
美 [kɔrdz]英 [kɔː(r)dz]
  • n.“cord”的复数
  • 网络灯芯绒衣;绳;电线




英语词汇新译 C_翻译家( ... Cordovan 科尔多瓦城的 cords 灯芯绒衣 corduroy 灯芯绒 ...

工艺品的福友们,欢迎提交自己产品的专业常识,... ... 磁铁: Magent Cords 韩国绒: Suede ...


UL 推出电线电缆及电源线 CB 认证服务 ... 电线( Cords) 电源线( Cord Sets) ...


Katowice的意思 中文翻译 ... cordremis [药]科德雷米斯 cords 用灯芯绒做的衣物 corduroy 灯芯绒, 灯芯绒裤子 ...


染整专业英语 - 豆丁网 ... suede cloth 仿皮织物 ; cords 灯芯绒裤; corduroy 灯芯绒; ...


CHANGZHOU HONGCHANG ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD ... Standard( 标准) Cords适用电线) Approval( 认可) ...


唯爱糖果色 声籁EM515新生绿耳机评测-搜狐滚动 ... 频率响应/ Frequency Response 线长/ Cords 插头/ Plug ...


桥墩图片 Saltburn pier - 图蛙 ... 强种子田野图片 Rape seed fields 绳图片 cords 死了蜘蛛图片 Dead Spider ...

The blotches ran well down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep- creased scars from handling heavy fish on the cords. 老人除了两颊布满斑点,双手则刻着深深的勒痕,那是操作粗鱼绳的结果。
Cayce went into a deep trance and described the condition in his vocal cords, advising, strangely enough, what to do for it. 凯西进入了深度恍惚状态,并描述了他声带的病情,尤其奇怪的是,他还提出了如何治疗的建议。
He took a number of cords of different lengths and hung them from the ceiling. To the free end of each cord he fastened a weight. 他找出一些长度不等的绳子,从天花板上垂吊下来,并在每根绳子的末稍挂了一个砝码。
And then I noticed portions of the United States where the thick cords of light dissolved into a few discrete strands. 然后我注意到美国的部分地区,数道粗大的光束慢慢变成几缕分散的光线。
The officer shook his head, though my cords were made a bit loose, so that I was more at ease. 那官员摇摇头,但是把捆我的绳子放松了一些,好让我比较自在一点。
Such a shift brought forth a large leap up in frequency for Mila as so many cords of attachment were released simultaneously. 这样一个变迁,因为这么多连接被同时解除,给Mila带来了巨大频率跃迁。
Tom cut up the front seats for the second pair of snowshoes and fastened both sets to their feet with bungee cords. 汤姆开始用前座制成第二双雪鞋,然后用橡皮筋把两双鞋紧紧绑在两人的腿上。
and the men, having tied me with cords, heaved me into the boat, whence I was taken into the ship, and thence into the captain's cabin. 水手们用绳索将我绑好,扔进了舢板,我被带到了大船上,接着就被押进了船长室。
So this time, Chen's team injected the spinal cords of mice with a neurotoxin that seeks out the GRPR receptor, sort of a docking site. 所以,这次陈教授带领的小组向白鼠体脊髓内注射了一种神经毒素,这种毒素会寻找GRPR受体、归类停靠点。
One seems to age fifty aunt took away her dumb a voice, as if the vocal cords in card is full of dust, sound pathetic in shows. 一个看来年纪五十开外的大娘首先发难,她哑着嗓子,好像声带里卡满了灰尘,音质中透着悲情哀戚。
As all karma was settled, all cords of attachment between Oa and his family were released, allowing him to take a huge leap up in frequency. 当所有业力被解决时,Oa和家庭间的所有连接被解除,允许他的频率获得巨大跃迁。
Several non-cancerous polyps were removed from his vocal cords, and John lost his famous falsetto, and he sang with a new voice. 一些非癌性息肉被从他的声带,约翰失去了其著名的假,他生了一个新的声音。
and then, once the sticks and the cords have been gathered, I shall explain how our promised bundle, the canzone , is to be bound together. 然后,一旦条件具备,我将解释我们承诺的绳索,即歌曲这一形式,如何捆扎起来的。
You will see lots of cords and cables coming out of the back of the case and going to other computer parts like the monitor. 你会看到电线和电缆即将到来的案件中去,如监视其他电脑零件退出手。
While you might be able to get a wireless mouse, keyboard and even internet, you simply can't escape power cords. 你可以使用无线鼠标、键盘甚至网络,但是你根本无法摆脱电源线。
But they thought it was not convincing: "If they never moan, how could you know their vocal cords are not hurt? " 别人不服,说既然不呻吟,你怎么知道他们的嗓子没伤?
Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. 要扩张你帐幕之地,张大你居所的幔子,不要限止,要放长你的绳子,坚固你的橛子。
The stems yield very strong fibers, reputedly among the strongest produced by any plant, that are used for making cords and strings. 茎产生强壮的纤维,据一般批评在任何植株生产的强壮的中,用于制造绳子和线。
As he spoke he cut long strips of bamboo to tie cords of firewood, using a heavy steel knife with a handmade wooden handle. 他一边说着,一边用一把木柄钢刀砍断捆绑竹子柴火的长绳。
Electrical cords and a clothesline dangle overhead. They pull out a small table for meals they cook on a burner. 电线和晾衣绳就在头顶晃荡,他们用炉子做饭,吃饭的时候就支起一张小桌子。
A grown dog is entirely covered with a heavy coat of these tassel-like cords, which form naturally. 成年的可蒙犬完全被大量的、象穗子一样的绳索状被毛所覆盖。
The nurse handed him the laryngoscope with which to visualize the vocal cords before inserting the breathing tube into the lungs. 护士递给他喉镜,以便他在插入气管导管前暴露声带。
In the dissolution of the cords, Mila ascended or moved up in vibration because there were less attachment or cords to deplete her of chi. 在融解连接之中,Mila提升或说提高振动,因为消耗她chi的连接更少了。
Lock her in a room with a million of them all ringing at once and she'll use one of their cords to strangle herself. 把她关在一个房间里,房间里装上一百万台同时响起的电话,她会用其中一条电话线把自己活活勒死的。
A central vein runs through the middle of the lobe and is surrounded by cords of liver cells that radiate out in all directions. 小叶的中央由中央静脉穿过,周围被向四周呈放射状排列的肝细胞索包围。
As all cords of attachment release, then the grief or sense of loss is left behind and a greater sense of internal freedom born. 当所有牵绊的连线都被解除时,那么悲痛或者丧失的感觉就会消失,而内在更大的自由感就会诞生。
Cords are often anchored during the blast between the perpetrator and the recipient that are used to leach chi from the recipient's field. 绳索通常在气流从作恶者到接受者的时候被抛定,用来从接受者场中滤去气。
Insert the handle's pin through the elastic loop following the illustrations given. The cords must be removed at the end of this stage. 7按照给定的例证从弹性圈处插入手柄的别针,必须移动绳子以牢固松口。
Tendons are the cords of strong tissue that attach muscles to bones, or to other muscles. 肌腱是把肌肉连接在骨或其它肌肉上的强大的组织韧带。
There have been no fatal accidents so far in the United States , but two French jumpers fell to their deaths when their bungee cords broke. 到目前为止在美国还没有发生严重的事故,但是在法国有两个人丧命于蹦极绳子的断裂。