
美 [ˈkɑpi]英 [ˈkɒpi]
  • v.复制;拷贝;模仿;临摹
  • n.复制品;范本;【法律】副本;(报纸的)一份
  • 网络复印;复制出的;已拷贝的

复数:copies 过去分词:copied 现在分词:copying

backup copy,exact copy,true copy,good copy,hard copy
make copy,print copy,copy information,enclose copy,copy example


n. v.

1.[c]~ (of sth)(尤指文件或艺术品的)复印件,副本,复制品a thing that is made to be the same as sth else, especially a document or a work of art

2.[c](书、报纸等的)一本,一册,一份a single example of a book, newspaper, etc. of which many have been made

3.[u](报刊等的)稿件;(可用于报纸文章或广告的)消息,信息written material that is to be printed in a newspaper, magazine, etc.; news or information that can be used in a newspaper article or advertisement


Key words for resume 宝典 - 豆丁网 ... Unified 联合 Copied 复制 Formulated 简介的陈述 ...


...提供(Available) YES NO N/A 复印(copied) YES NO 公司概括简介-人员/产量/产值/(品牌)市场分布 Factory profile 1.2 公司组 …


2011职称英语... ... densely——compactly 浓密地, 浓厚地 duplicated——copied 复制出的,复写书的 depicts——describes 描述, …


coordinator-相近词汇-新浪字典 ... Copernicus 哥白尼 copied 已拷贝的 Copies 副本,册子 ...


复制的Copied):CancellationToken是一个struct,所以调用CancellationTokenSource.Token会调用标识的一个副本。这样 …


构成侵犯版权的先决条件是:原告证明自己拥有具有法律效力的版权,且被告抄袭了copied)自己的作品。原告可以通过展 …


副职业 - wiki ... 热病 Febris 原模仿师 Copied 原奇术师 Copied trick ...

That represents the source control with properties to be copied to the Web server control that this method is called from. 它表示属性要复制到从中调用此方法的Web服务器控件的源控件。
The word vintage is copied from its use in wine terminology, as a more elegant-seeming euphemism for "old" clothes. Vintage这个词是从葡萄酒酿酒的术语中借用过来的(原本意思是“陈年的”),在这里是对“旧”衣服的一个委婉的说法,更具古典气质。
Then, at least two of the P received partial data are copied on a time slot so as to obtain at least two copied partial data. 接着,于时域上复制P个已接收部分数据的至少其二,得到至少二复制部分数据。
The message is compelling, compressed, and copied at the bottom of every free e-mail message. 这则信息引人注意,短小精悍,并且在每封免费邮件下面都被复制。
She copied their actions and way of life - eating plants and getting down on her hands and knees to walk the way a gorilla does. 她模仿它们的动作和它们的生活--她也吃植物并且在它走路的时候开始不喜欢用双手和膝盖。
Pages cannot be copied to a file after the whole file has been restored; trying to do this causes an error. 整个文件还原后,无法将页复制到该文件;如果尝试这样做,将会发生错误。
The color to be copied is often reduced by two main colour, the third color grey pollution. 给被复制的色彩不常次给由两栽失神组不败,第三栽颜色形不败灰色浑浊。
I copied and sent him a great part of it, which set in a strong light the folly of pursuing the Muses. 我抄了一本,把大部分诗稿送给他并希望他为该书所感动,不要再愚蠢地从事于诗歌。
Loose sheets of paper or data recorded on scraps of paper which are to be re copied into a notebook later will not be accepted. 用散装的纸张,或是先在任意纸上记录资料,而后再滕写到笔记簿上,都是不被接受的。
I continue to walk along the walls of this dilapidated, to go about her way, but a strange cul -de-sac beside copied. 我继续沿着这里残破的城墙行走,不愿再走什么便当的途径,而是抄旁边的一条陌生的小路。
Traditional installation includes an installation program to run with a set of files that are copied to a prerequisite operating system. 传统的安装包括一个要运行的安装程序,以及一组复制到必备操作系统的文件。
It was one of your friends who copied a CD onto a tape for you last week. 正是你的一位朋友上星期替你把磁盘内容复制到磁带上。
If the contract was not copied by evening Mr. Crosbie would hear of the matter. 要是今晚再不抄完合同,克罗斯比先生就要亲自过问此事。
But it appeared that for one of the two DNA strands, the very end of the strand (the last few pages of the "book" ), couldn't be copied. 但是对于对于两条DNA序列的一条来说,链的末端(书本的最后几页)不能被复制。但是现在发现这其实也不尽然。
The data is copied into a workbook so that you can use it just as you use data stored directly in the workbook. 数据被复制到工作簿中,以便您可以像使用直接存储在工作簿中的数据那样使用它。
We're still analyzing the software to determine how much code has been copied. 我们依然还在分析大约有多少代码被盗用。
In his time, the reform carried out in Europe was being copied, but in many respects this copy was merely superficially reformative. 森鸥外所处的时代正在进行着效仿欧洲的改革,但是在很多方面又只是粗浅的表面的维新。
It was one of those actressy gestures she'd copied from the classic black-and-white movies to which she was addicted. 这是她从她酷爱的一部黑白电影中学到的女演员的姿态。
Once the file is copied, you can list it to see that the file is present (but is the same size as the original). 一旦复制该文件,您就可以列出它来表示文件已存在(但与原来同样大小)。
It worked okay, but it didn't seem to handle playlists all that well, and album art wasn't being copied to the phone. 它是可以用,但是它看起来并没有把播放列表处理的很好,并且专辑封面没有被被传输到手机上。
Do not copy unchecked user input into a buffer, or allow unconfirmed size parameters to define the range of data being copied. 不要将未检查的用户输入复制到缓冲区中,也不要允许未经确认的大小参数定义复制的数据范围。
and the children copied them down in their exercise books. 学生再抄写在自己的练习本上。
Unfortunately, deciding where to put those line breaks in when you are showcasing code that will be copied makes it a difficult decision. 不幸的是,当你显示这些即将要被复制的代码的时候,很难决定在那儿给这些行分开。
Therefore, the file system can be copied if the new partition is at least as big as the old one. 因此,只要新分区比原分区大,就能够复制文件系统。
For one of the two DNA strands, a problem exists in that the very end of the strand cannot be copied. 对于双链DNA分子中的一条,出现了一个问题,那就是此链的末端无法被复制。
Most of the code changes take place within checkout. html, which, as you've noticed, did not get copied over to a fragment version. 大多数的代码更改都发生在checkout.html之内,正如您所见,该文件没有复制并改变成片段版本。
The view (and its accompanying index, if it is an indexed view) can be copied to the Subscriber, but the base table must also be replicated. 可以将视图(若是索引视图,要连同其所附索引)复制到订阅服务器,同时还必须复制基表。
I've just copied it here so you could take a look at it. 我只是将它复制在这以便你们能够看到它
Strangely, the other boys never noticed how he made fun of me, and copied me in every way. 奇怪的是,其他男孩竟然从未觉察到他是如何拿我开玩笑,如何千方百计地模仿我。
Its tactics seem to have been copied from America, which in 2006 struck at online-gambling firms by threatening the banks that they used. 荷兰政府的策略看似效仿美国,2006年美国曾通过威胁银行来打击网上赌博公司。