
美 [kɑp]英 [kɒp]
  • v.遭受;忍受;注意到
  • n.警察
  • 网络性能系数(coefficient of performance);能效比;缔约方大会(Conference of the Parties)

过去式:copped 第三人称单数:cops 现在分词:copping



n. v.

1.(informal)警察a police officer


not much cop

不太好;不怎么样not very good

性能系数(coefficient of performance)

性能系数所属现代词,指的是性能系数(COP),是衡量空调在规定条件下,热泵,制冷,炙热的耗电量。编辑摘要 目录 [隐藏 ] …


美国英语_互动百科 ... 22. dirty work 卑鄙的工作; 讨厌的工作 23. cop 警察 24. spooky 玄;可怕的 ...


能效比COP):常说的COP值,比如是3.7还是4.2,COP越高越节能,也就越贵。一般氟系统的COP比水系统要高,不过看 …

缔约方大会(Conference of the Parties)

缔约方大会COP)和议定书缔约方会议(CMP)高级别联合会议将开幕,各国部长级高官将与会,为会议最终达成协议而 …

缔约方会议(Conference of Parties)



选用制冷性能系数COP)、能效比(EER)高的空调设备,应该高于在《公共建筑节能设计标准》GB 50189-2005规定的建 …


3个字母的英语单词_百度知道 ... car n. 车(辆),汽车;(火车)车厢 cop n. 警官,巡警 cow n. 母牛,奶牛 ...

康菲石油(Conoco Phillips)

力拓(RIO) 康菲石油(COP) 通用汽车(GM) 福特汽车(F) 埃克森美孚(XOM) 英石油(BP) 卡特彼勒(CAT) 杜克能源(DUK) 哈里伯顿(…

No cop for bouse, ' said the waiter, with a voice like butter cakes and an eye like the cherry in a Manhattan cocktail. ' “用不着找警察,”侍者说,声音滑腻得如同奶油蛋糕,眼睛红得好似曼哈顿开胃酒中的樱桃。
The cop caught him in ten minutes -- it seems to me the guy was not all there. 警察只花了钟就把他抓到了。我看那个人不太。
Santino Corleone: Let me ask you something. What about this McCluskey? What do we do with this cop? 让我问你,这个迈克劳斯基呢?我们要拿这个条子怎么办?
No cop for yours, ' said the waiter, with a voice like butter cakes and an eye like the cherry in a Manhattan cocktail. ' Hey, Con! ' “你们这种人不值得叫警察,”堂倌说,他的声音粘糊糊的像奶油蛋糕,一只眼睛像曼哈顿鸡尾酒里的一颗樱桃。“嗨,你这个罪犯!”
After calling the police, and a cop showing up at the door, he took her side because she said it was "discipline" . 我打电话报警,警察来到我家,坚定地站在她那一边,因为她说这是家教的一部分。
And whether we cop to it or not, we've let media images define us since we were old enough to flip the pages of Seventeen magazine. 而且无论我们是否追求这种形象,从我们懂得翻阅“十七岁”杂志开始,我们已经任由媒体定夺我们的形象了。
She was startled by the cop's sudden appearance but she immediately did as she was told and lay face forward on the wet wood of the pier. 警察的突然出现让她吓了一跳,但她马上照做,脸朝下躺在码头的湿木上。
"No cop for you, " said the waiter, and seizing Soapy by the collar he threw him out of the restaurant. “用不着叫警察,”待者边说边抓住了苏比的领子,把他搡出了饭馆。
A man impersonating a police officer was arrested after he tried to pull over a motorist -- who turned out to be a real cop. 一个假扮警官的人想让一个摩托车手靠边停车,结果这人是个真警察,于是他被捕了。
Robert is a cop from Copenhagen with a secret, which has landed him in a small rural town in Denmark. 罗伯特是哥本哈根警察,因为一个秘密被调到丹麦一小镇。
Gurl u need to let me know where i can cop that how much is it? 妞,你得让我知道哪儿可以买到它,要花多少钱?
Jim London is outraged over the death of his friend, a fellow cop and werewolf--and wants to get to the bottom of what he thinks was murder. 吉姆伦敦感到愤怒的是他的朋友,同伴和狼人警察死亡-并希望获得的是什么,他认为底部是谋杀。
Now, as he listened to the March wind, he thought, Okay, I may be crazy -but I think that wild dog in there would be a super cop. 此时,加拉赫一边倾听三月的风,一边想,好吧,我也许真是疯了,但我觉得那条野性十足的狗会成为一名超级警察。
Conclusion: The diagnosis of COP is usually suggested by clinical and radiological findings, but needs to be confirmed histopathologically. 结论:临床表现尤其是影像学特征对COP的诊断有一定的价值,但确诊需依靠病理检查。
The driver pulled up to the curb and the traffic cop told him that he had been doing ninety-eight-a really breakneck speed. 司机将车驶上路缘,交通警察告诉他刚才行车车速达九十八公里猁猁一个极危险的车速。
Questioner: Perhaps you think I'm the good cop and he's the bad cop. We're both the good cop. In the next room is the bad cop. 或许你认为我是好警察,他是坏警察。我们都是好警察。在隔壁房间里的是坏警察。
There's a drunkard standing out on the street corner, and a cop passes by and says, "What do you think you're doing? " 一个醉汉站在马路拐角。一人警察走过,问他:“你这是在干什么?”
Mr Putin, the bad cop, runs Russia and distributes the money, as he made clear in the recent conference of his United Russia party. 普金唱黑脸,掌控俄罗斯,分配钱财,正如他在最近的统一俄罗斯党代会上所明确的。
It was a real cop car, it was a real policeman, and there were real neighbors in the street who didn't know that this was an experiment. 那是辆真警车,是个真警察,街上的邻居也是真的,他们不知道这是个实验。
"Sure, Mike, " she said joyfully, "if you'll blow me to a pail of suds. I'd have spoke to you sooner, but the cop was watching. " “可不是吗,迈克,”她兴致勃勃地说,“不过你先得破费给我买杯猫尿。要不是那巡警老盯着,我早就要跟你搭腔了。”
This point would have made a worthwhile footnote. As a substitute for an account of what happened, it is a cop-out. 这一点若作为脚注应当合情合理,可用来取代对事件真相的记述,就只能是一种回避事实的托词而已。
"He would beat me for simple things, like not making enough money or worse, getting pulled over by a cop, " she said. “他经常为一些小事打我,像没能赚到足够的钱,甚至是被巡警盘问之类的事情,”她回忆道。
You could call it a cop-out by the CEO of history's greatest privacy-killing machine. 你可以称这是史上最大隐私谋杀机器董事长站不住脚的借口。
Greg Garland, a local narcotics cop, used to discover about a dozen houses a year that had been turned into marijuana factories. 格雷格加兰,一位当地的缉毒警官,曾在一年内发现一大批被当作大麻工厂的别墅。
And some girl said her dad's a cop and he said one of the hookers was a teenager. 有个女孩的爸是警察他说有个雏妓是我的年纪。
That said, it seems like a cop out to say the best way to compete with Facebook's version of social is not social, but mobile. 有人说,与Facebook版本的社交网络相抗衡的最好办法不是社交而是转向移动设备。这种说法看起来似乎有点逃避的意味。
Yukawa's partner is a rookie cop, Utsumi Kaoru (Shibasaki Kou), a hot-blooded woman with a strong sense of justice. 汤川的合作伙伴是一个新人警察,内海薰(柴口),一个热血女性具有强烈的正义感。
Should and i introduce him to your sister? - Yeah, Norah and a cop, that's a good idea. 要不要把他介绍给你妹妹?-对哦Norah和警察凑一对儿好主意
It was a pity, that cop. Out of all kinds of dangers, he was done in by two petty thieves trying to steal electric cables. 那个交警很可惜啊,居然被两个偷电缆的小东西给搞翻了。
Their ambitions sometimes tempt them to turn a blind eye or to accept bribes, which lowers the morale of the ordinary cop. 他们的野心诱使他们有时候睁一只眼闭一只眼,或接受贿赂,从而降低士气的普通巡警。