
美 [klu]英 [kluː]
  • n.提示;迹象;(纵横填字谜、游戏或问题的)提示词语
  • v.提示;为…提供线索
  • 网络暗示;妙探寻凶;端倪

复数:clues 现在分词:clueing 过去式:clued

important clue
find clue,provide clue


n. v.

1.~ (to sth)(帮助警方破案的)线索,迹象an object, a piece of evidence or some information that helps the police solve a crime

2.~ (to sth)(问题答案的)线索,提示a fact or a piece of evidence that helps you discover the answer to a problem

3.(纵横填字谜、游戏或问题的)提示词语,解答提示some words or a piece of information that helps you find the answers to a crossword , a game or a question


not have a clue

一无所知;不知怎么做to know nothing about sth or about how to do sth


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... succeed vi 成功;取得成功 clue n 线索;提示词语 △ Tibetan adj 西藏的;藏族人的 ...


人教版高中英语必修5单词_百度文库 ... n. severe 严重的;剧烈的;严厉的 adj. clue 线索;提示 n. pump 泵;抽水机 n. (用泵…


英语四级词汇(整理版,16页,可直接打印) - 豆丁网 ... club n. 俱乐部,夜总会 clue n. 线索,暗示,提示 clumsy a. 笨拙的; …


clue的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... clue n.吊铺索,线索 clue n.线索,迹象 clue n.线索,暗示,思路; ...


 《妙探寻凶(Clue)》是一款有着60多年历史的推理游戏,下面让我们一起来关注一下游戏的部分信息:游戏背景:   受到朋友约 …


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... awkward a. 笨拙的,棘手的 213. clue n. 线索,提示 214. collision n. 碰撞,冲突 215. ...


端字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 端木〖 asurname〗 端倪〖 generalshape;clue;inkling〗 端凝〖 elegant〗 ...


都有哪些电影是双结局的?_百度知道 ... 14、Changing Lanes 变线人生 17、Clue 逐个捉 18、Dance with a Stranger 英伦孽恋 …

The only clue was the word "Croatoan" carved into a post of the fort and "Cro" carved into a nearby tree. 唯一的线索就是被刻在堡垒上的“Croatoan”和刻在一棵树上的“Cro”。
Jessica is going back to Holland next week. I've been thinking a lot about what to give her as a parting gift, but I still have no clue. 杰西卡下周就要会荷兰了,我一直在想该选个东西作为分别的礼物,但是还没有头绪。
In her study, Rivera found a clue in a particular protein that flourished in the mice that got the Western diet. 在研究中,他们发现按照西方饮食习惯喂养的老鼠身上有一种特有的蛋白质,从而找到一条线索。
A crucial clue was the appearance of alpha waves, which typically correlate with a state of relaxation. 阿尔法波是一条重要的线索,尤其是处于放松状态时。
If they were singing, there was no methane about, but if they dropped over then the miners had their clue to leave the mine shaft quickly! 如果它们在鸣叫,周围就没有甲烷,但如果它们掉了下来,那矿工就知道端倪,赶紧离开了矿井!
Despite the fact that the company sent me a fair amount of information, I nevertheless had not a clue what the product is. 尽管这家金融服务公司提供了大量产品信息,我还是不明白产品是什么。
The only other clue comes from the fact that the heart is on the left side of the mother's body. 还有另外的一条思路,而它的依据则是心脏在母亲身体的左侧的这个事实。
Sometimes a brain did not idle all day, but still no clue reasons. 有时候一整天脑子没闲着,却始终理不出头绪。
"Last dinner" a few words brake occurs when the heart, empty, is sad, sad, don't give up, I also points are not clear, I haven't got a clue. “最后一次聚餐”几字刹时出现,心里空空的,是伤心,难过,不舍,我也分不清,我也搞不清楚。
Sometimes it felt less like childcare and more like a demented game of Clue -- and I knew who'd end up in the ballroom with the rope. 有时,我感觉这都不像是在育儿,更像是在打疯狂的“妙探寻凶”游戏—当然,我知道最终谁会在宴会厅中拿着绳子。
He didn't have a clue what was going on, but he didn't seem to be being expelled, and some of the feeling started coming back to his legs. 他还没弄清要发生什么呢,不过好像并不是要开除他出校。太好了!哈利那一直只会机械地移动的腿终于有了点点知觉了。
"I worked for him for seven years and I had no clue, " said Jack Sala, now the engineering manager for Truckee Precision, a B&J competitor. “我为他工作了7年,从不知此事,”杰克·撒拉说,他现在是特拉基精密(B&J公司的竞争对手)的工程经理。
When you mentioned Fiona's hair, it was the clue that told me you were probably beginning to see the color red. 我以前就注意到了。当你提到费欧娜的头发,那给了我一个线索,或许你开始看到红色。
If she were just doing it because she had no earthly clue what else to do with her life, that would be different. 如果Cindi做侍应生只是因为她不知道她还能什么其他的,那又是另外一回事。
I haven't a clue, said Moshe. First he said to me that we had three days to Get out of Italy , so I gave him the finger! 我也不知道。首先他限我们三天内要走,我就用一个侮辱的手势回应。
If you had seen Him in the carpentry shop, you wouldn't have had a clue about His deity. 若你在木匠店里看见他,你可能也对他的神性一无所知。
Sometimes deep textual research is necessary because a bit of record probably give us the clue to a large earthquake event. 历史上的某些点滴记载有时可能是大地震事件的线索,值得深入考证;
Investigators also found a $40 check made out to Zhu in Yang's room, a further clue the two were well acquainted with each other. 调查人员还在杨欣屋内发现了一张写给朱海洋的40美元支票,这一线索进一步表明了两人很熟。
The only clue was a line of incense sticks and half-burnt funeral candles along the side of the road. 沿路一侧摆放的一排香火和还没烧完的蜡烛暗示了这一点。
"Boon. " Signal clue him to leave the thing, the warfare Chun Xuan modified consideration to return again in of appraisal report up. “恩。”示意他把东西留下,战淳轩重新将注意力调回了手中的评估报告上。
I believe that the clue to his mind is to be found in his unusual powers of continuous concentrated introspection. 我相信在他非同一般地持续的集中内省的力量中,将发现他思想的线索。
The unusual, primitive quality of the various creatures gave Darwin a clue to the theory that changes take place in living forms. 各种各样的生物所具有的异乎寻常的原始特性,给达尔文的变化产生在生存方式中这个理论提供了线索。
All the grief always leaves a joy to a clue, all sorry they leave a place in the corner of the perfect. 所有的悲伤总会留下一丝欢乐的线索,所有的遗憾总会留下一处完美的角落。
He then changed all the passwords so I now have no clue who we owe or how much. 然后他改变了密码,所以我现在没有线索知道我们欠款的对象,也不知道欠了多少。
When he recovered himself, his first impulse was to follow the man; who knows whether he did not hold at last the clue which he was seeking? 当他的心情安定下来后,他的第一个动作便是去追那人,谁知他这次不会抓住他所寻找的线索呢?
He scrutinized the book page by extremely meticulous page, trying to find any clue others might have missed. 他极端仔细地一页一页地细读这本书,想从中发现别人可能错过的线索。
He opened his eyes, and for a moment didn't have a clue where he was. Totally disorienting, waking up on a plane. 他睁开了双眼,在那一刻中他对于自己的处境没有一点印象,完全搞不清楚自己怎么在一架飞机上醒来。
The finding offers a clue about just how much language affects our understanding of numbers, researchers say. 研究者称,这个发现只能说明语言对理解数字到底有多大影响。
"I haven't a clue, " I said. We laughed at the idea that we had been speaking as if we knew what we were talking about. “我也一窍不通”我说。之后两人大笑不已,我们装做很懂的样子聊得热火朝天而实际上两人都不知道自己在说什么。
So the biologist looks at the chickens, examines them a bit, and says he has no clue what could be wrong with them. 生物学家对鸡做了一番检查,最后说,不知道鸡得的什麽病。