
美 [kəˈrʌpt]英 [kə'rʌpt]
  • v.损坏;破坏;使腐化;使堕落
  • adj.贪污的;受贿的;腐败的;营私舞弊的
  • 网络败坏;贿赂;堕落的

第三人称单数:corrupts 现在分词:corrupting 过去式:corrupted

corrupt practice,corrupt government,corrupt officer,corrupt society


1.贪污的;受贿的;腐败的;营私舞弊的willing to use their power to do dishonest or illegal things in return for money or to get an advantage

2.不诚实的;不道德的dishonest or immoral

3.已变换的;有缺陷的;有错误的containing changes or faults, and no longer in the original state


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... correspond 符合;相当 corrupt 腐败的;贪污的 costume 服装 ...


露字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 庇护〖 protect;shelter;shield〗 败坏corrupt;ruin〗 同本义〖 dew〗 ...


六级核心高频词汇表878个 - 豆丁网 ... corps n. 军团,队,团,兵种 73, corrupt vt. 贿赂 a.腐败的 75, costume n. 装束,服装 76, ...


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... correspond 符合;相当 corrupt 腐败的;贪污的 costume 服装 ...


最让男人感动的电影 ... corrode vt 腐蚀,侵蚀 corrupt a 堕落的,腐败的,贪赃舞弊的 cosmic a 宇宙的;外层空间 ...

Those corrupt officials went from the desire to gain petty advantages to what can only be described as greed. 那些贪官污吏起初只是想占点小便宜,而后来则变得只能说是贪得无厌。
The thaw with the West lasted until Libyans rose up in mid-February against the persistence of a corrupt police state at home. 与西方关系的冰融一直持续到今年2月中旬利比亚公众起来反对卡扎菲的极权统治时才戛然而止。
This commemorates the death of a national hero, Qu Yuan, who drowned himself in protest against a corrupt government. 它是为了纪念屈原为反抗腐败的统治投江自尽而形成的传统节日。
He knew a lot of lawyers who defended people they knew were guilty. Politicians were all corrupt, he thought. 据他所知很多律师帮有罪的人辩护而政客们也都贪污腐败。
Or that, whether governments are corrupt and malign or merely negligent and incompetent, then sunlight is often the best disinfectant. 要论政府是否腐败邪恶或是疏忽无能,将其暴露在阳光下是再好不过的方式。
If it had not been for collusion between criminals and a few corrupt police officers, the drug ring would have been exposed long ago. 若不是因为罪犯们的串通和几个腐败的警方官员,这个贩毒集团早就被曝光了。
The recordings store has been determined to be corrupt, and was unrecoverable. It has been copied to a backup file. 已确定录制存储库损坏且无法恢复。已将录制内容复制到备份文件中。
No corrupt family background, no family heredity case history and the contagion case history, the body did not any OPS. 无腐败的家庭背景,无家族遗传病史和传染病史,身体未作过任何手术,无不良嗜好。
"If it isn't the most corrupt state in the United States, it's certainly one hell of a competitor, " Robert Grant told a press conference. “如果这儿不是美国最腐败的州,那它也定然是名列前茅的了。”罗伯特.格兰特在新闻发布会上如是说。
A mature men do not corrupt and he knows: get down to have fun than a pile of money to enjoy the sight of them more interesting. 一个成熟男人决不做贪官,他明白:踏踏实实地拥有快乐比提心吊胆地拥有一堆钱更有意思。
The present, he said, was corrupt, it must be destroyed, and out of this destruction the new would be built. 他认为当下是腐朽的,必须被摧毁。在废墟上建立新世界。
Some say many Chinese are reluctant to donate their wealth for fear that the money will end up in a corrupt organization. 有人说,许多中国人不愿意捐出他们的财富,是因为担心这些钱为一个腐败组织所用。
It takes considerable time for an official to gain a large sum of money by corrupt means and then organize to smuggle it out of the country. 一个官员要通过贪污手段赚取巨大金额的资金并组织偷运至国外需要花费大量时间。
Cameron, the Murdoch empire and the police have been involved in a corrupt attempt to subvert the democratic rights of the British people. 卡梅伦,默多克帝国和警察都被卷入了企图破坏英国人民民主权利的腐败事件之中。
Even countries best known as sources and recipients of corrupt payments are trying to meet international standards, at least on paper. 即便是最昭著的行贿和受贿国也努力达到国际标准,至少纸面上要如此。
Being making us be amazed, this place is often praised in order the very upright governor actually is a corrupt official. 令我们吃惊的是,这位常常被赞为十分正直的州长竟然是个贪官。
He represented a businessman who was murdered in April, he said for refusing a corrupt deal with the president. 他是4月被谋杀的一位商人的代表律师。该商人拒绝了与总统的腐败交易。
After the Opium War, the British imperialists stole it from the corrupt Qing government and made it a colony of Britain. 鸦片战争后英帝国主义者把它从腐败的清政府手中夺走,成为英国的殖民地。
Although it had many corrupt officials, the Kuomintang managed enterprises better than we do. 国民党贪官污吏多得很,但是办企业比我们好。
Mr Medvedev's article reads like a cry of desperation, an attempt to appeal to Russian progressives over the heads of corrupt bureaucrats. 梅文像是绝望的哭诉,试图以此打动俄罗斯改革论者而非向腐败官僚乞怜。
Then you spend years trying to corrupt and mislead this child, fill his head with nonsense, and still it turns out perfectly fine. 然后你花费数年的时间去腐化和误导这个孩子,往他的脑袋里填满废话,而这孩子依然成长的愈加完美。
Yet poor Nigerians fear that corrupt officials will pocket the savings. The subsidies at least benefit us a bit, they say. 然而可怜的尼日尼亚人害怕腐败的官员会把钱财揽入己有,补贴至少可以让我们得到一点好处,他们这么说道。
He said they themselves were corrupt and he was ready, as he put it, "to drop a few bombshells" . 他说,检查人员本身也是腐败的,用他自己的话说,他随时准备“投放几枚炸弹”。
How much I admire those imposing heroes but again, how much I detest the chaotic, corrupt times in which they lived. 我是多么崇拜英雄豪杰呀,但英雄豪杰辈出的时代斯文是扫地的。
After falling out with the American missionary, who he claimed was corrupt, he had an extremely unusual career change. 他说美国传教士很腐败,离开传教团后,他的职业来了一个一百八十度的转弯。
In this case, he said, "the land issue goes much deeper because of the involvement of corrupt local officials" . 而在本次事件中,他表示:“土地问题要深层得多,因为牵涉到腐败的地方官员。”
Lawyers who allow themselves to be in such a conflict are in a position to do injustice which inevitably can taint and corrupt the system. 律师让其处于有关冲突境况,将出现不公平情况,无可避免令体制败坏及腐化。
The LAPD officer who found a bloody glove outside Kato Kaelin's bedroom turned out to be a godsend for the defense's corrupt-police theory. 在卡托凯林的卧室外面发现一只带血的手套的LAPD官员证明是支持被告方腐败警察理论的天赐之物。
He is just a rookie police officer, and in two years, he will be just as corrupt as anyone. 他刚刚当上警察,用不了两年,他就一样贪了。刚参加工作不到一年的人叫。
Do not catch an exception unless you know how to handle it so that you do not corrupt the state of your program. 如果您不知道如何处理例外状况,请勿加以拦截,以免破坏程式的状态。