
美 [tʃuz]英 [tʃuːz]
  • v.选择;宁愿;想;喜欢
  • 网络选定;选举

过去式:chose 过去分词:chosen 现在分词:choosing 第三人称单数:chooses

choose type,choose location,choose language,choose word,choose way
choose carefully,deliberately choose





《Friends》词汇表B ... consummating vt. 完成, 使达到极点 chooses v. 选择, 选定 sunburned sunburned 晒黑的 日炙的 有晒斑 …


1. 绿书 CD-ROM 较不熟的单字 II.... ... appears,acts 担当,行动 chooses 选举 parliament 议会 ...

The army might yet decide to move against the crowd overnight. If it chooses not to, the prime minister's position could become untenable. 头天晚上军队还没有决定对抗抗议者,如果他们决定不对抗,总理的地位将难以维持。
When a user creates a subscription, the user chooses one of the available delivery extensions to determine how the report is delivered. 用户创建订阅时,可以选择一个可用的传递扩展插件,以确定如何传递报表。
In all the 365 days of a year, she chooses to stay together with the garbage and flies and sorts the items we throw away without hesitation. 一年三百六十五天,为了微薄的收入,她甘愿与垃圾、苍蝇为伍,收拾被我们无情抛弃的物品。
So God chooses to use financesas the acid test of how much you trust Him. 因此,上帝选择将如何使用财富作为对你的艰巨考验,看看你有多么信仰他。
At this point, he chooses to accept his true self with a determination to break away from the "identity" imposed on him by society. 此时他毅然接受了这个真实的自我,决心与那个社会强加在他身上的虚幻的自我决裂。
During his subsequent patter, he scoops some confetti out of the glass and, if he chooses, tosses it up into the air. 在他的随后啪答声期间,他挖出一些五彩纸屑在玻璃外面,如果他选择,扔它入空气。
Simply cut a slot in the lid to put change in, and let your child decorate the outside as he or she chooses. 只要在盖子上剪开一个可以放零钱的小口,再让你的孩子随心装饰一下罐子就可以了。
After all, unlike a man with a limp penis, a woman with an unlubricated vagina can still easily begin coitus, if she so chooses. 毕竟,不像阴茎疲软的男性那样,阴道无润滑的女性如果决定进行性交的话,她仍然能够容易地开始性交。
We calculate and estimate, and say that this and that will happen, and we forget to make room for God to come in as He chooses. 我们计算了又估算,说事情将会这样那样,却忘记了给神留地步,让祂按祂的选择来行事。
Although it chooses a model does not correspond to any particular criteria, but it was frequently used in practice. 虽然它不对应于选择一个模型的任何特定的准则,但它在实践中被频繁地使用。
While we're not quite ready to give up on the romantic ideal, the book did get us thinking about why a woman chooses a particular mate. 虽然我们并不准备放弃对浪漫的理想,这本书也让我们思考为什么一个女人选择这个特定的伴侣。
Students in introductory economics courses learn that the burden of a tax does not necessarily stay where the Congress chooses to put it. 刚刚开始学习经济学的学生都会首先学到一个理论:国会所确定的税收负担并不是必须的。
This means the bank, if it chooses, would be able to start selling down this holding. 这意味着只要美国银行愿意,它将能够开始出售持有的这部分股票。
No one visiting the United States should feel uncomfortable or incorrect if he chooses to follow his own native habits. 到美国旅游的人如果要照自己国家的风俗习惯去做,也不必觉得难为情或有什么不对。
The difference is actually quite easy to discern and it is why the mineral kingdom chooses to speak to it in a straight forward manner. 这个区别事实上是非常容易来鉴别的,这也就是为什么矿石王国选择来将它直接讲出的缘故。
Refusing to be a burden of her children, Aunty Fang chooses to spend her old age alone in a cluttered tent. 方大娘怕给孩子们负担,晚年选择独居生活,住在堆满杂物的帐棚区内。
I ask you first a series of questions to see to what degree you express these chemicals, and I'm watching who chooses who to love. 第一部分的问题用来确认上述四种物质在你的大脑中是如何显现性状的。最后网站记录下是谁选择了谁。
Out of fear for his own life, Abram chooses to try to control the situation by his own scheming. 因为害怕性命不保,亚伯兰选择用自己的计谋来控制大局。
Given all his doubts and fears, your father chooses to avoid the matter altogether by simply changing the subject. 考虑到他的疑惑和担心,你父亲就简单地选择改变话题来避开这件事情。
i am not sure, it's kinda confusing. she told me that she chooses to be together with some other guy. then she said that she needs me. 不知道,我也被弄糊涂了。她告诉我说她选择了另一个男孩。然后她说她需要我。
"The conversation is happening, " she continues, "it's just a matter of how much a company chooses to participate. " “对话正在进行中”,她说,“一家公司参与程度的深浅相当关键。”
Each player chooses up to seven cards in his or her hand, then shuffles the rest into his or her library. 每位牌手从其手上选择至多七张牌,然后将其余的牌洗入其牌库。清空所有法术力池。
One of the men they profiled is a consultant who chooses to pay more than half of his after-tax income for an apartment in Manhattan. 报道中的一位是顾问职业。他选择用一半以上的所得收入支付曼哈顿的一间公寓。
Only pious prigs care about when he chooses to get married, or to sign his children's birth certificates, or whatever. 当他选择结婚生子等事情的时候,只有一些虔诚的正人君子关注。
To which is still unable to complete the parsing, chooses certain widest subtrees compulsion matched and then outputs. 对依然无法完成的分析,选择若干最宽子树强制匹配输出。
I would take her where ever she chooses to travel and I have several houses for her to set up for her own personal style. 我会采取她她选择旅行的地方,并且我有几个房子为了她能设定为她自己的个人样式。
He said a great deal depends on what the Sudanese government chooses to do regarding peacekeepers. 他说,这在很大程度上取决于苏丹政府对待维和人员的立场。
Welcome the general customers to attempt, the incoming sample or to kiss to this company chooses the version custom make! ! 欢迎广大客户来图、来样或亲到本公司选版定做!!
The Taliban said the strike proved the insurgent group's ability to hit the U. S. -led coalition whenever it chooses. 塔利班说,这次袭击证明了自己可随时袭击以美国为首的联合部队的能力。
When a lock is released, the system chooses the thread from the front of the highest-priority queue of contenders to try to lock the object. 释放锁以后,系统从争用者的最高优先级队列的前端选择线程,以便试图锁定对象。