chinese new year

  • n.中国新年
  • 网络春节;农历新年;中国年

chinese new yearchinese new year

chinese new year


中国新年(chinese new year) chinese new year is coming and my family is very busy. it's because chinese new year is very spe...


三月八日妇女节的全称是什么_百度知道 ... 元旦: New year's 春节Chinese new year 元宵节: Festival of lanterns ...


  农历新年Chinese New Year):华人的春节,是一个热闹非凡的节日。节日的风谷和中国的的春节大致相同,到处张灯结彩 …


老美把中国年Chinese New Year)正名亚裔农历新年(Asian Lunar New Year)的原因1 1722 常识小百科 压岁钱的现代意 …


这次我们是配合饭店举办华人新年(Chinese New Year)优惠活动以每晚USD175的价钱入住3天2夜的Metropolitan Room(牌价US…


五年级上册英语_百度知道 ... 12. 元旦 new year’s day 13. 中国的新年;春节 Chinese New Year 14. 教师节 Teachers’ Day ...


英国风俗与节日 ... 2月 情人节 Valentine‘s Day 1月—2月 中国春节 Chinese New Year 3月 母亲节 Mother‘s Sunday ...


普乐途 ... 迷你节日 Mini Fêtes: 中国农历新年 Chinese New Year: 帕皮提-茉莉雅岛马拉松 Tahiti-Moorea Marathon: ...

You know, it's going to be Chinese New Year in less than a week, we carry beautiful looking lanterns and firecrackers. . . 你知道吧,咱离春节还不到一星期左右的时间了,我们这里有很多非常好看的灯笼和炮竹…
How much honored we are that Your Excellency is gracing us with your presence at this very festive event to celebrate the Chinese New Year. 我们很高兴总统阁下您能出席本次中国新年庆祝活动,您的莅临令我们不胜荣幸。
Happy Chinese New Year to you and good health as well as a good balance of spiritual and material wealth. . . and chocolate cake. 祝你农历新年快乐身体健康,在精力和物质财富上都能取得均衡…还有朱古力蛋糕也是。
"I'm the only one who returned after Chinese new year, " she said. 她表示:“我是唯一在春节后返城的。”
Just a normal morning passed, I decided to go back to China over the Chinese New Year. 就是过了一个不经意交谈的清晨,我决定了,过年回国。
On a Chinese New Year's Eve , my uncle spoke to me in Chinese , but all I could do was stare at him , confused , scratching my head . 有一年的农历年的除夕,叔叔跟我说汉语,我只瞪著他,很困惑,搔著头皮。
My own Chinese New Year feast started out with three seafood dishes-King's crab. Thai-style scallops and steamed shrimp. 而我自己的中国新年大餐则以皇帝螃蟹、泰国干贝和清蒸大虾等三种海味来大刷口福。
Growing up in London her parents continued the tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year. 在她于伦敦长大的过程中,其父母仍保持着过中国新年的传统。
The Kitchen God's job is to watch over the family for a year. His watch begins on the eve of Chinese New Year. 他的工作是照管每个家庭,从农历除夕开始,为期一年。
States: at home people do not know, my back does Chinese New Year also. 明:家里人不知道,我春节还回去了呢。
Note: In western countries, the Spring Festival is often referred to as Chinese New Year. 在西方国家,春节通常被称为“中国的新年”。
Well, I've got to go now. . . and here I wish all of you a prosperous Chinese New Year filled with lots of Happiness, Health and Wealth! 好啦,我必须走了喔…我希望大家都有一个充满著喜悦,健康,和财富的农历新年啦!
Master Wang, Thank you for having us here, and a very happy Chinese New Year to each and everyone one of you. 感谢您邀请我们来到这里,并希望您们每一位渡过一个非常愉快的中国新年!
Since my family is all in London, I was invited to celebrate Chinese New Year's Eve at my friend's house. 由于我的家人全在伦敦,所以我受邀在朋友家过中国新年的除夕。
The traditional Chinese New Year itself, also called Spring Festival, is a time of renewed hope for a prosperous future. 中国传统的新年,同样称作春节。意味着充满繁荣昌盛愿望的新的一年开始起步。
I cannot imagine how lucky I am to be able to spend Chinese New Year with my family here in Brunei! So lucky indeed. . . 我不敢相信我是如此幸运,可以在文莱和我的家人一起度过春节,我实在是太幸运了……
For those who reunite with their relatives, Chinese New Year can be the sweetest time of the year, and the worst time as well. 对那些回家和亲人团聚的人来说,中国春节是一年中最美好的时刻,但也是最折腾人的时刻。
After her mother's carefully cultivated, before the Chinese New Year, my family, like the daffodils, like shy little girl slowly opened. 经过妈妈的精心培育,今年春节前,我家的水仙花像害羞的小姑娘一样慢慢开放了。
Chinese new year has no year sense any more, no mon's chatter , no expecting for new clothes, beginning my actual life. 年越来也没了年味,没了妈妈的唠叨,没了对年初一从头到脚都要穿新衣服的期盼,开始了实实在在自己的生活。
On the Chinese New year Eve, i can't be with you, but i had a eastern and western mixed happy New Year with some Chinese friends here! 除夕之夜,妈妈不能和你在一起,不过我和几个哥哥姐姐也一起过了一个中西合璧,热闹欢乐的大年!
Meanwhile, the company is also on the nose with China's netizens after its network broke down less than two weeks out from Chinese New Year. 而在国内,由于离春节不到两个星期的时候出现网络崩溃,银联也成了网民的众矢之的。
Chinese New Year's Eve night, I will paste the New Year together and dad to help her mother hold dumplings. 大年三十晚上我会和爸爸一起贴春联,帮妈妈包饺子。
Macquarie's Mr Lau says "they may as well just shut down and take a three-month holiday for Chinese New Year" . 麦格理的刘华仁表示,“他们不如干脆关闭工厂,然后放3个月的春节假。”
But any increases in interest rates or controls on lending were unlikely before Chinese New Year in February, he said. 但他表示,在明年2月中国春节之前,不太可能出台上调利率或控制放贷的措施。
Thanksgiving Day in the United States are in a family together, like the Chinese New Year as, emphasize the round and round circle circle. 美国人在感恩节中一定要合家欢聚,就像中国人过年一样,强调团团圆圆。
Thank you for your Christmas cards, you know that Chinese New Year Chinese it? 谢谢你的圣诞卡片,你知道中国的春节吗?
Chinese New Year has passed, do not know if you still remember the Chinese New Year then? 中国的春节已经过去了,不知道你是否还记得中国的春节呢?
It's Lantern Festival all over the island this month, immediately following the end of last month's Chinese New Year holiday. 紧接著上个月的春节,这个月台湾岛屿各处都在过元宵节。
Tina: I'm pleased to see you cleaning, but it's Chinese New Year. You'll sweep all of our good luck away. 蒂娜:看到你在打扫我当然高兴,但现在是农历新年,你会把所有好运扫掉。
I eloped and were not linked with you, also the Chinese New Year holiday to call home ah. 真和人私奔,不跟你联系,过年过节也该给家里打电话啊。