
美 [ˈdʒuniər]英 [ˈdʒuːniə(r)]
  • n.青少年;职位较低者;低层次工作人员;青少年运动员
  • adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的;青少年的


junior school,junior partner,junior officer,junior doctor,junior minister


低层of low rank

1.[ubn]地位(或职位、级别)低下的having a low rank in an organization or a profession

体育运动in sport

2.[obn]青少年的connected with young people below a particular age, rather than with adults, especially in sports


5.[obn](四年制中学或大学中)三年级生的,三年级的connected with the year before the last year in a high school or college

The last of a dozen buses filled with women and children departed around 2 p. m. for a more distant shelter in a crowded junior high school. 乘坐着妇女和儿童的最后十几辆大巴在下午2点左右离开,前往更远的一处避难所,该所设在一个拥挤的初中校园。
I had a classmate in junior high school that went on to be a NAVY SEAL. I wonder if he was involved? 我有一名中学同学是海豹突击队的队员,他是否参与了这次的行动呢?
We're using a new textbook and Ms Shen's method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. 我们使用新的教科书,沈老师的教学方法与我的初中老师的教学方法完全相同。
This model opens up the possibility for you to satisfy a requirement or take a class that might not be offered at your local junior college. 这种模式打开的可能性,以满足您的要求或采取了一类可能不提供在您当地的初级学院。
Our son teaches at junior high school and attends college, while his wife runs a day-care center, and a Lamaze program. 我儿子教初中,还上大学,而他妻子开办了幼儿日托中心和一个心理助产教程。
We held a week of a debate, the topic is "the main responsibility is to the elder generation gap, or junior" is our responsibility. 大致内容是:上周我们系内举行了一场辩论赛丶题目是“代沟的主要责任在于长辈还是晚辈”我们是反方。
"There's quite a bit of activity in port development to accommodate the junior miners, " Port Hedland CEO Andre Bush said. “在港口发展计划当中,有相当一部分是为了容纳小型矿商,”黑德兰港首席执行官AndreBush说。
Mr Gates and Mr Mandela are easy to admire. One hero that many AIDS activists have difficulty accepting, though, is George Bush junior. 赞美盖茨和曼德拉很容易,但是小布什是很多爱滋病活动家很难认可的一位英雄人物。
The last student I saw was a junior and it gave me a good perspective on how the next years may look for the others. 我最后看望的学生已经大三了,他对于明年找到另一半满怀信心。
As a junior guy, I did not feel it was appropriate for me to chime in and clarify or correct the interpreter. 作为一个低级别成员,我觉得自己不适合插嘴,去澄清或更正译员的错误。
One of the boys in the class went to a junior executive in a nearby company and honored him for helping him with his career planning. 班里有一个男孩去到附近的一家公司,来到一位年轻的主管面前,感激他帮助自己制定了一份职业计划。
the beginning of the junior secondary level students left the personal life of the most far-reaching. 初中阶段开始留守生活对学生的人格影响最深远。
It might have been a hard thing for me in high school or junior high, not being the prom queen or whatever. 中学对我来讲是个艰难的阶段,我根本都做不成舞会皇后,什么都不是。
Diego Junior was born in the United States, California, is the son of the Bekaa home, his father was a farmer, a very rich family. 少年迪亚哥出生在美国的加州,是贝卡家的公子,父亲是一位农场主,家中很富有。
During the first three years of junior school , we were very happy and free . But we often heard that Grade 4 would be a hell. 在前三年的初中,我们都很快乐和自由,但我们经常听说4级将是一个地狱。
Ms Shen's method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at may Junior High school . 沈老师的教学方法一点也不像我初中的老师。
If the Shanghai Stock Exchange is a bit of a casino, then the new junior board looks like it will be a back-alley cockfight. 如果说上海证交所有点像赌场,那么这个新的创业板市场看来将会变成“窄巷中的斗鸡”。
The sun was as hot as the competition he faced today at the National Junior Olympics. 太阳火辣辣的,与他今天在全国少年奥林匹克运动会上所面临的竞争一样热烈。
In here you will see that will earnestly seek the heart to a contemporary young junior college student absolute sincerity. 在这里你将会看到一位当代年轻大专生赤诚而渴求的心。
"Always use a little extra Christmas money, " replied Roger Junior. "Let me change clothes and I'll be over in a few minutes, " he said. “总要花掉一些圣诞节预算之外的钱。”我的儿子小罗杰回答道,“我先去换衣服,几分钟后就到。”他说。
He may just not like the word "girlfriend, " which can seem very junior high, especially if either of you has been married before. 他也许不喜欢“女朋友”这个词,觉得它很幼稚,听起来就像你们还是初中生一样,尤其是你们都没有结过婚。
The *automation junior at Northeast *Petroleum University has worked as a part-time tour guide for her university for three years. 这位东北石油大学自动化专业的大三学生做校内兼职导游已有三年时间了。
Do not write a five-paragraph paper as you may have been taught to do in junior high. 不要写成初中阶段老师教的那种“五段式”文章。
I had been a member of the class committee in charge of the course of physics until graduation from junior high school. 到初中毕业,我一直担任物理科代表,后来的班主任姓李,戴着一副眼镜。
He joined the British Navy at the beginning of the war, as a junior officer. 战争开始时,他作为下级军官参加英国海军。
I was a young, junior member of the group, and it was the first time I had been invited to join a meeting of this sort. 我那时是代表团里低级别的年轻成员,第一次受邀参加此类会议。
Zhu Wenbin, 22, a junior English major at Tsinghua University, has been a fan of the series since the beginning. 自《生活大爆炸》开播以来,清华大学英语专业大三学生、22岁的朱文斌(音译)一直是该剧的铁杆粉丝。
It also said the company demoted those women and replaced them with "junior" male employees. 诉状还称,这些女性雇员会被公司降职处理,原职位则被资历较浅的男性雇员替代。
I remember watching her introduce the former chancellor of the exchequer and his wife to a shy, junior, down-table sub-editor. 我记得,我亲眼看见她把英国前任财政大臣及其夫人引见给一位害羞、级别较低、坐在下手桌的文字编辑。
Lisa had always been a straight-A student until her junior year, when she had to hold down two part-time jobs to pay her tuition. 莉萨一直是全优生,直到大学三年级,那时她不得不做两份兼职来付学费