interest rates

  • adj.利率的
  • n.利息率;利率
  • 网络一般利率;利率水准;加息

复数:interest rates

interest ratesinterest rates

interest rates


希高翻译-经济词汇中英对照十六 ... interactive media 交互式媒体 interest rates 利率 internal data sources 内部数据来源 ...


影响欧元的因素\如何分辨汇率的涨跌 ... ... 1. The Eurozone: 欧元区 4. Interest Rates: 一般利率 7. Economic Data: 经济数据 ...


... 全日最低 Day Low 利息 Interest Rates 开市 Open ...


界定购物中心的市场价值-大中华地产... ... ·折扣( Discounting) ·利率水准( Interest Rates) ·复利计算( Compound Interest) ...


直到206年 7月14日加息(Interest rates)0.25%才告终了零利率战略。吾爱吾师,吾更爱真理。


OANDA ... Economic Calendar: 获取一个财经日历 Interest Rates: 查看利率 Trading Forums:OANDA 的互动论坛 ...


在货币市场上,古典政治经济学家认为利息率interest rates)充分灵活,并随着经济情况的变化而作出适时调整,使之对经济 …

Economists, they thought, were people who talked about whether interest rates would go up or down even though they did not know. 在他们的心目中,经济学家是那些尽管不知道答案、却在那里讨论利率是升是降的人。
Britain, at least, was able to tailor its interest rates to local conditions, but not by enough to prevent a housing bubble. 至少英国还能根据本土情况定制利率,但这仍不足以防止房市泡沫。
In a free market, interest rates, like the price of any other consumer good, are decentralized and set by the market. 在一个自由市场里,银行利率,像所有其它消费品的价格一样,应该由各家银行自己决定,由市场决定。
Using exchange and interest rates as well as the bank reserve requirement ratio to ensure liquidity in the banking system. 运用汇率、利率及银行准备金率确保银行系统的流动性。
The combination of an increased demand for real money and a decreased supply of real money pushed interest rates up to 15percent a year. 对真正的钱增加的要求和一个真正钱的被减少的补给组合推动了达到年15%的利率。
The Fed is now trying to push down long-term interest rates by buying mortgage-backed and perhaps Treasury securities. 美联储正试图通过购买按揭债券或者再加上国债,来推低长期利率。
The risk of slowing growth in response to a US slowdown strongly suggests that the Bank of Japan will keep interest rates unchanged. 美国经济的滑坡导致日本经济增长放缓的风险表明日本银行将继续维持现有利率水平。
They have no desire to put their money in a bank when real interest rates on deposits are negative. 在实际存款利率为负值之际,他们无意把钱存入银行。
Interest rates are expected to stay very low for longer than many thought possible just a few months ago. 预计利率将在很长一段时间内保持极低水平,这个时间可能比几个月前许多人所预期的还要长。
One reason to think not is that the central bank has not been able to raise interest rates anything like as quickly as it would like. 有人认为不会改变,一个原因是中央银行不会按照利率应该变化的速度来提高利率。
as it reflects the bank's response to the changing economic environment in general and to the sensitivity of interest rates in particular. 反映了银行对总的经济环境变化,特别是对利率变化敏感性的反应。
But now, to moderate that growth, Beijing is trying to tighten credit by restraining bank lending and by raising interest rates. 然而现在为控制那样的畸形发展,中国政府正试图通过限制银行贷款和提高利率的方式实施紧缩信贷政策。
Gold's rapid rising, to a great extent is result of US dollar's negative interest rates. coupled with inflation, gold have to rise. 黄金快速的上涨,很大一部分原因是美元的负利率导致的。再加上通胀,黄金不能不涨。不过,黄金接下来要怎么走还需要看美联储的货币政策变化。
The Bank of Spain watched the build-up of a real-estate bubble without being able to raise interest rates. 西班牙央行眼睁睁地看着本国房地产泡沫越吹越大,却无法上调利率。
In 2003, as a Fed governor, he was one of the loudest advocates of using low interest rates to insure against the calamity of deflation. 2003年,作为美联储主席,他在主张利用低利率来防止通缩灾难的鼓吹者之中,是声音最大的一个。
The big fear for the company has always been a spike in interest rates. 利率上升一直是房地产投资信托面临的重大隐忧。
Lower interest rates could reduce the cost of funding for businesses and individuals at a time of great financial strain. 减息可以在重大金融危机之际降低企业和个人的融资成本。
With interest rates at a measly . 001%, it seems silly to leave your savings sitting in the bank. 固定利率只有可怜的001%,于是把你的积蓄留在银行里变成了一种愚蠢的行为。
A rise in interest rates is often contemporaneous with an increase in inflation. 利率的提高常常与通货膨胀的增长同时出现。
With real interest rates on deposits at negative levels, the temptation to take money out of the bank and invest in property is powerful. 鉴于储蓄的实际利率为负值,从银行取出资金投向房地产的诱惑是强大的。
With Japanese interest rates now heading up as well, such investors may have to think of a new game. 由于日本利率现在也要上升了,这些投资者们也许要考虑开始一个新游戏了吧。
Economy is still expanding at a reasonably solid pace , and there is only expected to be a modest increase in US interest rates . 近期数据显示,美国的经济增长步伐仍相当稳健,预期美国的利率只会以和幅度上调。
In trying to prevent financial-market calamity, the Fed may find itself pushed by Wall Street to leave interest rates too low for too long. 美联储在努力防止金融危机的同时,也许会发现它在华尔街的影响下在太长的时间内把利率调得太低了。
Indeed, with such a policy, long-term interest rates might have been lower and the asset boom even bigger. 的确,如果爱尔兰实施这种政策,长期利率可能会更低,资产繁荣的规模更大。
Banks did not trust one another enough to lend to each other, causing a spike in interest rates charged to companies and governments. 银行间不再信任彼此和互相拆借,这导致公司和政府贷款的利率飙升。
But, banks should also be brave enough to say that, at current low interest rates, the free-if-in-credit model of banking is unsustainable. 但银行同样应该有足够的勇气说,在当前的低利率下,银行业的“有信用可免费”(free-if-in-credit)模式是不可持续的。
Only a few months ago, the US Federal Reserve was telling markets the next move in interest rates was likely to be up. 仅在数月前,美联储(Fed)还告诉市场,下一步的利率行动可能是上调。
Earlier this year it seemed that the Bank of England's next move might be a rise in interest rates as inflation was taking off again. 今年早些时候,英格兰银行的下一步行动可能是提高利率,因为英国通胀在次显现。
He said the modest price gains give the central bank time to breathe before hiking interest rates this fall. 他还说,在这个秋天之前加息,这个最适度的价格收益给了中央银行喘息的时间。
You are going with your adversary in the way, with him on and interest rates. 你同告你的对头还在路上,就赶紧与他和息。