
美 [kəd]英 [kəd]
  • modalv.可以;用于 can 的过去式;(礼貌地请求别人做事)能
  • auxv.想;“can”的过去式;用于假设语气的条件句;用于虚拟语气的结论句
  • 网络能够;可能;会



1.(用于 can 的过去式)used as the past tense of ‘can’

2.(询问是否可做某事)能,可以used to ask if you can do sth

3.(礼貌地请求别人做事)能,可以used to politely ask sb to do sth for you

4.(表示可能性)可能used to show that sth is or might be possible

5.(用于建议)可以used to suggest sth

6.(对某人未做某事表示恼怒)本来可以used to show that you are annoyed that sb did not do sth

7.(informal)(强调感觉)真想used to emphasize how strongly you want to express your feelings

英语单词辅音字母不发音规则小结_百度知道 ... calm( 平静) could) soften( 软化) ...


八年级上册英语单词表(人教版)_百度知道 ... pianist 钢琴手;钢琴家 could 可能;可以 hum 哼唱 ...


2011年中考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... cough 咳嗽 7 263. could 能够 264. count 数 265. ...


八年级上册英语单词表(人教版)_百度知道 ... pianist 钢琴手;钢琴家 could 可能;可以 hum 哼唱 ...

情态动词-英语学习辅导 ... 6.should1) 应当, 应该(同 ( could)1) 能, (表示能力 = ( might)1) 可以 (表示允许, 许可= ...


前半句是一个含有情态动词could)的一般疑问句,后面who he is 为宾语从句,同时陈述句语序。祈使句就是表示命令、请求 …


求 鲁教版八年级上册英语单词表_百度知道 ... wrong adj. 错误的;有毛病的;不适合的 could v. can 的过去式 ticket n. 票,入 …


360教育网--最大的免费教育资源网 ... should 的主要用法有: 2. could 的用法: III. in 作介词的主要用法: ...

At this point, labor could be one or two days, or even weeks, away, with your cervix continuing to open gradually over that time. 在这个时候,临产可能会在一到两天后,甚至几个星期以后,一直到你的宫颈继续逐渐扩张完全。
I used to wish to be a teacher of men, and it was a great disappointment to me when I found I could not enter the Church. 我曾经希望做人们的导师,但是当我发现我不能进入教会的时候,我感到了多么大的失望啊。
As long as China stayed in the war, hundreds of thousands of imperial Japanese Army soldiers could be tied down on the Asian mainland. 只要中国不退出战争,几十万日本帝国陆军就会被牵制在亚洲大陆上。
Some of you could actually get a chance for a do-over, and you might even get it right this time. 你们中的一些实际上可以得到一个机会重新开始,甚至在这个时候你可以得到这场爱情。
"There's no way you can sail through it, " she said. "If it's still here in August, it could be a real problem. " “你根本没法穿行于其中”,她说道,“如果八月份还是这样的话,那便真有麻烦了。”
She was certain she could not even come close to what I had predicted, but at least she would learn something. 她肯定她不能达到、哪怕是接近我的预计目标,但她至少愿意学习一些东西。
While you seem to be the big moneymaker in the relationship, this could suggest that your partner will feel deficient in comparison. 当你是关系内主要负责赚钱的一方时,这意味着你的另一半或许在比较之下感到不足。
Yet he gave Pareto credit for identifying it as "universal" when, it seemed, he could have taken the credit himself. 然而,当他赞扬帕累托确定了这一“普适性”原理时,似乎是他自己应该受禄。
When you thought I wasn't looking I saw that you cared, and I wanted to be everything that I could be. 当你以为我没看见,我看到你在乎,因此我想成为一个最棒的人。
You know, I cannot imagine that a Special Drawing Right, which has no real existence, could survive a crisis or two. 你知道,我不能想象,一个特别提款权,其中并没有真正的存在,能够生存危机或2。
i have come to understand in a greater way, the sacrifices you have made. so i could have the best you could possible give. 我越来越明白,为了使我得到你能给到我的最好,你曾做出了多少牺牲。
However, he said the IMF could withstand the shock. 但他表示,IMF经得起这次冲击。
It was a bit of a joke because we thought, he believes in all this, supports the revolution, how could he be a spy? 我们想真是有点可笑。父亲相信这里的一切,他支持革命,怎么会是间谍?
A few days later, at nearly midnight on the longest night of the year, Gabriel Oak could be heard playing his flute on Nor-combe Hill. 几天以后,在一年之中最漫长晚上的将近午夜时分,人们可以听到加布里埃尔·奥克在诺库姆山上吹奏着长笛。
One of the people familiar with the matter said Mr. Lee is leaving to work on his own venture. Mr. Lee could not be reached for comment. 一位知情人士称,李开复是离职创业。记者目前无法联系到李开复置评。
But even as he called her name he could see that there was no trace of the young woman. 但即使他左呼又喊她的名字,也没见到这个年轻女人的踪影出现。
I could see that the comrade who had befriended the warder wanted the sandwich, and I nodded for him to take it. 我看得出那个已与狱吏亲近了些的伙伴想要那个三明治,于是我向他点头应允。
Dad used to spend hours with his binoculars looking at the ships going by and there was no more fitting tribute that we could think of. . . 爸爸过去常常透过他的望远镜遥望过往的船只,一看就是几个小时。因此,我们再也想不出比这更好的怀念他的方式。
If we teach small children, don't tell us that our jobs are "so cute" and that you wish you could glue and color all day long. 如果我们教小孩,请不要说我们的工作是“多么有趣”而且你希望你可以整天都在涂抹胶水和填充色彩。
There in her father's apartment, she could see how much his life had been about books and the company they provided. 在她父亲的公寓里,可以了解到他一生中有多少时间与书相伴相知。
And then the efficiency of the units that you're using, with which you capture the solar energy could be solar cells. 然后是你在用的单位的效率,用这来捕捉,太阳能的太阳电池。
Then he walked out of the store with the pair of pants and disappeared before the surprised store owner could think of anything to say. 说完,他就带着那条裤子走出店门不见了人影,而这位惊讶不已的主人还没有想出如何回答。
Oddsseem to me pretty good that you could also get all the benefits out of a really tight stamp-collecting club. 这件事对我来说看起来非常之好,你同样可以从一家密切的集邮俱乐部中获得最大的快乐。
Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first attempt. 雪莉对生物考试准备得很认真,因此她有信心一次就通过。
A new social stock exchange could radically change this, and only companies with a clearly defined social purpose would be allowed to list. 一种新的社会型证交所将极大地改变着这种情况,只有明确定义其社会目标的公司才会被允许上市。
Now you tell her to her face that you could have stayed to meet her and you would not. 现在你冲着她的脸告诉她你能留在这见她而你却不那样做。
I imagined that she did it so that Kylie could avoid problems with her parents. 我想她这么做是为了避免凯丽和她的父母之间产生矛盾。
Her eyes, all that could be seen, gleamed as she revelled in a new-found freedom. 我们只能看得到她的眼睛,闪闪发光,沉浸在一种新发现的自由中。
He took his goals well and he could have had more but his overall performance was good. 他进了球,本来还能进更多的。但这已经很好了。
It could have been Credit Crunch Round Two. There was bound to be relief at avoiding that. 而可能会由此而来的第二轮信贷紧缩就必定会导致避免紧缩发生的救援行动。