know that sth is going to happen, or that a job is available by giving details about it in a newspaper, on a notice in a public place, on the Internet, etc.

3.[t]~ sth展现,宣传(自己的事)to show or tell sth about yourself to other people


2012年职称英语词汇表 最新完整版 - 豆丁网 ... advert n. 广告 * advertise vi. 登广告,做广告 advice n. 忠告,劝告 * ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... adult n. 成年人 182. advertise v. 为...做广告 183. advertisement n. 广告 184. ...


2012年职称英语词汇表 最新完整版 - 豆丁网 ... advert n. 广告 * advertise vi. 登广告,做广告 advice n. 忠告,劝告 * ...


以a开头的英语单词_百度文库 ... adult 成年人 advertise 宣传 affect 影响 ...


六级单词表_百度文库 ... advantageous a. 有利的,有助的 advertise vt. 通知 advocate n. 辩护者 ...


BEC中高级考试词汇手册 - 豆丁网 ... adopt v. 采纳,批准,挑选某人作候选人 advertise v. 公布,做广告 ad n. 做广告,登广告 ...


公共英语四级大纲词汇[1]_百度文库 ... adverse a. 不利的;反对的;敌对的 advertise v. 作广告 advice n. 忠告,劝告,意见 ...

The company may advertise the new service in Chinese neighborhoods, as well as at conferences and events, he said. 他说,中国电信可能会在华人的社区、各种会议和活动中宣传他们的新业务。
There are vacancy positions in the company, we will advertise or to the human resources pool to recruit directly on the newspaper . 每当公司中有空缺职位,我们就会在报纸上登广告或者直接到人才市场去招聘。
If I were to advertise for sleep walkers for an experiment, I doubt that I'd get many takers. 如果我刊登广告寻求有梦游症的人来帮我做实验,我怀疑肯定会有不少人。
This early ad was the work of William Caxton, England's first printer, who used it to advertise religious books from his own studio. 这张早期广告是英国第一个印刷商威廉·卡克斯顿的作品,他利用广告来兜售他自己的工场制作出来的宗教书籍。
The needy advertise themselves, and how much they want. 需要钱的就公布自己,以及所需要的金额数目。
The purpose of a catalog is to sell products or services to a targeted audience, or to advertise upcoming classes or events. 商品目录的作用在于向目标顾客销售产品或服务,或者介绍即将推出的品种或即将举办的活动。
For a cool $14 million, you can advertise for a year on the exterior of every Spirit Airlines jet. 支付$1400万美元,就可以在SPIRITAIRLINES公司的每一架飞机上做一年的广告。
The company's problem was that there was no trade magazine specifically for electricians whereby they could advertise the course. 但该公司碰到的问题是,没有一家专为电工出版的行业杂志刊登这一课程的广告。
Several galleries around the world advertise it as a limited edition by Calder, although the artist had nothing to do with it. 全球有好几家画廊宣称这是考尔德的限量版作品,但实际上它跟这位艺术家毫无关系。
and Guru. com make it easy to advertise your skills and find work, which you can do from the comfort of your home at all hours of the night. 和Guru.com让你为自己技能做广告和找工作都变得容易,你可以带着家的慰藉,在夜间任何时间来做这个事情。
It was no use just advertising for a "secretary" in those days, so he'd advertise for a " girl - Friday " . 在那个年代,单是征求“秘书”已经不行了,所以他征求一个“女助理”。
Create a movie poster to advertise that home-grown video and send it out to family or friends along with a release date for a showing. 创作一张电影海报来宣传家庭出品的录像,把海报寄给亲戚朋友,在上面附上放映日期。
And reports say it has been used to advertise diamonds in at least twenty-nine languages. 并说,该广告词已至少被翻译成二十九种语言。
The other of course is to advertise; to take advantage of mass dissemination and let IT spread the word for you. 另一种当然就是做广告﹐利用大众传播媒介﹐让它替你做宣传。
We do not advertise the same product around the world, despite the fact that we all follow the same program. 我们并没有对同一产品,在世界各地做广告。尽管我们都遵循相同的程序。
It is all part, of course, of a Chinese campaign to advertise their own economic model as a superior one. 在很大程度上说,中国当然要借此机会来宣传他们的经济发展模式是最好的。
Mattus had so much faith in his produce that he did not even advertise . 玛塔对自己的产品十分有信心,甚至没有做广告。
Most of the commercial in the children advertise foods with a little no nutritional values, such as sugar cereals, soda and fast food meals. 其中大多数是有很少的营养或者根本没有营养价值的儿童广告食品,像甜味谷类,苏打和快餐。
I actually try to avoid name-brand items. I can't stand it when big companies advertise their products all over the place! 我一般尽量避免买名牌。大公司到处给他们的商品做广告,这让我难以忍受!
"Eh? " he said, looking out. "Dramatic agents? I don't know. You'll find them in the 'Clipper, ' though. They all advertise in that. " “什么?”他说,探头看了看。“剧团代理人?我不知道。不过你可以从《剪报》上找到他们。他们都在那上面刊登广告。”
The Harvard Business Review writers cite laser eye surgery as an example of a service where it would be unwise to advertise discount sales. 《哈佛商业评论》的作者以激光眼部外科手术为例,称用折扣方式推广这种服务是不明智的。
Despite that, most experts say there are still good deals to be had for companies prepared to advertise against more specific search terms. 尽管如此,大多专家表示,准备按更为具体的搜索条件打广告的公司,仍可达成不错的买卖。
China's biggest companies have begun an ambitious campaign to advertise themselves abroad, popping up in Hollywood movies. 中国的大公司已经开始在海外进行势头强劲的广告宣传,开始密集发兵好莱坞大片。
Some of them hadn't always been such fine ladies either; some of them swished up and down like that just to advertise their trade. 她们中有些人起初并不是高贵淑女,有些人摇头摆尾地走路只是在替她们的行当做广告。
a wise entrepreneur would always regard making a good joB of after-sale service as an important part of what he wishes to advertise . 聪明的企业家总是把做好售后服务作为一个重要的广告内容来宣传。
When he started dressing like a tramp he claimed it was, in part, to advertise his refusal to join polite, ie, hypocritical society. 他像一个流浪汉那样穿衣时,声称这在某种程度上是表明他拒绝与上流社会(换言之,即虚伪社会)为伍。
Carl, who has a computer sciences degree, was "inspired" to advertise his family "by his desire to make a respectable living. " 卡尔拥有计算机科学学位,“希望能过上体面的生活”的念头给了他“灵感”,让他想到了这个让全家做广告的主意。
In a miserable attempt at a joke I said, "We could advertise in the newspapers. " 我无可奈何地开了一个玩笑:“我们可以在报纸上登广告。”
Being able to advertise external products while a customer is shopping is a great advantage of ecommerce. 在客户网购的同时,为其推荐目标产品以外的其他产品,是电子商务的一大契机。
In recent years it has also become common for a wide variety of organizations to create profiles to advertise products and services. 近年来,各种各类样的组织利用建立简介来宣传产品和服务也变得日益广泛起来。