
美 [lænd]英 [lænd]
  • n.土地;陆地;地方;国家
  • v.到达;登陆;获得;使上陆
  • 网络地带;着陆;利家居

复数:lands 现在分词:landing 过去式:landed

agricultural land,arable land,barren land,fertile land,waste land
land plane,work land,cultivate land,clear land,reclaim land



2. 第十五和第十六条中使用的“土地”(lands) 这一术语应包括地域概念,包括有关民族占有的或使用的区域的整个环境。 第十四 …


《Friends》词汇表A ... oozing n. [地] 软泥v.渗出, 泄漏 lands n. 陆地, (书面语)国家、国土, 地带, [复数]地产, 田产 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... oozing n. [地] 软泥v.渗出, 泄漏 lands n. 陆地, (书面语)国家、国土, 地带, [复数]地产, 田产 ...


1、Shenzhou... ... 1 landed V. 着陆 神舟七号在2008年九月二十八日着陆了。(用过去时) 1.lands着陆) 2.afford( 支付得 …




The Urn | wèng | 瓮 ... 买 to buy;to purchase 田产 estate;lands 华丽 gorgeous ...


符文光辉... ... 3 Disenchant( 消除魔障) 2 Rune of Protection:Lands( 大地符文) 2 Rune of Protection:Artifacts( 反神器符文) ...

Astronomers want to know how much of the outflow lands in the galaxy and how much escapes into intergalactic space. 天文学家想了解喷流物有多少落回星系,又有多少逸入星际气体。
On his return President Taylor asked Sherman what he thought of the lands. Had they been worth fighting for? 谢尔曼视察后回来,泰勒总统问他觉得新增的领土怎样,值不值得打那场战争。
Anya came to me for guidance, after receiving a vision that her mother and younger brother were trapped in the lands beyond the Ice Caves. 安亚在看到一段幻影,眼见她的母亲和弟弟被困在寒冰洞穴远方的大地上时,来找我寻求一些指引。
How autumn mists swirled round the is lands and then disappeared, as if by magic, and how the moon reflected double on teh lake. 秋天浓雾在大地上盘旋,继而无影无踪,仿佛受了魔法;还有那初升的明月,倒映在湖面上,构成的两个月亮的奇观。
Alice is one of the founders of Richmond Greenspace Society, and a supporter to save Garden City Lands. 黄陈小萍创立了列治文绿色空间协会,并支持保存花园城市土地。
Why don't we snatch him when he lands, toss him in the back of the trunk and drive over the border? 为什么不在飞机降落后抓住他然后丢进后备箱里直接开回边境?。
To the ones who did not plant vineyards in their lands, they were confiscated and given to others capable of working them. 对于那些谁没有在他们的葡萄园土地,厂房,他们被没收,交给别人他们的工作能力。
She longed to travel as her eyes and her mind travelled, south, south to the skies, to the lands of beauty and sunshine beyond the greyness. 她渴望随同她的眼光和心灵一块去旅行,往南去,去到南方蓝色的天宇之下,越过阴霾的天地,进入那美好与阳光的国土。
It can be effectively grown on marginal lands that are considered undesirable for food crops, making it a viable option as a new biofuel. 它可在粮食作物不理想的边缘地带高效生长,使它成为生物新能源的可行选择。
If he had been Loyalist they would have been able to seize his lands for themselves, under confiscation. 如果他是保皇党,他们可以名正言顺没收他的田产,据为己有。
Mineral lands reserve was one of the important form in mineral strategy reserve. 矿产地储备是矿产资源战略储备的重要形式之一。
And Chinese are rising, once again, to a promised and peaceful, and prosperous lands, and continue for her rich in history and future. 中国正在再一次崛起,将发展成一个有前景的,和平的,繁荣的土地,不断延续自己丰富的历史,并不断发展。
When the railroad lands about Bonneville had been thrown open, there had been almost a rush in the matter of settlement. 当波恩维尔那一带铁路公司的土地开放时,人们简直一窝蜂似的争先恐后的来安家。
These lands have to be cleansed and there will be a time of remodelling of the planet, and that will be visible to you in coming times. 这些土地都必须清洗,将有一个地球的改造过程,你们将在未来亲眼见证到。
A stroke that lands above the center of a ball, AS in golf or tennis, giving it a forward spin. 上部击球击于球中心以上的抽球,使球向前旋转,例如在高尔夫或网球中
He knew there were no seas or ships in the heart of the barren lands, just as he had known there was no cartridge in the empty rifle. 不过也用不着奇怪,他知道在这荒僻的地方不会有什么大海或大船,正如他知道在他那枝空枪里没有子弹一样。
In the surface lands far above Menzoberranzan, winter was beginning to ebb, and themiddaysun struggled to warm the harsh landscape. 在魔索布莱之上的大地,寒冬开始逐渐消散,正午的阳光努力温暖着荒芜的大地。
Perhaps one of them is Khal Drogo, sitting on his fiery stallion in the night lands and smiling down on me. 也许其中一颗是卡奥卓戈,在那片永夜之地骑着他炽热的战马,微笑着望着我。
If ever you come to your country, be advised, you should not venture again into lands that you know not, lest you never should return. 倘若你们回到贵国,请记取我一言:切莫再到异国他乡去涉险猎奇,否则将有去无回。
The villagers all along the way knew that this was the time the deer moved from the low lying farm lands to the high countryside. 沿途的所有村民都知道这是鹿从低处大片的农田土地往高处的地方迁移的时候。
When he came down into the flat lands, he began to run, racing against the whole world. 当他走下平地的时候,他开始奔跑,和整个世界比赛。
Only Idid desire, eventually, to turn into a magic carpet and carry you away to allthose lands you longed to see. 最后,我只渴望变成一条魔毯,带你飞到你想去的任何地方。
The lands of Cyprus, Cyrene (eastern Libya), and parts of Syria had been lost; Roman troops were soon to be garrisoned in Alexandria itself. 他们已经失去了塞浦路斯、普兰尼(东利比亚)和部分叙利亚的土地,罗马军队很快也就将自己戍防亚历山大利亚。
As he lands, he grins from ear to ear, a naughty, impish grin, as if having an audience is just the thing he thrives on. 当他落地站稳后,他咧着嘴笑起来,那淘气顽皮的样子仿佛拥有一个观众就是他成长的动力。
On his way, he'll cross 36 lands, each packed with clever puzzles, conniving foes, ominous obstacles. 在他的途中,他将跨越36的土地,每个包装巧妙的谜题,纵容敌人,不祥的障碍。
But don't chuck out your resume just yet--because the other half of the equation is how much money lands in your bank account. 但这时还不能扔掉简历——因为等式的另一半是你的银行帐户有多少钱。
The story tells about how she lands up in a magical land and how she thereafter along with her friends tries to come back to her place. 影片讲述了她是如何来到一片神奇的土地,以及后来如何和她的朋友们回到原来的地方。
He lost all the lands that his father had left him, and was at last shut up in prison, where he was kept until he died. 他丢掉了父亲遗留给他的全部领地,最后被关进监狱,一直到死。
As he rises int he underground circuit, he lands int he middle of a match between his boss and a crooked cop. 当他在地下圈内蒸蒸日上时,他处在了老闆和一个不正派警察之间的竞赛中。
He knew just how great was his share in the lands which had just been absorbed by the corporation he served. 他知道,他自己效忠的公司新近并吞的土地有他多大的份儿。