
美 [ˈkaʊntər]英 [ˈkaʊntə(r)]
  • n.计算器;(商店、银行等的)柜台;(厨房的)操作台;棋子
  • v.反驳;驳斥;抵制;抵消
  • adv.逆向地;相反地;反对地
  • adj.反对的;一对中之一
  • 网络计数器;反击;筹码

第三人称单数:counters 现在分词:countering 过去式:countered

counter bid,counter threat,counter effect,counter propaganda,counter recession


1.(商店、银行等的)柜台a long flat surface over which goods are sold or business is done in a shop/store, bank, etc.

4.(电子)计数器,计算器an electronic device for counting sth

5.[ususing]~ (to sb/sth)(对意见、态度等的)反对,反驳a response to sb/sth that opposes their ideas, position, etc.


over the counter

(尤指购药)不凭处方goods, especially medicines, for saleover the counter can be bought without a prescription (= written permission from a doctor to buy a medicine) or special licence

under the counter

(商品销售)秘密地,暗地里,非法地goods that are bought or soldunder the counter are sold secretly and sometimes illegally


性能计数器counter)是描述服务器或操作系统性能的一些数据指标。计数器在性能测试中发挥着“监控和分析”的关键作用, …


商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... second-hand store 旧货店 counter 柜台 stall,stand 售货摊 ...


反击Counter) – 任何时候当你受到攻击,你有30%的概率立刻反击。(被动)扫堂腿(Sweep the leg) – 你的狂风步降低 …


考研英语常见词根的来历(词源) - 豆丁网 ... calcium 钙 11.2 counter 计算器→柜台→相反的 encounter 遭遇 ...


英语词汇的奥秘 ... corrugate 使起皱纹 counter- 反对,相反 counterrevolution 反革命 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... contraband 走私 counter- 表示"反对,相反" counteract 对抗;抵消 ...


筹字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 筹略〖 astutenessandresourcefulness〗 筹码counter;chip〗 筹谋〖 scheme;plan〗 ...

"We have never been better at taking bad people off the battlefield, " says John Nagl, an American counter-insurgency expert. “我们在战场上杀敌从来没有像现在这样局势占优”,反暴乱专家约翰纳格说。
At the onset of a headache, she had reached for a common over-the-counter (OTC) drug that she thought contained acetaminophen9. 在刚刚出现头疼症状时,她去取一种普通的非处方(OTC)药,以为这种药里含有醋氨酚。
Therefore, "Weavers, where the work of a small studio or home handicraft workshop is only part of the over-the-counter" 19. 因此,“织工在那里工作的小工房或家庭只不过是手工业工场的场外部分”19。
BPM is all about creating agility, so lengthy technology implementations run counter to the BPM mission. BPM就是要建立敏捷性,因此漫长的技术实施与BPM的任务是背道而驰的。
The taste has to be exceptionally sweet but just slightly vegetal, so you know it came from the earth and not the candy counter. 那味道必须异乎寻常的甜,但你还是清楚它源自植物,是生于土壤,而不是出自于糖果店柜台。
Well, Emily came into Mark Melcher' s drugstore one day and got behind the prescription counter and began to take on something awful. 然而有一天,埃米莉·霍顿小姐来到了马克·梅切尔的药店,径直走到了柜台后面,开始向马克讲述她的糟糕的情况。
But like a melting ice cube, the bank's franchise value would rapidly shrink as depositors, counter parties and staff all left. 但等储户、合约方和员工纷纷逃离之时,银行原有的特许经营权价值就会就像冰块融化一样迅速缩减。
Also, each and every time, as he slid the box of rolled coins across the counter at the bank toward the cashier, he would grin proudly. 每一次,当他把那盒卷成卷的钱推过银行的柜台,递给出纳员的时候,他总是骄傲地咧着嘴笑个不停。
We still have to improve at closing out games, we have to take advantage of every counter-attack that we get. 赛季最后的这些比赛,我们仍然必须要改进。我们要抓住每次反击的机会。
By this I don't just mean the rampant anti-Americanism on parts of the left. In a sense, that is relatively easy to counter. 我这么说并不仅仅意指由部分左派提出的猖獗的反美主义,在某种程度上那倒相对容易对付。
The name of the performance counter category, or performance object, with which the specified performance counter is associated. 性能计数器类别的名称或性能对象,指定的性能计数器与之关联。
The recent joint army and marines counter-insurgency manual says the central aim is not to destroy the enemy but to protect civilians. 陆军-海军陆战队联军最新的反叛乱手册说,中心目标不是消灭敌人而是保护平民。
Counter in System Monitor to determine how much memory is allocated by the instance of SQL Server running in AWE mode. 计数器可以确定在AWE模式下运行的SQLServer实例分配的内存量。
When they were waiting at the check-in counter. Mr. Smith began to question his wife about the things she had packed. 当他们在登记台等候的时候,史密斯先生开始问他的妻子关于她打包的东西的一些问题。
Everybody is so bearish right now that you would expect to be in the midst of a counter- trend rally, he said. 每个人(都)现在是如此悲观以至于你将期待是在一个逆倾向反弹的过程中,他说。
I stared at the long counter, covered in all the paraphernalia of a beauty salon, and began to feel my sleepless night. 我盯着一张长长的,放满各种美容美发工具的梳妆台,未眠夜的感受上来了。
Mary Ann stayed behind the counter helping customers, and finally I left her a note that was just a big question mark on a folded scrap. 玛丽安一直在柜台里帮助顾客,最后我找了张纸片给她留了个条儿。那上面只有一个大大的问号。
The mail order advertiser has no retailers to shrink and expand their inventories, to push his product or to hide it under the counter. 邮购商没有零售商来帮他减少、增加、促销或收藏其存货。
President Bush is trying to counter low poll numbers by refocusing public attention on Iraq and his efforts to improve the U. S. economy. 美国总统布什试图将公众的注意力重新转向伊拉克以及他争取改善美国经济的努力,以便扭转民意支持率偏低的局面。
Then the spring force on each one of them-- - if I call that the spring force-- will only have to be half to counter this force. 它们各自受到的弹力-,如果我称之为弹力-,将只会是,这个力的一半。
Knowing that I had not stopped anywhere since I left the airline ticket counter, I concluded I must have put it down there. 除了机场售票柜台,我没有停留在任何地方,肯定是把它放在那儿了。
The moment the lights went off, the man grabbed the jewels he was examining on the counter and slid out of the store. 当灯熄灭的时候,那个人抓起自己正在柜台边审视的珠宝溜出了商店。
we considered what seems to be a pretty powerful counter example to that idea. 我们想这似乎是对于这个观点极其有力的反证
We stand ready to work with the international community, Spain included, to push forward the international counter-terrorism campaign. 我们愿继续与包括西班牙和世界其他国家在内的国际社会共同努力,推动国际反恐斗争取得新进展。
I'm tired of trying to read through your bad English and counter your narrow-minded views with rationalization. 我对阅读你的蹩脚的英语和反驳你的狭隘观点已经感到厌倦了。
There was a bleak air about him as he looked at the small customer who flattened her ungloved hands on the counter. 当他看着这个小顾客把没戴手套的双手放在柜台上时,皮特的神情有些黯然。
Toward Bahrain, home of the U. S. Fifth Fleet, and Yemen, a partner in counter-terrorism, U. S. criticism was more muted. 美国对巴林和也门政府的批评声音很弱。巴林驻有美国第五舰队,也门是美国的反恐伙伴。
The counter argument to that was, how can you call it a world trade organization if China is not in it? 当时的针对性言论是,如果中国不加入又何谈世界贸易组织呢?
Rooney's threat came always from counter-attacks, getting the ball early around the halfway line, turning and attacking Chelsea's defence. 鲁尼的威胁总是来自于反击,在半场线附近得球,转身向前攻击切尔西的后防。
Airport have to tell you which flight display in which the counter, tickets, identification cards to airport check-in staff. 机场都有显示屏告诉你哪个航班在哪个柜台,将机票、身份证交给机场值机人员。